AIDS Prevention Research Project
The Dayton-Columbus AIDS Prevention Research Project was funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) as part of its Cooperative Agreement for AIDS Community-Based Outreach/Intervention Research. The program began in September 1991 and field activities ended in June 1996. Additional funds were provided by the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services (ODADAS). The goals of the Cooperative Agreement were to: (1) monitor the nature and extent of drug use and HIV-related risk taking behavior in an out-of-treatment drug-using population and (2) assess the efficacy of various interventions designed to contain the spread of AIDS. The Columbus Health Department, the Montgomery County Health District, and Project C.U.R.E, Inc. worked along with WSU on the Cooperative Agreement. The Dayton-Columbus Cooperative Agreement project objectives were to:
- Assess those behaviors of drug users which put them at high risk for contracting the HIV disease.Monitor the incidence of HIV infection among the high-risk, drug-using population.
- Develop and implement HIV risk reduction strategies including an intervention which used a case management/advocacy process that was sensitive to the needs of and issues confronting people involved with crack, cocaine, and injection drugs.
- Evaluate the efficacy of different interventions that were designed to modify risk behaviors.
- Conduct ethnographic studies to describe lifestyles of the drug-using population.
- Share the materials developed and the results of the studies with scientists and organizations working in the field of addictions and public health.
The following are some of the articles that have been generated from research conducted by the AIDS Prevention Research Project staff.
- Ashery, R.S., Carlson, R.G., Falck, R.S., Siegal, H.A. (1995). Injection drug users, crack-cocaine users, and human service utilization: An exploratory study. Social Work, 40(1):75-82 (letter). [Abstract]
- Ashery, R.S., Carlson, R.G., Falck, R.S., Siegal, H.A., Wang, J. (1995). Female condom use among injection drug- and crack cocaine-using women. American Journal of Public Health, 85(5):736-737 (letter).
- Carlson, R.G. (2000). Shooting galleries, dope houses, and injection doctors: Examining the social ecology of HIV risk behaviors among drug injectors in Dayton, Ohio. Human Organization, 59(3):325-333. [Abstract]
- Carlson, R.G. (1999). 'Boy' and 'Girl': the AIDS risk implications of heroin and cocaine symbolism among injection drug users. Anthropology & Medicine, 6(1):59-77.
- Carlson, R.G., Falck, R.S., Wang, J., Siegal, H.A., Rahman, A. (1999) HIV needle risk behaviors and drug use: a comparison of crack-smoking and non-smoking injection drug users in Ohio. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 31(3):291-297. [Abstract]
- Carlson, R.G., Wang, J., Siegal, H.A., Falck, R.S. (1998). A preliminary evaluation of a modified needle-cleaning intervention using bleach among injection drug users. AIDS Education and Prevention, 10(6):523-532. [Abstract]
- Carlson, R.G. (1996). The political economy of AIDS among drug users in the United States: Beyond blaming the victim or powerful others. American Anthropologist, 98(2):266-278.
- Carlson, R.G., Siegal, H.A. (1991). The crack life: An ethnographic overview of crack use and sexual behavior among African-Americans in a Midwest metropolitan city. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 23(1):11-20. [Abstract]
- Carlson, R.G., Siegal, H.A., Falck, R.S. (1994). Ethnography, epidemiology, and public policy: Needle-use practices and HIV-1 risk reduction among injecting drug users in the Midwest. In: D. A. Feldman (ed.), Global AIDS Policy, pp. 185-214. Westport, CT: Bergin and Garvey.
- Carlson, R.G., Siegal, H.A., Falck, R.S. (1995). Qualitative research methods in drug abuse and AIDS Prevention Research: An overview. In: E.Y. Lambert, R.S. Ashery, R.H. Needle (eds.), Qualitative Methods in Drug Abuse and HIV Research, pp. 6-26. NIDA Research Monograph 157. Rockville, MD: Department of Health and Human Services.
- Carlson, R.G., Siegal, H.A., Wang, J., Falck, R.S. (1996). Attitudes toward needle "sharing" among injection drug users: Combining qualitative and quantitative research methods. Human Organization, 55(3):361-369.
- Carlson, R.G., Wang, J., Siegal, H.A., Falck, R.S., Guo, J. (1994). An ethnographic approach to targeted sampling: Problems and solutions in AIDS prevention research among injection drug and crack-cocaine users. Human Organization, 53(3):279-286.
- Falck, R.S., Wang, J., Carlson, R.G., Siegal, H.A. (1997). Factors influencing condom use among heterosexual users of injection drugs and crack cocaine. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 24(4):204-210. [Abstract]
- Falck, R., Ashery, R.S., Carlson, R.G., Wang, J., Siegal, H.A. (1995). Injection drug users, crack smokers, and the use of human services. Social Work Research, 19(3):164-173.
- Falck, R.S., Carlson, R.G., Price, S.K., Turner, J.A. (1994). Case management to enhance HIV risk reduction among users of injection drugs and crack cocaine. Journal of Case Management, 3(4):162-166. [Abstracts]
- Falck, R., Siegal, H.A., Forney, M.A., Wang, J., Carlson, R.G. (1992). The validity of injection drug users self-reported use of opiates and cocaine. Journal of Drug Issues, 22(4):823-832.
- Falck, R, Carlson, R., Siegal, H. (1992) HIV Risk Reduction for Injection Drug Users and Their Sexual Partners: Intervention Manual. Wright State University: Dayton, OH.
- Falck, R.S., Siegal, H.A., Carlson, R.G. (1992). Case management to enhance AIDS risk reduction: Practical and philosophical considerations. In: R. Ashery (ed.) Progress and Issues in Case Management, pp. 167-180. National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Monograph Series No. 127, DHHS, Washington, DC. [Abstract]
- Falck, R.S., Siegal, H.A., Wang, J., Carlson, R.G. (1995). Usefulness of the health belief model in predicting HIV needle risk practices among injection drug users. AIDS Education and Prevention, 7(6):523-533. [Abstract]
- Siegal, H.A., Falck, R.S., Wang, J., Carlson, R.G. (1996). History of sexually transmitted infection, drug-sex behaviors, and the use of condoms among Midwestern users of injection drugs and crack cocaine. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 23(4):277-282. [Abstract]
- Siegal, H.A. (1990). Intravenous drug abuse and the HIV epidemic in two Midwestern cities: A preliminary report. Journal of Drug Issues, 20(2):281-290.
- Siegal, H.A., Carlson, R.G., Falck, R.S. (1993). HIV infection/serostatus‹outside epicenters. In: B. Brown, G. Beshner (eds.) Handbook on Risk of AIDS‹Injection Drug Users and Sexual Partners, pp. 38-71. Greenwood Press: Westport, CT.
- Siegal, H.A., Carlson, R.G., Falck, R.S. Reece, R., Perlin, T. (1993) Conducting HIV outreach and research among incarcerated drug abusers: A case study of ethical concerns and dilemmas. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 10:71-75. [Abstract]
- Siegal, H.A., Carlson, R.G., Falck, R.S., Forney, M.A., Wang, J., Li, L. (1992). High-risk behaviors for transmission of syphilis and human immunodeficiency virus among crack cocaine-using women: A case study from the Midwest. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 19(5):266-271. [Abstract]
- Siegal, H.A., Carlson, R.G., Falck, R., Li, L., Forney, M.A., Rapp, R.C., Baumgartner, K., Myers, W., Nelson, M. (1991). HIV infection and risk behaviors among intravenous drug users in low seroprevalence areas in the Midwest. American Journal of Public Health, 81(12):1642-1644. [Abstract]
- Siegal, H.A., Carlson, R.G., Falck, R.S., Wang, J. (1995). Drug abuse treatment experience and HIV risk behaviors among active drug injectors in Ohio. American Journal of Public Health, 85(1):105-108. [Abstract]
- Siegal, H.A., Carlson, R. G., Falck, R., Wang, J. (1994). Injection drug users' needle-cleaning practices. American Journal of Public Health, 84(9):1523-1524 (letter).
- Siegal, H.A., Wang, J., Forney, M.A., Falck, R.S., Carlson, R.G., McBride, D.C. (1994). Incarceration and HIV risk behaviors among injection drug users: A Midwestern case study. Journal of Crime and Justice, 17(1):85-101.
- Siegal, H.A., Carlson, R.G., Wang, J., Falck, R.S., Stephens, R.C., Nelson, E.D. (1994). Injection drug users in the Midwest: An epidemiologic comparison of drug use patterns in four Ohio cities. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 26(3):265-275. [Abstract]
- Siegal, H.A., Falck, R.S., Carlson, R.G., Wang, J. (1995). Reducing HIV needle risk behaviors among injection-drug users in the Midwest: An evaluation of the efficacy of standard and enhanced interventions. AIDS Education and Prevention, 7(4):308-319. [Abstract]
- Siegal, H.A., Carlson, R.G., Falck, R.S., Wang, J. (2000). Drug-using MSM focus groups: Dayton and Columbus, Ohio. In: F. Rhodes, S. Deren, L. Cottler, H. Siegal, M. Stark, W. Reich and the DUMSM Multisite Research Consortium (eds.) A Multisite Study of HIV Risks in Drug-Using Men who have Sex with Men, pp. 7-27. Long Beach, CA: The University Press.
- Wang, J. (2003). Components of difference in HIV Seropositivity rate among injection drug users between low- and high HIV-prevalence regions. AIDS and Behavior, 7(1):1-8. [Abstract]
- Wang, J., Siegal, H.A., Falck, R.S., Carlson, R.G., Rahman, A. (1999) Evaluation of HIV risk-reduction intervention programs via Latent Growth Model. Evaluation Review, 23:648-662. [Abstract]
- Wang, J., Siegal, H.A., Falck, R.S., Carlson, R.G. (1998). Needle transfer among injection drug users: A multilevel analysis. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 24(2):225-237. [Abstract]
- Wang, J., Fisher, J.H., Siegal, H.A., Falck, R.S., Carlson, R.G. (1995). Influence of measurement errors on HIV risk behavior analysis: A case study examining condom use among drug users. Structural Equation Modeling, 2(4):319-334.