On this page:
- Mission
- Key Leaders
- Medical Education
- Community Outreach and Operational Support
- Innovation and Research Areas of Interest
- Partners and Resources
The Division of Military Emergency Medicine (MEM) provides military medical education to the active-duty US Air Force contingent of the residency program, provides outreach through operational support to state and national military organizations, provides invigorated education and training programs developed to meet the needs of all military services and components, and innovates medicine across the range of military operations to provide competent military medicine providers able to serve the Nation for domestic and contingency operations.
Key Leaders
Adam Kruse, M.D.
Kermit Huebner, M.D., M.P.H., MSS, NRP
Medical Education
MEM provides key operational medicine education and training to the active-duty U.S. Air Force contingent of the Wright State University Integrated Emergency Medicine Residency Program and supports the Military Unique Curriculum.
Community Outreach and Operational Support
MEM provides operational and training support to various military organizations in a multi-service, multi-component fashion, including all Tactical Combat Casualty Care tiers to Title 10 and Title 32 organizations. Units may arrange tailored military education and training to meet unit-specific needs in coordination with local military resources and Calamityville.
Innovation and Research Areas of Interest
- Battlefield point-of-care ultrasound (B-POCUS)
- Artificial Intelligence in military medicine
- Autonomous and unmanned medical logistics
- Human performance in military operations
- Enroute patient monitoring systems