Substance Abuse Resources & Disability Issues (SARDI)

Other Evaluation Grants


The SARDI program has over 30 years of training and program evaluation experience and currently administers over $8 million in grants and manages data for over 70,000 participants in 10 research projects. Through these various projects, SARDI has gained extensive experience in collecting and reporting on required performance measures, including over two decades of Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) reporting for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grants. This experience and familiarity with the GPRA tool and reporting these data using SAMHSA’s data entry and reporting system ensure the collection and timely submission of complete, high-quality data. Follow-up rates average well above 80% for most SAMHSA projects, many of which involve data collection for hard-to-reach populations challenged by opioid use disorder (OUD), poverty, disability, and/or homelessness. SARDI’s familiarity with the GPRA tool and reporting, including SAMHSA’s follow-up requirements, has made SARDI a leading authority in providing GPRA training and evaluation services for various federally funded projects throughout Ohio. In addition to SAMHSA grants, SARDI also has experience providing evaluation services for federal grants funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as local foundation and government projects. 

SARDI has a particular commitment to persons of minority status and those with substance abuse, mental illness, and other disabilities. Similarly, SARDI provides evaluation services to government, state, and community-based social service organizations that serve similar populations. Partners include:

  • Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OMHAS)
  • Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) Boards
  • Interact for Health and other local foundations
  • Community-based treatment centers
  • Police departments
  • Churches
  • Veterans Affairs services
  • Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs)
  • Community-based coalitions
  • Juvenile justice systems
  • Specialized court programs
  • Public health departments

SARDI has experience providing many evaluation services to partners based on the needs of the project. These services include:

  • Development of Evaluation Plan including the selection of process and outcome measures
  • Collaborative participation in coalition or advisory council
  • GPRA and other data collection training and technical assistance
  • Development of data collection tools and resources including surveys, video modules, consent forms, and websites
  • Data entry
  • HIPAA-compliant data storage and management
  • Reporting for the funder, project partners, and community stakeholders
  • Conducting Focus Groups
  • Community Needs Assessments
  • Gift card incentive distribution and management

Principle Investigator

Nicole Kinzeler, Ph.D

Primary Contact

Last edited on 03/30/2022.