Substance Abuse Resources & Disability Issues (SARDI)

Montgomery County Zero Suicide Project Evaluation


Montgomery County, Ohio currently has a suicide death rate of 16.3 per 100,000 individuals, which is higher than the state's rate and the nation's rate. Unfortunately, many of the individuals at risk of suicide in the county do not get treatment. In addition, the regional healthcare and emergency response systems are struggling to respond adequately to people who attempt suicide, and no coordinated follow-up system of care is in place to prevent subsequent attempts. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has made mental health prevention, treatment, and recovery a top priority, resulting in the Suicide Prevention Plan for Ohio with a goal to reduce suicide by 10% by 2022. In 2020, MCADAMHS received Zero Suicide funding from SAMHSA to address the high rates of suicide in Montgomery County, Ohio. SARDI was subcontracted by MCADAMHS to provide all data collection training, program evaluation activities, gift card incentive management and distribution, and reporting for the Zero Suicide project.


The goal of the Montgomery County Zero Suicide Project is to prevent suicide deaths and attempts in Montgomery County, Ohio, among persons age 25 and older, by implementing the Zero Suicide model across the system of care. The Zero Suicide model includes the seven essential elements of suicide care: Lead, Train, Identify, Engage, Treat, Transition, and Improve. Partners for this initiative include Federally Qualified Health Centers, Behavioral Health Organizations, Emergency Departments, and VA outpatient clients in Montgomery County, Ohio. To help the Montgomery County Zero Suicide Project reach its goals, SARDI is responsible for the following training and evaluation services:

  • Conducting SAMHSA mandated Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) data collection training and technical assistance for all providers receiving funding.
  • Distributing and managing gift card incentives for clients participating in the GPRA data collection.
  • Entering GPRA data into SAMHSA's data collection and reporting system.
  • Conducting weekly monitoring of data to ensure validity and integrity.
  • Providing monthly and quarterly reports to assess the impact of services on adults screening positive for suicide attempts and/or ideation.

Grant Type


Funded By

Montgomery County Alcohol, Drug Addiction & Mental Health Services Board (MCADAMHS)

Principal Investigator

Nicole Kinzeler, Ph.D.

Primary Contact

Partner Agencies

  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
  • Montgomery County Alcohol, Drug Addiction & Mental Health Services Board (MCADAMHS)
  • Behavioral health treatment partners implementing Zero Suicide in Montgomery County
Last edited on 03/30/2022.