Compliance Committees

On this page:

Project Review

Wright State University has standing committees to review and approve projects involving research activities regulated by the government. To avoid delays in beginning your project, be aware of the committees' schedules to review requests.

Animal Care

The Wright State Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) reviews the use of animals in research. The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) webpage for animal welfare provides links to guidelines, policies and petition forms required for the use of animals in research.

Administrative contact: Jennifer Sutton, Compliance Coordinator, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, 937-775-5171,


The Wright State Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) reviews the use of biohazards in research. The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) website provides links to information on Institutional Biosafety. 

​​​Administrative contact: Jennifer Sutton, Compliance Coordinator, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, 937-775-5171,

Controlled Substances

University Policy 13330 ("Exit Policy for the Closeout/Decommissioning of University Laboratories") specifies that the director of Laboratory Animal Resources (LAR) "is responsible for the management of all controlled substances regulated by the federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)." This includes approvals for the use of controlled substances in research.

Human Subjects

The Wright State Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews all use of human subjects in research. The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) web page for human subjects provides links to guidelines, policies, training, and petition forms required for research involving humans.

Administrative contact: Whitney McAllister, Director of Human Research Protection Program, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, 937-775-4462,


The Wright State Radiation Safety Committee reviews the use of radiation in research. The Office of Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) webpage on radiation safety provides links to guidelines, policies, and petition forms required for research involving radioactive materials.

Contact: Environmental Health and Safety,, 937-775-2215.