On this page:
- Overview
- Wright State Basic Research
- Wright State Boonshoft School of Medicine
- Wright State Centers of Excellence
The Clinical Trials Research Alliance recognizes the importance of strong, bi-directional information exchange between clinical research investigators and basic research scientists to foster creative solutions to today’s healthcare problems.
CTRA supports integrating multiple disciplines across the full translational science spectrum: from population-based and policy research, to basic discovery, and through patient-oriented clinical research. Supporting T1 through T4 research ensures that health needs are driving basic science and clinical research and enables new therapies to reach the public more effectively.
The CTRA taps the wealth of basic research being conducted within Wright State University, including the Boonshoft School of Medicine, Centers of Excellence, and the Wright State Research Institute.
Wright State University Basic Research
A Carnegie-classified research university, Wright State is home to nearly 19,000 undergraduate and graduate students and saw more than $90 million in research awards in 2014-2015. Learn more
Wright State University boasts the following colleges conducting basic and clinical science research:
- Education & Human Services
- Engineering & Computer Science
- Nursing & Health
- Professional Psychology
- Science & Mathematics
Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine
Within Wright State Unversity’s Boonshoft School of Medicine include basic science departments located on the Wright State University campus and clinical departments based throughout the community.
- Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
- Community Health
- Dermatology
- Emergency Medicine
- Family Medicine
- Geriatrics
- Internal Medicine
- Cardiology
- Endocrinology
- Gastroenterology
- General Internal Medicine
- Hematology & Oncology
- Infectious Disease
- Nephrology
- Nuclear Medicine
- Pulmonary & Critical care
- Rheumatology
- Neurology
- Neuroscience, Cell Biology & Physiology
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Orthopaedic Surgery, Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation
- Plastic Surgery
- Pathology
- Pediatrics
- Pharmacology & Toxicology
- Psychiatry
- Surgery
- Burn Surgery
- General Surgery
- Otolaryngology
- Surgical Oncology
- Thoracic Surgery
- Transplantation
- Trauma/Emergency Surgery/Critical Care
- Vascular Surgery
Wright State University Centers of Excellence
- The Lifespan Health Research Center draws on the strength of the Fels Longitudinal Study, the world’s largest and longest running study of human development, growth, body composition, and aging, and other population-based studies past and present.
- The Wright State University & Premier Health Partners Neuroscience Institute speeds the transfer of research discoveries from the laboratory to the bedside, improving the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders.
- With medicine as its core component, the National Center for Medical Readiness at Calamityville is a one-of-a-kind training facility for medical, public health, public safety, and civilian and military disaster-response decision makers from around the world.
- The vision of the Ohio Center of Excellence in Knowledge-Enabled Computing (Kno.e.sis) is to move from computing focused on data or information processing to productive thinking and decision making that reflect the quality of human experience and effectiveness.
- The Center for Genomics Research’s primary mission is to provide support and core facilities for Wright State research faculty engaged in basic and clinical research in the areas of gene expression, flow cytometry, and genotyping.
- The Center for Global Health’s goals are to improve the quality, efficiency, and access to health care by serving the local community and developing national models.
- The Center for Interventions, Treatment and Addictions Research (CITAR), is the focal point for substance-abuse related services, academic research, and services research to advance the production, dissemination, and utilization of scientific knowledge and professional technology regarding the epidemiology, consequences, prevention, and treatment of substance abuse.