Continuing Medical Education (CME)


The Boonshoft School of Medicine Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs proudly introduces the Wright State University and Premier Health CME Alliance's CloudCME portal, a unified system for managing CME activities. This platform aims to enhance CME opportunities and healthcare education in the region, involving partners like Premier Health hospitals, Dayton Children's, Dayton Veteran Affairs, and Wright State Physicians providers and staff.

With the CloudCME app you can access your profile, evaluations, transcripts, certificates, browse CME activities, record your attendance and more!

Get Started with CloudCME

  • Download the CloudCME app:
  • Enter organization code: premierhealth 
  • Choose Create Account or Login 
  • Login using your email address and password
  • Please complete your disclosure forms on CloudCME.

You can also create an account by visiting CloudCME

Development of CME Programming

To enhance health care delivery, Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine supports the development of CME programming for physicians. CME consists of educational activities which serve to maintain, develop, or increase the knowledge, skills, and professional performance and relationships that a physician uses to provide services for patients, the public or the profession. Physicians need to participate in category I educational activities for a balanced personal educational program.


About the CME Office

Mission Statement

Primary tabs


To advance the competence, performance and patients outcomes of physicians and health care professionals to deliver the highest quality services by participating in ACCME accredited educational activities.

Content areas

The content of educational activities reflects core competencies defined by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (patient care, medical knowledge, practice based learning and improvement, interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism, systems-based practice), Institute of Medicine (patient-centered care, evidence based practice, quality improvement, interdisciplinary teams, informatics), and American Board of Medical Specialties (professional standing, commitment to lifelong learning, cognitive expertise, and performance in practice). The content of CME is that body of knowledge, and skills generally recognized and accepted by the profession as within the basic medical sciences, the discipline of clinical medicine, and the provision of health care to the public.

Target audience

The target audience is the faculty of WSU BSOM and the physicians and health care providers of our community in Southwest Ohio and contiguous region and include multiple size groups from small (6-12) to large (50+) participants.

Types of activities

Educational activities include lectures, case conferences, small group discussions, and self-study activities that are designed to engage learners in professional improvement. Activities encompass regularly occurring, episodic and one time only programs.

Expected results

As a result of participating in sponsored educational activities, physicians and health care providers will make evidence-based clinical decisions, use up-to-date therapies, and improve health care outcomes to benefit patients, their families and the communities of Southwest Ohio. Our activities will develop a culture of lifelong learning and improve competence among our constituent physicians and health care providers.

Expectations for Interacting with the CME Office

  1. Adhere to the Code of Conduct

    This Code of Conduct outlines the principles and standards of behavior expected from all members involved in CME activities. Adherence to this Code ensures a respectful, ethical, and productive environment. We expect that interactions with and from our office are characterized by respect and Integrity and professionalism. Treat others with respect and courtesy. We also request that those involved in communicating with this office do so clearly, respectfully, and constructively. 

  2. Understand CME is granted provisionally.  

    To fully award CME, we require documentation both before and after the activity. This includes (but is not limited to): a final copy of presentation materials, evaluations, proof of disclosure, and any attendance verification.  

  3. Adhere to the timelines.

    There are several elements we must check for ACCME compliance. Sometimes applications require different processes (i.e., peer review; mitigation strategies, etc.) Please be aware your application may require further scrutiny to ensure freedom from bias. General timelines for applications include the following:  

    • RSS must be submitted no less than 30 days ahead of the planned event 
    • All other activities must be submitted no fewer than 12 weeks ahead of the planned event.  
      Please note that no activities may be advertised as CME activities until the activity has been granted provisional approval.  
  4. Be responsive. 

    Our office will use your email address for important correspondence. This correspondence often involves tasks to be completed on your end in a time-sensitive manner. Please regularly check your email for any requests and updates to your application.  


CME activities must not promote recommendations, treatment or manners of practicing medicine that are known to have risks or dangers that outweigh the benefits, or are known to be ineffective in the treatment of patients. Note that an organization whose program of CME is devoted to advocacy of unscientific modalities of diagnosis or therapy is not eligible to apply for accreditation from the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME®).

The Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine has been (re)surveyed by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) and awarded Accreditation for four (4) years as a provider of continuing medical education for physicians. (August 2019 - July 31, 2023)