The goal of this natural history study of rural stimulant users is to highlight the critical role of co-occurring mental disorders in drug use and health services use, including mental health services. This project is a cooperative effort between the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock, Arkansas, the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky, and Wright State University (R01DA115363-02) Brenda M. Booth, Ph.D., Principal Investigator.
Staff Contact Information
- Robert Carlson, Ph.D., Principal Investigator (sub-contract). (
- Russel Falck, M.A., Associate Professor Emeritus, Co-Principal Investigator (sub-contract)
- Booth, B.M., Leukefeld, C.G., Falck, R.S., Wang, J., and Carlson, R.G. (2006). Correlates of rural methamphetamine and cocaine users: Results from a multistate community study. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 67(4):493-501.
- Falck, R.S., Wang, J., Carlson, R.G., Krishnan, L.L., Leukefeld, C., Booth, B.M. (In Press). Perceived need for substance abuse treatment among illicit stimulant drug users in rural areas of Ohio, Arkansas, and Kentucky. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. [Abstract.] (off-site)
- Sexton, R.L., Carlson, R.G., Booth, B.M., Siegal, H.A., and Leukefeld, C.G. (2006). The role of African-American clergy in providing informal services to drug users in the rural South: Preliminary ethnographic findings. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse 5(1):1-21.
- Sexton, R.L., Carlson, R.G., Leukefeld, C.G., and Booth, B.M. (2006). Methamphetamine use and adverse consequences in the rural southern United States: An ethnographic overview. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs SARC Supplement 3:393-404.
- Sexton, R.L., Carlson, R.G., Leukefeld, C.G., and Booth, B.M. (2006). Patterns of illicit methamphetamine production ("cooking") and associated risks in the rural South: An ethnographic exploration. Journal of Drug Issues 36(4):853-876.
- Sexton, R.L., Carlson, R.G., Siegal, H.A., Falck, R.S., Leukefeld, C.G., Booth, B.M. (2005). Barriers and pathways to diffusion of methamphetamine use among African Americans in the rural South: Preliminary ethnographic findings. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 4(1):77-102.
- Sexton, R.L., Carson, R.G., Siegal, H.A., Leukefeld, C.G., Booth, B.M. (in press). The role of African American clergy in providing informal services to drug users in the rural South: Preliminary ethnographic findings. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse.
- Wang, J., Carlson, R.G., Falck, R.S., Leukefeld, C., Booth, B.M. (2007). Multi-sample standardization and decomposition analysis: An application to comparisons of methamphetamine use among rural drug users in three American states. Statistics in Medicine, 26(19):3612-3623. [Abstract] (off-site)