Substance Abuse Resources & Disability Issues (SARDI)

Integrated Continuum-of-Care Services (ICS)


The purpose of the Integrated-Continuum-of-care Services (ICS) project was to reduce the impact of substance abuse, mental health problems, and HIV among African Americans and other adults. The ICS project provided the following services: screening for substance abuse and mental health risk and referrals; educational sessions; HIV and hepatitis risk screenings; HIV and hepatitis C rapid testing; referral for hepatitis vaccinations; and referral for medical treatment for anyone testing positive for HIV or hepatitis.


Two goals guided the project:

  • To expand access to outpatient substance abuse treatment, mental health treatment, and substance abuse prevention for primarily African American males and females, aged 18 and over, who lived in Montgomery County
  • To expand access to HIV and hepatitis testing, education, and treatment services through the provision of on-site access to rapid testing and support services.


For participants in prevention, there was improvement in their perceptions of risks associated with substance use and having sex while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. The recognition of risk associated with marijuana use was statistically significant.

For participants who had both a baseline interview and six-month follow-up interview, the mean AUDIT score reduced significantly with more participants scoring in the low risk category at follow-up and fewer participants fallling into the high risk and harmful use categories.

A lower score on the DAST indicates improvement, and the mean score reduced from baseline to follow-up. The change was statistically significant. A larger number of participants scored in the no risk category at follow-up and fewer participants scored in the substantial or severe risk categories.

Participants showed a statistically significant improvement in their satisfaction with life with more participants reporting some level of satisfaction with their situations at follow-up.
Participants showed a statistically significant change in the severity of reported depression indicating less depression at follow-up.

Grant Type

Direct Service

Funded By

Grant No.


Principal Investigator

Jo Ann Ford

Primary Contact

Partner Agencies

Publications and Presentations

  • Ford, J.A., Gaddis, R., Kissell, K.M., & Kinzeler, N.R. (2018, August 27-30). Comparing two HIV prevention programs for African American women in Dayton, OH [Poster presentation]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention STD Prevention Conference Washington, D.C., United States.
  • Kissell, K. M., Gaddis, R., Williams, J., & Ford, J. A. (2017b, November 4-8). Integrating behavioral health services: Screening, prevention, treatment, and HIV testing [Poster presentation]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Atlanta, GA.
  • Kissell, K. M., Gaddis, R., Williams, J., & Ford, J. A. (2017a, March 19-22). Integrating behavioral health treatment with HIV testing and aftercare services: A preliminary analysis [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting, Tucson, AZ, United States.
  • Ford, J. A. (2/16/2016). SAMSHA MAI CoC Webinar Series: Grantee Roundtable Discussion. Webinar presented to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration and other grantees.
  • Wilson, J. and Ford, J. A. (8/12/2016). Heroin Epidemic in the IDD Population. Webinar presentation to the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities.
Last edited on 03/30/2022.