Excellence in Emergency Medicine Training and Research
The Department of Emergency Medicine at Wright State University's Boonshoft School of Medicine equips medical students and residents with critical skills for acute care, patient evaluation, and procedural expertise.
About the Department
The educational goal of the department is to provide medical students and residents with the necessary skills to apply acute care and decision making, approach a patient with an undifferentiated chief complaint and enhance their procedural skills. Boonshoft School of Medicine actively supports our ACGME-accredited residency program and provides our residents with the training and skills to secure certification in emergency medicine. Over the last five years, more than 10 percent of those graduating from the school have entered emergency medicine residencies. The school remains well above the national average of 6.8 percent.
The department includes 19 core faculty and more than 100 voluntary clinical faculty. All maintain active teaching roles in the residency.
The department has an active research program with an emphasis in neuroscience, pre-hospital care and education. Two new simulation centers (medical and pre-hospital) support the educational programs and educational research. Extramural funding has come from the NIH, NASA, AHA, ODH and private foundations.
As a full academic department in a community-hospital based medical school, we graduate highly competent and compassionate physicians with a strong foundation in the practice of emergency medicine, as well as with resiliency, well being and a dedication to lifelong learning. Our program encompasses clinical and didactic experience in emergency and critical care medicine, emergency department and emergency medical services administration, teaching techniques, and principles of research and publication.
- Graduate civilian and military emergency physicians capable of working in any setting across the globe
- Provide exposure to a wide range of patient ages, backgrounds, and pathology through rotations at multiple hospitals in the region
- Integrate the latest in technology and evidence-based medicine into the clinical practice and didactic education of our residents and medical students
- Select and train residents from diverse backgrounds who will use their skills and training to benefit communities in need and, in the case of our military residents, protect and serve our country wherever they are deployed
- Emergency medicine education should reflect breadth and depth, with a wide range of exposure to patients with differing backgrounds in a variety of settings
- Resident physicians must learn through hands-on experience and graduated responsibility throughout residency
- Resident physicians are best taught by working closely with board-certified emergency physicians coming from a broad background to include community-based and academic practice
- Emergency medicine plays a vital role in undergraduate medical education, teaching student doctors how to approach patients with undifferentiated complaints, identify life-threatening illness, and apply acute care at the bedside
- Emergency medicine does not begin and end at the doors of the emergency department. Emergency physicians should have experience in prehospital & in-hospital medicine, critical care, and other core areas that directly impact patient care
- Emergency physicians play a role in the community beyond their clinical practice, taking an active role in local, regional, state and national organizations, to include military medicine, and these roles should be fostered in residency training