On this page:
- Dayton Children's Hospital
- Kettering Medical Center
- Miami Valley Hospital
- Dayton Veterans Affairs Medical Center
- Wright-Patterson Medical Center

Dayton Children's Hospital
Dayton Children's Hospital
One Children's Plaza
Dayton, OH 45404
937-641-3000; (800) 228-4055
Fifty percent of the 155 beds in this modern pediatric center are devoted to surgery. Aranda Arturo, M.D., is the site director. Two Wright State University residents, two residents from Grandview Hospital and four outside rotators provide the only general pediatric surgery resident involvement at this institution.

Kettering Medical Center
Kettering Medical Center
3535 Southern Boulevard
Kettering, OH 45429
This 458-bed suburban hospital has 188 acute surgical beds. It provides a broad spectrum of general surgery and a dedicated Head and Neck Service. Rebecca Tuttle, M.D., is the site director. Seven to eight Wright State University surgical residents are assigned to this institution.

Miami Valley Hospital
Miami Valley Hospital
One Wyoming Street
Dayton, OH 45409
This 973-bed facility provides extensive experience in trauma care. The regional trauma center and a regional burn unit for major adult thermal burns are located here. Cathline Layba, M.D., is the site director. Sixteen to eighteen Wright State University surgical residents are assigned to this site. The Department of Surgery's administrative offices are located at this institution, as well as the office of the chair, Randy Woods, M.D.

Dayton Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Dayton Veterans Affairs Medical Center
4100 W. Third Street
Dayton, OH 45428
This federal facility has 91 acute care beds and, together with its other chronic and extended care components, ranks as the second largest V.A. medical center in the nation. Louisa Pecchioni, M.D., is the site director. Five to six Wright State University surgical residents are assigned to this hospital.

Wright-Patterson Medical Center
Wright-Patterson Medical Center
88th Medical Group/SGE
4881 Sugar Maple Drive
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-5529
This 57-bed facility is a regional referral center for the Department of Defense Tricare Region V and is one of the premier medical training centers in the U.S. Air Force. It serves a large active-duty and dependent population as well as the local community of military retirees. Three Wright State University surgical residents are assigned to this hospital per rotation.