Anatomical Gift Program

Rockafield Cemetery

Rockafield Cemetery is located on the campus of Wright State University. Burial in the cemetery is open to all donors of the Anatomical Gift Program.

All areas of the cemetery are accessible and open daily to the public except during the annual Ceremony of Appreciation, when visitation is restricted to friends and family members of those who are being honored in the ceremony.

The beautiful brick walkway in Rockafield Cemetery is composed of memorial bricks that have been purchased by the families and friends of donors to the Anatomical Gift Program. Purchase of a brick is optional and may be made regardless of whether a donor is buried in Rockafield Cemetery or not. Memorial bricks bear the donor’s name, year of birth and year of death. For more information on how to purchase a memorial brick, please call (937) 775-3066.

View a slide show of Rockafield Cemetery

Last edited on 05/30/2018.