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Why Choose Pharmacology and Toxicology?
The discipline of pharmacology is oriented toward the study of the interactions between drugs and biological systems. Included among such studies are determining the nature of drug-receptor interactions, examination of the intracellular responses to receptor activation, the evaluating effects of drugs and transmitters on biological entities ranging from cells to whole organisms and discovering new treatments for diseases. As such, pharmacology encompasses a large variety of research techniques which provides for a wide range of career opportunities. The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) provides an overview of the fundamentals and applications of pharmacology in its brochure, Explore Pharmacology (PDF).
Traditionally, toxicology has been thought of as the study of poisons. Today the increased awareness of the potential harm from substances in our air, food and water has generated tremendous interest in toxicology research. Society wants to know if these chemicals are really dangerous and what levels are safe. Toxicology combines the elements of biology and chemistry with many other disciplines to help us understand the harmful effects of chemicals on living organisms.
To attain their Master of Science in Pharmacology and Toxicology, students may choose from one of our three specialized programs of study—research-based (thesis) option, leader/administration (non-thesis) option, and clinical trials coordination concentration. These programs are designed to prepare students for careers in industry, government, education, medicine, and research organizations or for further professional training. To encourage and promote success in our students, our Master of Science programs are Cohort Programs.
We will work with you to define your career goals and help prepare you for your future.
Depending on the primary area of interest to the investigator, employment is possible within such academic departments as anatomy, biochemistry, biology, immunology, microbiology, pharmacology, pharmacy, physiology, psychology or psychiatry. Rewarding careers are also possible in drug companies, government laboratories and government agencies. Among the relevant government agencies are the Center for Disease Control, the Federal Drug Agency, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Defense and NASA. Opportunities also exist in areas involving the development of public policy, investment counseling, patent law, science writing and science editing. Such flexibility affords a host of options for rewarding careers. Graduates of the program have either remained within academics by securing postdoctoral fellowships in prestigious laboratories, two of whom now have faculty positions, or obtained jobs in such industrial concerns and Mallincrocdt, Procter & Gamble Co. and Eli Lilly & Co. Further information is available from the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. (off-site)
Toxicologists have many opportunities, including research, product safety evaluation, teaching and regulatory affairs. The demand for toxicologists has never been higher. There are opportunities in chemical and pharmaceutical industries, government, the professional services industry, as well as state and local governments. Salaries are comparable to other science-based professions. There is potential for rapid advancement due to the importance of this discipline to the general public, the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory agencies. Further information can be obtained from the Society of Toxicology (off-site) website.
Advice from your peers
After pooling a few graduate students we have come up with some hints to make you a successful graduate student. How to be a successful graduate student:
- Know what is expected of you. Graduate students are treated like members of the laboratory and are expected to be in that laboratory when not in class. The average start time is 8:30 a.m., ending at 5 p.m. If your project warrants more time in the laboratory you are expected to adjust your schedule to compensate.
- The breaks in courses, between quarters (or semesters) are the best times to get work done; you can focus more on your project without the distraction of classes. Plan on continuing your time in the laboratory over holidays and summer breaks. This will also insure your ability to complete your project on time.
- Students complete 3 laboratory rotations in their first quarter with the goal a picking a laboratory to complete their research. An agreement is made between the primary investigator of that laboratory and the student, and the student begins work with that faculty member that will culminate into a defendable research project.
- We try to have a diverse class, with students from different areas of strength. It is a good idea to form study groups and work together during your first year.
- Start working on your thesis as soon as you go into a laboratory. Keep records of everything you do, equipment you use and start on your background information right away.
- Talk to the second year students, they can offer advice on courses, thesis work, and help make you a better scientist.
Academics and Curriculum
Research-Based (Thesis) Option

The research-based (thesis) option for the M.S. degree provides students with a wide range of instruction including training on effective scientific writing, review and critical analysis of scientific literature and other materials, hands-on laboratory experience in one of our many state-of-the-art research facilities, and guidance for presenting and successfully defending a thesis. This program is typically completed in five semesters. During the first year, thesis option students will be required to enroll in 12-15 hours of didactic course work supplemented by rotations in several faculty laboratories. Students will then select a thesis advisor and begin carrying out an original research-based thesis project. During the second year, students will complete their research project and defend their thesis both orally and in writing. Students are also required to attend department-sponsored seminars to learn more about the different areas of research in the fields of pharmacology and toxicology.
Students wanting to take part in the Research-based (thesis) option are ONLY accepted for Fall semester start plans. Research option students may not start during Spring or Summer because of the program's cohort scheduling.
Requirements for research-based program include:
- Completion of 30 credit hours of graduate-level courses (see below).
- All students must have an advisory committee, which will consist of two members of the Pharmacology and Toxicology faculty and their advisor.
- Provide an oral presentation of their proposed research project to the student’s thesis advisory committee. (This presentation must be approved no later than August 31 of the student’s first year in the program)
- Complete their required number of credit hours of either laboratory research or clinical research.
- Write and defend a master’s thesis. (See the WSU Graduate School's Policies and Procedures Manual.)
Students have the option to choose between two research project dependent courses for their thesis work. The chosen research course should be continued until completion of the student’s research project and thesis.
- PTX 9100 – Pharmacology Graduate Research: This course is appropriate for students focused on laboratory-centered research, which may include, but is not limited to, animal studies, mass spectrometry, cell transplantation, metabolism, immunology, cell biology, radiotelemetry, mutagenic DNA replication, and nanoparticle tracking analysis.
- PTX 9200 – Pharmacology Clinical Research: This course is appropriate for students interested in clinical and translational research involving human subjects and/or human organs, cells, fluids, and DNA. The foci include cancer, dermatology, cardiovascular, diabetes, and nephrology.
View Master of Science in Pharmacology and Toxicology program information and degree requirements in the Academic Catalog.
Leader/Administration (Non-Thesis) Option
The leadership/administration program requires didactic classes, a scientific review and a final, oral exam. Scroll down to view a typical schedule. The program director will act as advisor until the student's advisory committee is formed. Students in this program must:
- Complete 30 credit hours of graduate-level courses as shown below
- Submit a critical scientific review (See Literature Research Project below)
- Pass an oral examination
Literature Research Project
A library research project is a requirement of this program. Students are required to write a scientific review on a current topic in pharmacology and toxicology under the supervision of a faculty advisor. The topic will be chosen by the student and advisor. The review paper should be based on information provided and synthesized from primary, contemporary literature. The paper is meant to provide an overview of the topic. It should be 10-15 pages in length with at least 25 references. A desirable goal would be submission of the review for publication.
Oral Examination
The oral, final exam for this program will be conducted by the advisory committee. The exam will be based on the topic of the literature review. The committee will judge as to the acceptability of the student's performance.
Typical Schedule
Fall Semester Year 1
- PTX 7002: Pharmacology Fall Journal Club
- PTX 7003: Principles of Biokinetics/Biodynamics
- Elective (3 credit hours)
- PTX 7021: Effective Scientific Writing: Part 1
Spring Semester Year 1
- PTX 7002: Pharmacology Spring Journal Club
- PTX 7001: Cell Pharmacology Toxicology
- PTX 7022: Effective Scientific Writing: Part 2
- PTX 7020: Laboratory Management
- PTX 7000: Biostatistics
Summer Year 1
- Remaining electives
This schedule allows students to complete the degree in one year. It is not required that students complete in one year. Course descriptions are listed in the Academic Catalog.
The leadership/administration Master of Science in Pharmacology and Toxicology program accepts students for fall semester admission only.
View Master of Science in Pharmacology and Toxicology program information and degree requirements in the Academic Catalog.
Clinical Trials Coordination Concentration
The Clinical Trials Coordination concentration provides students a solid foundation in clinical research focusing on the protection of research participants’ welfare, improving global health, and coordinating academic, government, and industry research studies. It is based on the Joint Task Force for Clinical Trial Competency (JTF) domains. The widely inclusive coursework furnishes students with an excellent foundation for those who wish to sit for professional certifications through the Society of Clinical Research Associates (SoCRA) or Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP). Students have the opportunity to assist in clinical research trials with human subjects at one of our internship sites around the Dayton area. Students are randomly assigned to an internship site when PTX 9200 is scheduled in the last semester. With this primary educational training, students will gain hands-on real-world experience applying the principles of Good Clinical Practice (GCP) to active industry and federally funded trials. This concentration is appropriate for post-baccalaureate and post-master’s students from various academic fields whose career interests may include laboratory management, principal investigation, or clinical trial coordination in either the public or private sector.
A thesis is not required for this program of study. The required courses for this concentration are uniquely combined, allowing students to complete their program in the classroom or in a mostly online setting. Students are encouraged to attend Pharmacology and Toxicology department-sponsored seminars to learn more about the different areas of research in the fields of pharmacology and toxicology.
Requirements for the Clinical Trials Coordination concentration include:
- Complete 30 credit hours of graduate-level courses as shown below.
- Complete a minimum of 4 credit hours of clinic time at the PTU, along with all required certifications through PTX 9200.**
If you are applying to the Clinical Trials Coordination concentration, in your Personal Statement of Goals, you must include the following information: that you desire acceptance into the Clinical Trials Coordination concentration, discussion about your interests in clinical research or clinical trials, and provide a short explanation as to why you desire acceptance into the Clinical Trials Coordination concentration. This program is highly competitive, as only five students are accepted for this concentration each year. This program only accepts students for Fall semesters.
Students interested in learning more about the fields of Clinical Trials and Clinical Research are encouraged to visit the following helpful links:
- Association of Clinical Research Professionals
- Joint Task Force for Clinical Trial Competency
- Society of Clinical Research Associates
- Merck Program Educates Youth on Value of Clinical Trial Careers
View Master of Science in Pharmacology and Toxicology program information and degree requirements in the Academic Catalog.
Review eligibility requirements and find out how to apply for the M.S. degree.