
Faculty Planning and Leadership

In 2010, the Faculty Curriculum Committee (FCC) appointed a task force, led by Brenda Roman, M.D., Assoociate Dean for Medical Education, to define the key components for a new curriculum and provide guideposts for moving forward. In 2011, the FCC created the WrightCurriculum Steering Committee to commence the detailed planning and development for the entering class of the 2017-18 academic year (Class of 2021).

As of June 15, 2017 the following faculty and students serve on the committees responsible for building and evaluating the WrightCurriculum.

WrightCurriculum Steering Committee

Brenda Roman, M.D., Medical Education (chair)
Amanda Bell, M.D., Medical Education/Family Medicine
Bruce Binder, M.D., Ph.D., Family Medicine
Anne Burke, M.D., Pediatrics
Colleen Hayden, M.S., Medical Education
Kamari Jackson, M.D. candidate, Year 3
Paul Koles, M.D., Pathology
Sabrina Neeley, Ph.D., Medical Education/Community Health
Irina Overman, M.D., Internal Medicine/Geriatircs
John Paietta, Ph.D., Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Dean Parmelee, M.D., Medical Education
LeAnn Poston, M.D., Student Affairs
Stacey Poznanski, D.O., Emergency Medicine
Mark Rich, M.D., Ph.D., Neuroscience, Cell Biology & Physiology
Megan Smith, M.D. candidate, Year 2
Amber Todd, Ph.D., Medical Education
Greg Toussaint, M.D., Pediatrics/Admissions
Mary Jo Trout, Pharm.D., Medical Education/Geriatrics/Pharmacology & Toxicology
Leonid Yermakov, M.D./Ph.D. candidate

Former Contributors to the WrightCurriculum Steering Committee

Steven J. Berberich, Ph.D., Associate Provost
Wright State University; Professor, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Larry Prochaska, Ph.D., Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Adam Deardorff, M.D., Ph.D. (Class of 2017)
Anthony Oddo, M.D. (Class of 2017)

Membership of the Leadership Groups


Chris Wyatt, Ph.D., Neuroscience, Cell Biology & Physiology (co-chair)
Brenda Roman, M.D., Medical Education (co-chair)
Sheela Barhan, M.D., Obstetrics & Gynecology
Kate Conway, M.D., Family Medicine
Gary Nieder, Ph.D., Neuroscience, Cell Biology & Physiology
Marc Raslich, M.D., Internal Medicine/Pediatrics
Cassandra Milling, M.D., Neurology
Melissa Roelle, M.D., Surgery
Melissa Whitmill, M.D., Surgery
Ryan Mast, D.O., Psychiatry
Erica Taylor, M.D., Pediatrics
Irina Overman, M.D., Internal Medicine/Geriatrics
Mary White, Ph.D., Community Health
Jennifer Hilgeman, M.D. candidate
David Shoemaker, M.D. candidate
Kevin Purcell, M.D. candidate
Stephanie Welsh, M.D. candidate
Colleen Hayden, M.S., Medical Education

Advanced Doctoring

Mary Jo Trout, Pharm.D., Medical Education (co-chair)
Stacey Poznanski, DO, Emergency Medicine (co-chair)
Miri Lader, M.D., Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions
Adrian Corbett, Ph.D., Neuroscience, Cell Biology & Physiology
Tim Janz, M.D., Emergency Medicine/Internal Medicine (2014-2015)
Meaghan Ebetino, M.D., Family Medicine resident
Haley Sauder, M.D., Emergency Medicine resident
Chad Hyer, M.D. candidate
Julia Lantry, M.D. candidate
Colleen Hayden, M.S., Medical Education

Origins 1

Paul Koles, M.D., Pathology
John Paietta, Ph.D., Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Nick Reo, Ph.D., Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Peter Reynolds, M.D., Family Medicine

Origins 2

Smita Krishnamurthy, M.D., Pathology/Dermatology
Irina Overman, M.D., Internal Medicine/Geriatrics
Mary Jo Trout, Pharm.D., Medical Education/Geriatrics/Pharmacology & Toxicology
Chris Wyatt, Ph.D., Neuroscience, Cell Biology & Physiology

Staying Alive

Irina Overman, M.D., Internal Medicine/Geriatrics/Medical Education
Tim Janz, M.D., Emergency Medicine/Internal Medicine
Paul Koles, M.D., Pathology
Michael Matott, Ph.D., Neuroscience, Cell Biology & Physiology
Gary Onady, M.D., Internal Medicine/Pediatrics
Mary Jo Trout, PharmD., Medical Education/Geriatrics/Pharmacology & Toxicology
Amanda Bell, M.D., Medical Education

Beginning To End

Kennon Miller, M.D., Pathology
Amanda Bell, M.D., Medical Education
Michael Matott, Ph.D., Neuroscience, Cell Biology & Physiology

Balance, Control & Repair

Mark Rich, M.D., Ph.D., Neuroscience, Cell Biology & Physiology
Beth Harper, M.D., Psychiatry
Smita Krishnamurthy, M.D., Pathology
Michael Matott, Ph.D., Neuroscience, Cell Biology & Physiology

Clinical Medicine

Gregory Toussaint, M.D., Pediatrics


How to Get Involved

Thank you for inquiring as to how you can help facilitate teaching and learning activities in the WrightCurriculum. We will be providing numerous faculty development opportunities over the next several months to provide faculty with training on how to prepare for and facilitate Peer Instruction, Team-Based Learning, and WrightQ (please refer to Teaching, Learning, Feedback, & Assessment page for more details on each learning modality). In addition, we also need interested faculty to be involved as Professional Identity: Answering the Call facilitators, Scholarly Project mentors, and Clinical Medicine preceptors.

If you are interested in all or some of the opportunities listed above or would like more information about these needs, please contact Colleen Hayden, Manager of Curriculum & Instructional Design, in the Department of Medical Education. Include your department, contact information, and how you would like to be more involved: 

  • Peer Instruction
  • Team-Based Learning
  • WrightQ
  • Professional Identity: Small group facilitators
  • Scholarly Project mentors
  • Clinical Medicine preceptors


Last edited on 02/29/2024.