
How to Get Involved

Thank you for inquiring as to how you can help facilitate teaching and learning activities in the WrightCurriculum. We will be providing numerous faculty development opportunities over the next several months to provide faculty with training on how to prepare for and facilitate Peer Instruction, Team-Based Learning, and WrightQ (please refer to Teaching, Learning, Feedback, & Assessment page for more details on each learning modality). In addition, we also need interested faculty to be involved as Professional Identity: Answering the Call facilitators, Scholarly Project mentors, and Clinical Medicine preceptors.

If you are interested in all or some of the opportunities listed above or would like more information about these needs, please email Colleen Hayden, Manager of Curriculum & Instructional Design, in the Office of Medical Education. Include your department, contact information, and how you would like to be more involved: 

  • Peer Instruction
  • Team-Based Learning
  • WrightQ
  • Professional Identity: Answering the Call small group facilitators
  • Scholarly Project mentors
  • Clinical Medicine preceptors
Last edited on 05/10/2017.