The NIDDLR (DRRP) grant was a culmination of five years of work to develop, translate, and validate six behavioral health and work-interest assessments and screeners into American Sign Language. The result is the website ASL-STAR - The "American Sign Language: Screeners, Tests, Assessments, and Resources."
This project recruited approximately 3,000 deaf people in the US to field test and validate all 11 assessments and screeners.
The ASL-STAR portal provides resources that are culturally appropriate to use when working with deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals. The assessments and screeners on the ASL-STAR website focus on behavioral health and career information in ASL and are scored automatically so providers can interpret the results.
These resources do not replace the need for specialized training, the ethical and responsible judgment of professionals, or the need for qualified interpreters during all interactions with clients who are deaf or hard of hearing.
To develop an online suite of six assessments and screeners in the areas of behavioral health and employment for deaf people that are culturally and linguistically appropriate.
The ASL-STAR website provides 11 assessments and screeners in the areas of behavioral health and employment for deaf people that are culturally and linguistically appropriate. There are short training videos for providers to take on each assessment and screener as well as Deaf culture.
Please visit the ASL-STAR website.
Grant Type
Direct Service
Funded By
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)
Grant No.
Principal Investigator
Josephine Wilson, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Primary Contact
Publications and Presentations
- Embree, J. A., Fox, M. L., Titus, J. C., Guthmann, D., Sligar, S. R., Taylor, K. C., Welch, A. M., & Wilson, J. F. (2021). Psychometric properties of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale in American Sign Language: Validation and normative data [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Department of Population and Public Health Sciences, Wright State University.
- Guthmann, D., Titus, J. C., Embree, J. A., & Wilson, J. F. (2017). Translation and validation of an online suite of assessments in American Sign Language. Journal of the American Deafness & Rehabilitation Association (JADARA), 51(1), 12-20.…
- Wilson, J. F., Embree, J. A., Guthmann, D., Sligar, S. R., Titus J. C., Niehaus, M., Welch, A., & Taylor, K. C. (in press). Depression inventories in American Sign Language: Validation and normative data. Journal of the American Deaf and Rehabilitation Association.
- Wilson, J. F., Embree, J. A., Guthmann, D., Sligar, S. R., Titus, J. C., & Taylor, K. C. (2020). Satisfaction with Life Scale in American Sign Language: Validation and normative data. Journal of the American Deaf and Rehabilitation Association, 53(3), 1-10.…
- Wilson, J. F, Niehaus, M., Embree J. A., Guthmann, D., Sligar, S. R., Titus J. C., Welch, A., & Taylor, K. C. (in press). Substance use screeners in American Sign Language: Validation and normative data. Journal of the Applied Rehabilitation Counseling.