Anatomical Gift Program

Annual Ceremony of Appreciation

Ceremony of Appreciation 2022

Family members and friends of donors to the Anatomical Gift Program are invited to honor and remember their loved ones in an annual Ceremony of Appreciation each fall. Invitations are mailed to family members during the month of August.

Following each Ceremony of Appreciation, family and friends of the donors may visit Rockafield Cemetery on the campus of Wright State University. Transportation to Rockafield Cemetery will be provided. (No personal vehicles may be driven to the cemetery on this day.) Students, faculty members and administrators who benefit from the anatomical gifts are active participants in the Ceremony of Appreciation.

If you have any questions about the annual Ceremony of Appreciation, please do not hesitate to contact us at (937) 775-3066, and we will be happy to assist you.


Last edited on 05/20/2022.