- Accidental Drug Overdose Trends in 23 Ohio Counties
- AIDS Prevention Research Project
- ARTAS Linkage Case Management
- Case Management Enhancements Project
- Characterizing Fentanyl Outbreaks
- Chinese HIV Risk Reduction Project
- Comparing Acute and Continuous Drug Abuse Treatment
- Crack Cocaine and Health Service Use
- Crack Cocaine and Health Services Use in Rural Ohio
- eDarkTrends
- eDrugTrends
- MDMA/Club Drug Use
- NIDA National Early Warning System Network (iN3): An Innovative Approach
- Ohio Substance Abuse Monitoring Network
- Opioid Use Trajectories and HIV Risk Among Young Adults in Ohio
- Partnership with Gent University and the Province of East Flanders, Belgium
- Reducing Barriers to Drug Abuse Treatment Services
- Rural Stimulant Use and Mental Health
- Rx Drug Abuse Educational Video Series
- Social Web Data on Buprenorphine Abuse
- State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup
- Unintentional Drug Overdose Poisoning Project
- Wright Health Study