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Publications (Past 10 Years)
- Adhikari, S. B., Massatti, R. R., Wilson, J. F., Ford, J. A., & Embree, J. A. (2015). Efficacy of e-therapy for treating substance use disorders in persons who are Deaf or have a disability. Journal of Family Medicine & Community Health, 2(3), 1036. https://www.jscimedcentral.com/FamilyMedicine/familymedicine-2-1036.pdf
- Bashir, H. A., Wilson, J. F., & Meyer, G. H. (2018). Client engagement related to their satisfaction with treatment outcomes. The Practitioner Scholar: Journal of Counseling and Professional Psychology, 7, 144-154. https://www.thepractitionerscholar.com/article/view/18335/12084
- Bernacchio, C. P. & Wilson, J. F. (2018) VR Online in rehabilitation counseling preparation: An integrative pilot initiative, Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 49(2), 24-33. https://doi.org/10.1891/0047-2220.49.2.24
- Bernacchio C. P., Wilson J. F., & Ginige J. A. (2020). Telehealth utilization in low resource settings. In E. Mpofu (Ed.), Sustainable Community Health (pp. 361-391). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59687-3_11
- Butler, T. R., O’Mara, E. M., & Wilson, J. F. (2018). Change in drawing placement: A measure of change in mood state reflective of hemispheric lateralization of emotion. Brain and Cognition, 124, 14-19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bandc.2018.04.004
- Embree, J. A. (2019). Prevalence of suicide attempts in a deaf population with co-occurring substance use disorder. Journal of the American Deafness & Rehabilitation Association (JADARA), 45(2), 258-272. https://nsuworks.nova.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1294&context=jada…
- Embree, J. A., Crawford, T., & Paton, S. J. (2018). Suicide rates in rural Ohio: The role of population density, social association, and healthcare access. Ohio Journal of Public Health. 1(1), 1-6. https://ohiopha.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/OJPH-2018-3_FINAL-1.pdf
- Embree, J. A., Fox, M. L., Titus, J. C., Guthmann, D., Sligar, S. R., Taylor, K. C., Welch, A. M., & Wilson, J. F. (2021). Psychometric properties of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale in American Sign Language: Validation and normative data [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Department of Population and Public Health Sciences, Wright State University.
- Embree, J. A., Huber, J.-M., Kapp, V. A., & Wilson, J. F. (2018). Utilizing telerehabilitation to deliver vocational rehabilitation services remotely as an alternative to traditional counseling. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 49(2), 40-47. https://doi.org/10.1891/0047-2220.49.2.40
- Embree, J. A., Kinzeler, N. R., Fraker, S., Castle, S., & Wilson, J. F. (2017). Age of language acquisition and prevalence of suicidal behavior in a Deaf population with co-occurring substance use disorder. Journal of the American Deafness & Rehabilitation Association (JADARA), 51(3), 1-24. https://nsuworks.nova.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1029&context=jada…
- Eustace, R. W., Wilson, J. F., Asiedu, G. B., Nyamhanga, T. M., & Mkanta, W. M. (2017). Community stakeholders’ perceptions of the role of family in HIV prevention in Iringa, Tanzania. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 34(1), 10-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/07370016.2017.1260981
- Grassman, D., Katz, A., Conforti-Brown, L., & Wilson, J. F. (in press). Validation of the Soul Injury Self-Awareness Inventory. The Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing.
- Grassman, D., Katz, A., & Wilson J. F. (in press) Identifying Soul Injury: A self-awareness inventory. In R. D'Aoust & A. Rossiter (Eds.), Caring for veterans and their families: A guide for nurses and other healthcare professionals, Jones and Bartlett Learning.
- Guthmann, D., Titus, J. C., Embree, J. A., & Wilson, J. F. (2017). Translation and validation of an online suite of assessments in American Sign Language. Journal of the American Deafness & Rehabilitation Association (JADARA), 51(1), 12-20. https://nsuworks.nova.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1030&context=jada…
- Hershberger, P. J., Pei, Y., Bricker, D. A., Crawford, T. N., Shivakumar, A., Vasoya, M., Medaramitta, R., Rechtin, M., Bositty, A., & Wilson, J. F.(2021). Advancing motivational interviewing training with artificial intelligence: ReadMI. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 12, 613-618. https://doi.org/10.2147/amep.s312373
- Huber, M. J., Oswald, G., Chan, F., Shaw, L. R., & Wilson, J. F. (2017). A call for a national evidence-based programs and practices registry in vocational rehabilitation. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 46(1), 11-18. https://doi.org/10.3233/JVR-160838
- Jacobson, M. D. & Wilson, J. F. (2021). The high cost of opioid use in pregnancy [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Department of Population and Public Health Sciences, Wright State University.
- Leeds F. S. & Wilson, J. F. (2014). A novel scope-of-practice based paradigm for empowering family physicians to manage chronic nonmalignant pain. Journal of Family Medicine & Community Health, 1(4), 1023. https://www.jscimedcentral.com/FamilyMedicine/familymedicine-1-1023.pdf
- Mehicic, M. A., Beaverson, T. M., Carter, D. Y., Linkenhoker, F., Fahrbach, S., & Wilson, J. F. (in press). Hemispheric lateralization of emotion in adults: Reactions to emotional stimuli in drawings. Perceptual & Motor Skills.
- Oswald, G., Huber, M. J., Wilson, J. F. & Embree, J. A. (2014). The status of technology-enhanced education and service delivery in rehabilitation counselor education. Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education, 29(3), 194-207. https://doi.org/10.1891/2168-6653.29.3.194
- Vasoya, M. M., Shivakumar, A., Pappu, S., Murphy, C. P., Pei, Y., Bricker, D. A., Wilson, J. F., Castle, A., & Hershberger, P. J. (2019). ReadMI: An innovative app to support training in Motivational Interviewing. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 11(3), 344-346. https://dx.doi.org/10.4300%2FJGME-D-18-00839.1
- Wilson, J. F., Embree, J. A., Guthmann, D., Sligar, S. R., Titus J. C., Niehaus, M., Welch, A., & Taylor, K. C. (in press). Depression inventories in American Sign Language: Validation and normative data. Journal of the American Deaf and Rehabilitation Association.
- Wilson, J. F., Embree, J. A., Guthmann, D., Sligar, S. R., Titus, J. C., & Taylor, K. C. (2020). Satisfaction with Life Scale in American Sign Language: Validation and normative data. Journal of the American Deaf and Rehabilitation Association, 53(3), 1-10. https://nsuworks.nova.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1297&context=jada…
- Wilson, J. F., Guthmann, D., Embree, J. A., & Fraker, S. (2015). Comparing outcomes from an online substance abuse treatment program and residential treatment programs for consumers who are Deaf: A pilot study. Journal of the American Deaf and Rehabilitation Association, 49(3), 172-183. https://nsuworks.nova.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1012&context=jada…
- Wilson, J. F., Ipsaro, B. N., Crosby, C., Kapp, V. A., Russell, T. G., & Tanamachi, B. (2019). Identifying behavioral health needs of individuals screened at the booking counter of Montgomery County Jail. Ohio Journal of Public Health, 2(1), 30-33. https://ohiopha.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/OJPH-2019-22-FINAL.pdf
- Wilson, J. F., McGlone, S. T., Kinzeler, N. R., Klene, A. L., & Bullock, M. T. (in press). Sugar as a food: The role of caloric compensation. Physiology & Behavior.
- Wilson, J. F, Niehaus, M., Embree J. A., Guthmann, D., Sligar, S. R., Titus J. C., Welch, A., & Taylor, K. C. (in press). Substance use screeners in American Sign Language: Validation and normative data. Journal of the Applied Rehabilitation Counseling.
- Wilson, J. F., Sippola, S. A., Ogawa, Y., Mehicic, M. A., Beaverson, T. M., & Sandoval, M. D. (in press). Effects of sugar on appetite during lunchtime meals. Appetite.
- Workman, J., Huber, M. J., Ford, J. A., Mayer, T., & Wilson, J. F. (2012). The PALS prevention program and its long-term impact on student intentions to use alcohol, tobacco, and Marijuana. Journal of Drug Education, 42(4), 469-485. https:/doi.org/10.2190/DE.42.4.f
Posters and Presentations (Past 5 Years)
- Croker, J. A., Richlen, W., & Williams, C. (2014, October 2-5). Real talk prevention: Effectively reaching those on campus at most risk [Poster presentation]. United States Conference on AIDS (USCA), San Diego, CA, United States.
- Embree, J. A., Ford, J. A., Fraker, S. M., Kissell, K. M. & Wilson, J. F. (2014, March 16-19). Technology assisted care: Addressing the barriers to SUD treatment faced by consumers with co-existing disabilities [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting, Charleston, SC, United States.
- Embree, J. A., Guthmann, D., Fraker, S. M. & Wilson, J.F. (2014, November 15-19). Evaluating the effectiveness of e-therapy compared to in-patient treatment for Deaf consumers of SUD treatment services [Conference session]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, New Orleans, LA, United States.
- Embree, J. A., Grove, K., Taylor, K. C., & Wilson, J. F. (2017, April 12-15). Lessons learned using latent semantic analysis to reduce researcher bias in back translation of instruments in American Sign Language [Conference session]. Western Social Science Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, United States.
- Embree, J. A., Huber, J.-M., & Wilson, J. F. (2016, August 4-7). Using semantic textual similarity to improve back translation and validation of instruments in ASL [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO, United States.
- Embree, J. A., Huber, J.-M., & Wilson, J. F. (2016, October 29-November 2). Using semantic textual similarity (STS) to improve back translation and validation of instruments in American sign language (ASL) [Poster presentation]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Denver, CO, United States.
- Embree, J. A. & Kapp, V. A. (2017, October 18-20). Utilizing online portals and videoconferencing to deliver vocational rehabilitation services remotely as an alternative to traditional in-person counseling [Poster presentation]. Global Rehabilitation Enhanced with Assistive Technology (GREAT) Conference, Wilmington, NC, United States.
- Embree, J. A., Kapp, V. A., & Wilson, J. F. (2017a, April 12-15). Utilizing online portals and videoconferencing to deliver vocational rehabilitation services remotely as an alternative to traditional in-person counseling [Conference session]. Western Social Science Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, United States.
- Embree, J. A., Kapp, V. A. & Wilson, J. F. (2017b, October 18-20). Increasing engagement and improving accessibility by augmenting traditional vocational rehabilitation services with online portals and videoconferencing [Conference session]. Southwest Conference on Disability, Albuquerque, NM, United States.
- Embree, J. A. & Moore, D. (2014, April 02-05) The increasing role of technology in recovery from behavioral disorders among persons with coexisting disabilities [Conference session]. Western Social Science Association Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM, United States.
- Embree, J. A., Paton, S. J., & Kinzeler, N. R. (2017, April 12-15). Correlations between increased adult suicide rates and population density in Ohio counties from 2007-2012 [Poster presentation]. Western Social Science Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, United States.
- Embree, J. A., Wilson, J. F., & Huber, J.-M. (2013a, March 17-20). eCAM: A virtual health information one-stop [Conference session]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, United States.
- Embree, J. A., Wilson, J. F., & Huber, J.-M. (2013b, November 2-6). eCAM: A virtual health information one-stop for enhancing SUD treatment services for consumers with co-occurring disabilities [Poster presentation]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Boston, MA, United States.
- Embree, J. A., Wilson, J. F. & Taylor, K. C. (2019, November 2-6). Addressing interviewer and observer biases with latent semantic analysis in back translation of the suicide behaviors questionnaire-revised in American Sign Language [Poster presentation]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Philadelphia, PA, United States.
- Eustace, R. W., Wilson, J. F., Asiedu, G. B., Nyamhanga, T. M., & Mkanta, W. M. (2013, November 02-06). Community stakeholders’ perceptions of the role of family in HIV prevention in Iringa, Tanzania [Conference session]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
- Ford, J. A., Gaddis, R., Kissell, K. M., Atkinson, T., Brown, K., Hardin, L., Richlen, W., & Kinzeler, N. R. (2017, November 04-08). Utilizing case management to bridge the gap between incarceration and substance abuse treatment [Conference session]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Ford, J.A., Gaddis, R., Kissell, K.M., & Kinzeler, N.R. (2018, August 27-30). Comparing two HIV prevention programs for African American women in Dayton, OH [Poster presentation]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention STD Prevention Conference Washington, D.C., United States.
- Ford, J. A., Gaddis, R., McNeil, T., Whitford, J., & Kissell, K. M. (2020, October 24-28) Utilizing intensive case management to reinforce harm reduction in young adult substance abusers [Poster presentation]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, San Francisco, CA, United States.
- Ford, J. A., Kissell, K. M., Gaddis, R., Atkinson, T., Brown, K., & Kinzeler, N. R. (2018, March 4-7). Utilizing a Case Management Approach to Decrease Substance Use in an Adult Re-entry Population [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting, Portland, OR, United States.
- Ford, J. A., Kissell, K. M., Gaddis, R., Atkinson, T., & Kinzeler, N. R. (2019, March 10-13). Successful Treatment Completion Improves Behavioral Health Outcomes for a Reentry Population [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting, Greenville, SC, United States.
- Ford, J. A., Kinzeler, N. R., Kissell, K. M., Williams, J., & Duncan-Alexander, T. (2016, October 29-November 2). Knowledge and behavior change maintained post-program for African American women enrolled in substance abuse and HIV prevention [Conference session]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Denver, CO, United States.
- Gaddis, R., Ford, J. A., Kinzeler, N. R., McNeil, T., Hardin, L., & Kissell, K. M. (2022, March 13-16) Effects of the Pandemic on Case Management Services for Marginally Housed Young Adult Substance Abusers (PDF) [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting, Key Largo, FL, United States.
- Gaddis, R., Kissell, K. M., Whitford, J., McNeil, T., & Ford, J.A. (2020, September 14-24). Risky health behaviors in runaway and homeless transitional aged youth [Poster presentation]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention STD Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Guthmann, D. (2020, June 17). Identifying barriers and resources when working with Deaf and Hard of Hearing people with substance use disorders [Webinar]. National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC). https://www.naadac.org/identifying-barriers-resources-DHH-webinar
- Guthmann, D., Fraker, S., Wilson, J. F., & Embree, J. A. (2014, March 13-15). Technology and behavioral health: Lessons learned on sustainable tele-health services and providing culturally appropriate treatment [Conference session]. American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association Breakout Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, United States.
- Guthmann, D., Wilson, J. F., & Embree, J. A. (2017, November 4-9). Key training components for utilization of an online suite of career interest and behavioral health assessments in American Sign Language [Poster presentation]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Guthmann, D., Wilson, J. F., & Embree, J. A. (2018, October 12-15). Key training components needed to access an online suite of assessments related to career, substance abuse, and mental health assessments in American Sign Language [Conference session]. Southeast Regional Institute of Deafness Annual Conference, Louisville, KY, United States.
- Guthmann, D., Wilson, J. F., & Sligar, S. R. (2018, November 7-9). Key Training components for utilization of an online suite of career interest and behavioral assessments in American Sign Language [Conference session]. North Carolina Rehabilitation Association Training Conference, Cary, NC, United States.
- Guthmann, D., Wilson, J. F., Sligar, S. R., Embree, J. A., & Titus, J. C. (2018, October 25-27). Key training components for utilization of an online suite of career interest and behavioral assessments in American Sign Language [Conference session]. National Rehabilitation Education Conference. Arlington, VA, United States.
- Guthmann, D., Wilson, J. F., Sligar, S. R., Embree, J. A., & Titus, J. B. (2018, October 11-14). Key training components needed to assess an online suite of assessments related to career, substance abuse and mental health assessments in American Sign Language [Conference session]. National Rehabilitation Association Annual Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, United States.
- Huber, J.-M., Browning, A., Leonard, A., Kinzeler, N. R., & Ford, J. A. (2020, September 14-17). The peer movement project: An HIV, STD, and substance abuse intervention for African-American college students in Southwestern Ohio [Poster Presentation]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention STD Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Huber, J.-M., Embree, J. A., & Wilson, J. F. (2015, October 31-November 4). eCAM: Using technology to create culturally appropriate and accessible treatment for recovery from substance use disorders [Poster presentation]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Chicago, IL, United States.
- Huber., J.-M., Embree, J. A., & Wilson, J. F. (2016a, August 4-7). Cross substitution of drugs following substance abuse treatment that does not include MAT [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO, United States.
- Huber., J.-M., Embree, J. A., & Wilson, J. F. (2016b, October 29-November 3). eCAM: Addressing multiple barriers to substance abuse treatment [Poster presentation]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Denver, CO, United States.
- Kapp, V. A. & Embree, J. A. (2018, June 1). Using online portals and videoconferencing to provide VR services onLine: Is this the future of VR? [Conference session]. International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals Conference, Columbus, OH, United States.
- Kinzeler, N. R., Augspurger, E., Borders, M., Taylor, K. C., Gurley, J., & Starr, S. (2018, March 4-7). SBIRT aids in reducing substance use risk behaviors in primary care patients [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting, Portland, OR, United States.
- Kinzeler, N. R., Augspurger, E., Kapp, V. A., Gurley, J., & Knudsen, K. (2020, March 8-11). Improving access to treatment for Ohioans with opioid use disorder [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting, Napa, CA, United States. (Conference cancelled)
- Kinzeler, N. R., Borders, M., Augspurger, E., Taylor, K. C., Wilson, J. F., & Starr, S. (2017, March 19-22). The use of SBIRT in primary and emergency care settings improves substance use risk behavior in patients [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting, Tucson, AZ, United States.
- Kinzeler, N. R., Browning, A., Huber, J. M., Vann, M., & Gaddis, R. (2022, March 13-16). Using Innovative Technologies to Advance HIV Prevention for African American College Students During COVID-19 [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting, Key Largo, FL, United States.
- Kinzeler, N. R., Davis, K., Huber, J.-M., Grundy, S., Martinez, P., & Ford, J. A. (2018, August 27-30). Using a community needs assessment to inform an HIV prevention program for African American college students [Poster presentation]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention STD Prevention Conference Washington, D.C., United States.
- Kinzeler, N. R., Huber, J.-M., Browning, A., Leonard, A., & Ford, J. A. (2019, March 10-13). Examining the unique substance abuse and HIV risk factors of African American college students using a community needs assessment [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting, Greenville, SC, United States.
- Kinzeler, N. R., Kissell, K. M., Peters, M., Firesheets, K., & Wilson, J. F. (2016, February 21-24). Mental Health First Aid is having a positive impact on the knowledge and attitudes of trainees in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting, Jacksonville, FL, United States.
- Kinzeler, N. R., Miracle, T., Stricklin, K., Firesheets, K., & Wilson, J. F. (2014, November 15-19). Integrated healthcare has a positive impact on the physical and mental health of Severe Mental Health (SMD) clients in Ohio [Poster presentation]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, New Orleans, LA, United States.
- Kissell, K. M., Duncan-Alexander, T., Kinzeler, N. R., & Ford, J. A. (2014, November 15-19). Using a Recovery Oriented System of Care (ROSC) model to encourage engagement in SUD treatment [Poster presentation]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo New Orleans, LA, United States.
- Kissell, K. M., Gaddis, R., Atkinson, T., Brown, K., Hardin, L., Kinzeler, N. R., & Ford, J. A. (2018, March 4-7). Reducing recidivism by addressing common barriers to reentry [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting, Portland, OR, United States.
- Kissell, K. M., Gaddis, R., Atkinson, T., Brown, K., Hardin, L, Richlen, W., & Ford, J. A. (2017, November 4-8). Reducing substance use in an adult reentry population [Poster Presentation]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Kissell, K. M., Gaddis, R., Atkinson, T., Brown, K., Kinzeler, N. R., & Ford, J. A. (2018, November 10-14). Substance use, housing and employment: An analysis of three barriers to the successful reentry of an adult offender population [Poster presentation]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, San Diego, CA, United States.
- Kissell, K. M., Gaddis, R., Hardin, L., McNeil, T., & Ford, J. A. (2022, March 13-16). Changes in Behavioral Health Outcomes for Marginally Housed Youth in Dayton, OH (PDF) [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting, Key Largo, FL, United States.
- Kissell, K. M., Gaddis, R., Whitford, J., McNeil, T., & Ford, J. A. (2020, October 24-28). Utilizing an ancillary services approach to decrease substance use and improve mental health in runaway and homeless youth [Poster presentation]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, San Francisco, CA, United States.
- Kissell, K. M., Gaddis, R., Williams, J., & Ford, J. A. (2017a, March 19-22). Integrating behavioral health treatment with HIV testing and aftercare services: A preliminary analysis [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting, Tucson, AZ, United States.
- Kissell, K. M., Gaddis, R., Williams, J., & Ford, J. A. (2017b, November 4-8). Integrating behavioral health services: Screening, prevention, treatment, and HIV testing [Poster presentation]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Atlanta, GA.
- Kissell, K. M., Kinzeler, N. R., Gaddis, R., Atkinson, T., & Ford, J. A. (2020). The effect of gender on substance use, mental health, and treatment engagement and completion in a re-entry population [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting, Napa, CA, United States. (Conference cancelled)
- Kissell, K. M., Kinzeler, N. R., Peters, M., Firesheets, K., & Wilson, J. F. (2016a, February 21-24). Using the knowledge and attitudes of community stakeholders to inform a multi-state Mental Health First Aid initiative [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, United States.
- Kissell, K. M., Kinzeler, N. R., Williams, C., Hardin, L., Brown, K., & Wilson, J. F. (2016b, February 21-24). Relationship between age of onset and current substance use for African Americans over the age of 50 [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL., United States.
- Leonard, A., Huber, J.-M., Browning, A., Kinzeler, N. R., & Ford, J. A. (2020, September 14-17). The risk is not knowing [Poster presentation]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention STD Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Matic, G. T., Steward, N. D., Huber, J.-M., Wilson, J. F., Hershberger, P. J. (2016, October 28-30). Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and professionalism in health professions students/residents [Poster Presentation]. Family Medicine Education Consortium Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, United States.
- Matic, G. T., Steward, N. D., Huber, J.-M., Castle, A., Wilson, J. F., Hershberger, P. J. (2017, May 5-9). Attitudes toward interdisciplinary education amongst medical students/residents and physician assistant students [Poster presentation]. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference, San Diego, CA, United States.
- Richlen, W., Croker, J. A., & Williams, C. (2014, November 15-19). Life on the YARD: Reducing the risks of STIs and substance abuse among African-American college students [Poster presentation]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, New Orleans, LA, United States.
- Steward, N. D., Matic, G. T., Huber, J.-M., Wilson, J. F., & Hershberger, P. (2016, October 28-30). Social desirability and attitudes toward interdisciplinary education in the health professions [Poster presentation]. Family Medicine Education Consortium Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, United States.
- Sligar, S. R., Guthmann, D. & Wilson, J. F. (2017, October 10-12). Utilizing an online suite of mental health, substance abuse, and career related assessments in American Sign Language [Conference session]. Global Rehabilitation Enhanced with Assistive Technology (GReAT) Conference, Wilmington, NC, United States.
- Titus, J. C., Guthmann, D., Wilson, J. F., Embree, J. A., & Taylor, K. C. (2017, August 3-6). Evaluation of equivalence of the ASL and English versions of the GAIN-SS screeners [Conference session]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington D. C., United States.
- Williams, C., Hardin, L., Kissell, K. M., & Wilson, J. F. (2014, October 2-5). 50+ HIV prevention project: Addressing HIV risk in an elderly urban population [Poster presentation]. United States Conference on AIDS (USCA), San Diego, CA, United States.
- Williams, C., Kissell, K. M., Kinzeler, N. R., Hardin, L., Brown, K., & Wilson, J. F. (2015, October 31-November 4). Substance use and HIV prevention efforts in a 50+ African American population [Conference session]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Chicago, IL, United States.
- Wilson, J. F. (2014, January 1). Women and alcohol [Address]. Kettering Medical Center, Dayton, OH, United States.
- Wilson, J. F. (2014, February 1). Grant.Gov workshop [Address]. University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, United States.
- Wilson, J. F. (2014, March). Providing mental health and substance abuse treatment services for the disabled: WSU’s Substance Abuse Resources and Disability Issues (SARDI) Program [Address]. National Council on Rehabilitation Education (NCRE), Manhattan Beach, CA, United States.
- Wilson, J.F. (2014, April). The brain and prevention [Keynote]. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Association of Ohio (ADAPAO) Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH, United States.
- Wilson, J. F. (2014, April). Gender-based prevention [Conference session]. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Association of Ohio (ADAPAO) Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH, United States.
- Wilson, J. F. (2014, April 4). Holistic mental health [Address]. Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton, OH, United States.
- Wilson, J.F. (2014, April 24). The neurophysiology and addiction potential of synthetic drugs [Address]. Montgomery County Alcohol Drug Addiction Mental Health Services (ADAMHS), Dayton, OH, United States.
- Wilson, J. F. (2014, July 17). Peacemaking Circles 2013 outcomes [Address]. Family and Children First Council, Dayton, OH, United States.
- Wilson, J. F. (2014, September 3). Women and alcohol [Address]. Grand View Hospital, Dayton, OH, United States.
- Wilson, J. F. (2014, September 8). Current trends of drugs of abuse: Their effects on brain and behavior [Address]. District Training, U.S. Probation Court, Southern District of Ohio, Indianapolis, IN, United States.
- Wilson, J. F. (2014, October 7). Grant Writing Workshop [Address]. Wright State University Graduate Student Association, Fairborn, OH, United States.
- Wilson, J. F. (2014, October 16). Ethanol and the developing brain: Biological & behavioral impacts [Address]. Kettering Medical Center, Kettering, OH, United States.
- Wilson, J. F. (2017, June 26-29). Substance abuse in the IDD population: Methods for prevention and intervention [Conference session]. American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) Annual Meeting, Hartford, CT, United States.
- Wilson, J. F. (2017, October 27). Brain, gambling, and addiction [Conference session]. Ohio Gambling Prevention Conference, Dayton, OH, United States.
- Wilson, J. F. (2018, July 18-21). Brain and gambling [Conference session]. National Conference on Problem Gambling, Cleveland, OH, United States.
- Wilson, J. F., Embree, J. A., Guthmann, D., Kapp, V. A., & Taylor, K. C. (2019a, May 1). Identifying substance abuse needs in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community [Address]. Louisiana Commission for the Deaf, Bienville Building, Baton Rouge, LA, United States.
- Wilson, J. F., Embree, J. A., Guthmann, D., Kapp, V. A., & Taylor, K. C. (2019b, May 21-22). Identifying substance abuse needs in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community [Address]. RHA Behavioral Health Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Raleigh, NC, United States.
- Wilson, J. F., Embree, J. A., Guthmann, D., Kapp, V. A., & Taylor, K. C. (2019c, June 1-4). Collaboration in the provision of vocational evaluation services for Deaf persons [Conference session]. American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association (ADARA)/Association of Medical Professionals with Hearing Losses (AMPHL) Conference, Baltimore, MD, United States.
- Wilson, J. F., Embree, J. A., Guthmann, D., Kapp, V. A., & Taylor, K. C. (2019d, June 1-4). An online suite of assessments related to career, substance abuse and mental health assessments in American Sign Language [Conference session]. American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association (ADARA)/Association of Medical Professionals with Hearing Losses (AMPHL) Conference, Baltimore, MD, United States.
- Wilson, J. F., Embree, J. A., Guthmann, D., Kapp, V. A., & Taylor, K. C. (2019e, June 25). Identifying substance abuse needs in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community [Address]. Lamar University, Houston, TX, United States.
- Wilson, J. F., Embree, J. A., Guthmann, D., Kapp, V. A., & Taylor, K. C. (2019f, October 2-4). ASL-STAR: An online suite of mental health, substance abuse, and career related assessments in American Sign Language [Poster presentation]. North Carolina Rehabilitation Association (NCRA) Conference, Cherokee, NC, United States.
- Wilson, J. F., Embree, J. A., Guthmann, D., Kapp, V. A., & Taylor, K. C. (2019g, October 2-4) Occupational Information Network (O*Net) interest profiler in American Sign Language [Poster presentation]. North Carolina Rehabilitation Association (NCRA) Conference, Cherokee, NC, United States.
- Wilson, J. F., Embree, J. A., Guthmann, D., Kapp, V. A., & Taylor, K. C. (2019h, October 10-13). An online suite of assessments related to career, substance abuse and mental health assessments in American Sign Language [Conference session]. Southeast Regional Institute on Deafness (SERID) Conference, Huntsville, AL, United States.
- Wilson, J. F., Embree, J. A., Guthmann, D., Kapp, V. A., & Taylor, K. C. (2019i, October 14-16). ASL-STAR: An online suite of mental health, substance abuse, and career related assessments in American Sign Language [Conference session]. National Forum on Issues in Vocational Assessment, Richmond VA, United States.
- Wilson, J. F., Embree, J. A., Guthmann, D., Kapp, V. A., & Taylor, K. C. (2019j, October 24-25). Identifying substance abuse Needs in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community [Address]. Services for Persons who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Late Deafened or Deaf Blind, Roanoke, VA, United States.
- Wilson, J. F., Embree, J. A., Guthmann, D., Kapp, V. A., & Taylor, K. C. (2020, January 24-25). Identifying mental health and substance abuse for Deaf and Hard of Hearing adults and youth [Address]. Texas Mental Health Initiative for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals, Texas School for the Deaf, Austin, TX, United States.
- Wilson, J. F., Embree, J. A., Guthmann, D., Kapp, V. A., & Taylor, K. C. (2020, January 30). An Online Suite of assessments related to Career, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Assessments in American Sign Language [Address]. Bureau of Rehabilitation Services, Statewide DHOH Committee, Hartford, CT, United States.
- Wilson, J. F., Gregory, S., Huber, J.-M., Hoff, A., & Gaddis, R. (2016, October 29-November 2). Addressing psychosocial needs of indigent job seekers [Poster presentation]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Denver, CO, United States.
- Wilson, J. F., Kapp, V. A., & Embree, J. A. (2017, March 19-22). Differences in acceptability of telehealth services among populations with disabilities [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting, Tucson, AZ.
- Wilson, J. F., Williams, C., Ford, J. A., Gaddis, R., Duncan-Alexander, T., & Richlen, W. (2014, November 15-19). Mt. Olive One-Stop Community Center: Addressing ATOD use and HIV risk in an urban, ex-offender population [Poster presentation]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, New Orleans, LA, United States.
- Wright, J. J., & Kinzeler, N. R. (2018, November 8-10). Using mindful yoga therapy to address stress-related outcomes for at-risk youth in juvenile court diversion program [Poster presentation]. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., United States.
- Wright, J. J., Kinzeler, N. R., Kissell, K. M., Adcock, K., & Peters, M. (2018a, March 4-7). Strengthening self-care and coping skills improves health related outcomes in mental health professionals [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting Portland, OR, United States.
- Wright, J. J., Kinzeler, N. R., Kissell, K. M., Adcock, K., & Peters, M. (2018b, November 8-10). Improving health related outcomes by providing translational coping skills to mental health professionals serving vulnerable populations [Poster presentation]. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) Annual Meeting Washington D.C., United States.
- Wright, J. J., Kinzeler, N. R., Renzenbrink, A., Chard, K., Adcock, K., Peters, M., Gregory, S., Kissell, K. M., & Wilson, J. F. (2017a, March 19-22). Adding Mindful Yoga Therapy (MYT) to current clinical therapies improves stress related outcomes for veterans [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Scientific Meeting, Tucson, AZ, United States.
- Wright, J., Kinzeler, N. R., Renzenbrink, A., Chard, K., Adcock, K., Peters, M., Gregory, S., Kissell, K. M., & Wilson, J. F. (2017b, November 9-11). Improving physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing outcomes of veterans with PTSD: Incorporating Mindful Yoga Therapy into Cognitive Processing Therapy [Poster presentation]. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States.