
Academic Advising and Support


Early identification of problems begins with pre-matriculation performance, self- assessment academic evaluations, and optional diagnostic testing, supplemented by frequent course testing, and observations by faculty and staff. Designated staff persons in the Offices of Medical Education and Student Affairs and Admissions monitor student performance on all assessments throughout the academic year in accordance with LCME element 11.1 below. If indicated, these individuals will initiate discussions with at-risk students, course/module directors, Academic Advisor/Peer Tutoring Program Supervisor, Medical Education Learning Specialist, or other appropriate support personnel.

LCME element 11.1
"A medical school has an effective system of academic advising and support in place for medical students that integrates the efforts of faculty members, course and clerkship directors and student affairs staff with its counseling and tutorial services and to ensure that medical students can obtain academic counseling from individuals who have no role in making assessment or promotion decisions about them."


Academic Advising and Referral

The Academic Advisor/Peer Tutoring Program Supervisor, Medical Education Learning Specialist, all members on the Learning Support Team in the Department of Medical Education, will notify a student whose progress in a course/module/clerkship is not satisfactory. In such cases, the student is responsible for scheduling an appointment with the any of the three members. A member of the Team will recommend a mutually agreed upon intervention or study plan for the student. The plan may include recommendations that the student meet with the Academic Advisor/Peer Tutoring Program Supervisor to seek group or private tutoring. Students may meet with any Learning Support Team member to discuss altering study and time management skills, seek additional financial assistance, professional counseling, or other measures that may assist the student in having successful academic outcomes. It is the responsibility of the student to implement the plan. The student may also contact the Office of Student Affairs and Admissions for guidance.

Individual Support Meetings

Students may meet individually with any of the Learning Support Team to discuss and review pre-meeting question feedback analysis, and high-stakes exam performance related to their strengths and opportunities.

Exam Reviews

Exam review sessions are also available to all students.

Peer Tutoring Services

Individual and small group tutors are available to students upon request made to the Academic Advisor/Peer Tutoring Program Supervisor. Tutor assignments are made by contacting the Academic Advisor/Peer Tutoring Program Supervisor.

Peer Tutoring

Students who request a Peer Leader Tutor through the Academic Advisor/Peer Tutoring Program Supervisor are subsequently matched with a trained tutor and notified by email. The Peer Leader Tutor is also notified of the match/assignment. According to the Medical Student Handbook, it is the responsibility of the student (tutee) to contact the Peer Leader Tutor to set up a meeting time. Most tutoring sessions take place weekly, although there may be some weeks in which the tutee or Peer Leader Tutor is unavailable.

  • All sessions are required to be done either virtually or in person
  • Within 24 hours of assignment notification, tutees are expected to make an appointment with their assigned tutor
  • Appointments cannot be made more than 4 days in advance
  • Missing more than two appointments without 24-hour advanced cancellation will require the tutee to see the Academic Advisor in order to continue to be eligible to use the tutoring services
  • Canceling more than two appointments during a term will require the tutee to see the Academic Advisor in order to continue to use the services

Academic Support Services - Doctoring Phase

During the Doctoring phase of the curriculum, the following additional academic support services are available to the students:

  • Clerkship directors, preceptors, and residents are available to assist students throughout the clerkship experience. Students should take responsibility for seeking help as soon as they are aware of academic or other problems that may interfere with clinical performance. The clerkship director has a number of resources available to help students be successful. In some cases, the clerkship director, the Associate Dean for the Department of Medical Education, and the student's advisor/mentor may consult to determine the best approach to helping a student
  • A student with an academic or behavioral problem may be assigned to a faculty academic mentor
  • Students may be placed in a non-graded clerkship to work on specific deficiencies. The Student Promotions Committee determines the objectives and monitors the student's progress through the clerkship
  • A student may need to take a leave of absence in order to resolve a problem (see Leave of Absence policy).

Leading Support Team


Laura M Johnson, Ed.D., M.S., M.Ed.

Student Affairs & Admissions-SOM
Academic Advisor, Peer Tutoring Program Supervisor
White Hall 249, 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, OH 45435-0001

Sarah Rose Hipple, M.Ed.

Student Affairs & Admissions-SOM
Medical Education Learning Specialist
White Hall 170, 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, OH 45435-0001


Last edited on 09/05/2024.