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Current Grants
Wright MAT grant
The goal of The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) PCSS-Universities Wright MAT grant is to develop a buprenorphine waiver training plan for medical students, resident physicians, physician assistant and certified nurse practitioner students that will become a required component of their respective curricula. Students and residents will have the option to observe in a treatment facility and will be able to obtain a DATA waiver to prescribe for medication assisted treatment (MAT) when they get licensed. Paul Hershberger, PhD is the principal investigator. 9/29/2019–9/28/2022.
Wright State University Family Medicine Rural Residency Program grant
The Wright State University Family Medicine Rural Residency Program Grant funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will be a 1+2 rural training track program. Two residents will complete their first year of residency in Dayton, Ohio with other residents in the well-established and highly regarded Wright State University Family Medicine Residency Program. The year in Dayton will allow the residents to take advantage of clinical learning opportunities in the large teaching hospitals located in the city, particularly Miami Valley Hospital. The second and third years of the residency will be in Greenville, a small town in Darke County in rural West Central Ohio. While in Greenville, the students will complete hospital rotations at Wayne HealthCare, a sole community hospital, and see continuity patients at Family Health Services of Darke County, a FQHC. Lori Martensen and Pete Reynolds, M.D. are the principal investigators. 9/1/2020–8/31/2023.
Wright LIFE (Lifelike Immersion for Equity) project
The goal of the Wright LIFE (Lifelike Immersion for Equity) project funded by the Ohio Department of Medicaid is to teach the impact of social determinant of health and identify how implicit biases can affect the experience of minority individuals in the healthcare setting. The grant will include virtual reality immersion experience for a LGBTQ+ identifying patient and an autistic patient. Paul Hershberger, Ph.D. and Yong Pei, Ph.D. (Department of Computer Science) are the principal directors. 07/01/2021–06/30/2023.
Recently Completed Grants

- The goal of the Ohio Department of Higher Education Third Frontier grant, PRomoting Engagement for Safe Tapering of Opioids (PRESTO) is to train primary care providers in a prescription-tapering protocol. Wright State will recruit 150 primary care providers for training that includes CDC opioid-prescribing guidelines, the Ohio prescription drug monitoring program OARRS, and motivational interview techniques. The study will compare prescribing patterns eight months before training and eight months after training. The goal is to validate the PRESTO approach as an effective way to reduce the risk of overdose. Paul Hershberger, Ph.D. is the principal investigator. 11/18/2019–6/30-2022.
The primary goal of the Agency for Healthcare and Quality (AHRQ) Real-time Assessment of Dialogue in Motivational Interviewing (ReadMI) grant is to transform Motivational Interviewing (MI) training with a software-based training solution that analyzes practitioner responses and gives immediate feedback to improve MI skills. By making efficient MI training available to more health professionals, ReadMI will improve healthcare quality as providers are better equipped in their efforts to help patients make healthy lifestyle changes. Paul Hershberger, Ph.D. and Dean Bricker, M.D. are the principal investigators. 8/1/2019–6/30/2022.
The Accelerating Primary Care Transformation at Wright State (ACT-Wright) Grant funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Primary Care Training and Enhancement program to train future clinicians to work in a multidisciplinary team environment. The six goals include: 1) Expand patient-centered and interprofessional, team-based care education in residency (family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics) clinics. 2) Develop a primary care health transformation fellowship program open to family medicine, general internal medicine, and general pediatrics residents. 3) Expand patient-centered, population health and interprofessional education in medical, nurse practitioner and physician assistant education. 4) Expand community preceptor development. 5) Assist in the expansion of both global and local health programs with the development of workshops for faculty development and the development of a more in-depth medical student refugee curriculum. 6) Expand the Global in Local (Glocal) program to expand the number of students who rotate through the FRHC clinic, teach how to address refugee health disparities, work with health care team to address patient health and teach cultural proficiency. S. Bruce Binder, M.D., M.P.H., is the principal investigator. 07/01/2017–06/30/2022.
The goal of An Interactive Game for Cultural Proficiency Training Featuring Virtual Reality Immersion (IGCPT) Grant funded by the Ohio Department of Medicaid is to teach the impact of social determinants of health using virtual reality simulations. The grant will convert the Life Course game to a digital version and include virtual reality immersion experiences for a refugee patient and a pregnant woman with a history of opioid use disorder. Paul Hershberger, Ph.D. and Yong Pei Ph.D. (Dept of Computer Science) were the principal investigators. 11/7/2018–06/30/2020.
The Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services grant Wright MAT Train the Trainer will certify three Wright State faculty, Dr. Michael Jacobson (Family Medicine), Dr. Brian Merrill (Psychiatry) and Dr. Stuart Leeds (Family Medicine) to become trainers for medical students and residents so they can obtain their buprenorphine waiver to treat opioid use disorder using medication assisted treatment (MAT). Paul Hershberger, Ph.D. and F. Stuart Leeds, M.D. were the principal investigators. 8/15/2019–4/30/2020.
The goal of the Western Ohio Wright SBIRT (WOWS) project, funded by the Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services was to provide Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) training to physicians, resident physicians, certified nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other healthcare providers in 14 counties of western Ohio that have alarming rates of substance misuse and opioid overdose deaths. Goals were: 1) provide at least 20 live trainings in hospitals and other health agencies in the target counties; 2) conduct at least 5 extended SBIRT training sessions for BSOM residents in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, and Pediatric Medicine; and 3) reach a minimum of 250 providers through these training events. Paul Hershberger, Ph.D. and Lori Martensen, M.S. were the principal investigators. 01/01/2019–09/28/2019.
- This supplement to the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Primary Care Training and Enhancement grant allowed us to host trainings to address specific needs around the training of individuals that deliver and/or support the treatment of opioid use disorder, including the comprehensive services necessary for successful medication-assisted treatment (MAT). In addition to MAT training, the funds were used for integration of MAT into the core curriculum of the medical education program. F. Stuart Leeds, M.D. was the principal investigator. 07/01/2017–06/31/2019.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant developed and implemented SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment) training programs across multiple disciplines, including medicine, nursing, counseling, and clinical psychology. SBIRT is a comprehensive, integrated, public health approach to delivering early intervention and treatment services to persons with substance use disorders and for persons at risk for developing these disorders. It focused on providing substance use intervention and treatment to those who used substances at unhealthy or risky levels and who can be diverted through early intervention from developing or experiencing adverse drug or alcohol consequences. Paul Hershberger, Ph.D. was the principal investigator. 9/30/2015–3/28/2019.
Faculty Research
Family medicine faculty members are conducting various research projects at both the Wright State Physicians Health Center and the Five Rivers Family Health Center locations. Faculty research interests include quality improvement, improving the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model, chronic pain, substance abuse, obesity, hypertension, rural medicine, community outreach and interprofessional team-based care.
- Bruce Binder, sbruce.binder@wright.edu
Interests: Primary and Preventative Care; College Student Health; Medical School Curriculum; Standardized Patients; Opioid Dependence
- Kate Conway, M.D., M.P.H., katharine.conway@wright.edu
Interests: Refugee Health; Global Health; Primary and Preventive Care; Medical School Curriculum
- Timothy Crawford, Ph.D., timothy.crawford@wright.edu
Interests: Biostatistician; HIV/AIDS Epidemiology; HIV Aging; Sexual Health and Wellbeing; Longitudinal Data Analysis; Mediation Analysis
- John F. Donnelly, M.D., john.donnelly@wright.edu
Interests: Primary and Preventive Care; Coronary Heart Disease; Diabetes; Patient Centered Care; Predoctoral Education and Evaluation; Medical Decision Making; Professionalism; Scholarship of Synthesis
- Corey Ellis, M.D., corey.ellis@wright.edu
Interests: Sports Medicine; Collegiate Team Sports; Musculoskeletal
- Giselle D’Epiro Ellis, Pharm.D., giselle.ellis@wright.edu
Interests: Transitions of Care; Diabetes; Heart Failure; Interprofessional Education; Smoking Cessation
- Stacy Flowers, Psy.D., stacy.flowers@wright.edu
Interests: Pediatric Psycho-oncology; Pain Management; Coping and Adjustment; Mindfulness; Physician Resilience and Wellbeing
- Denise A. Griffith, M.D., denise.griffith@wright.edu
Interests: Primary and Preventive Care; Inpatient Family Medicine; Primary Health Care for Underserved Populations; Graduate Medical Education; Handoffs and Transitions of Care; Benefits of Inpatient Medicine to Family Medicine Training
- Paul Hershberger, Ph.D., paul.hershberger@wright.edu
Interests: Health Behavior Change; Self-control; Cognitive Bias; SBIRT; Medical Education and Mentoring; Professionalism; Motivational Interviewing
- Christine Kate Huang, D.O., christine.huang@wright.edu
Interests: Primary and Preventive Care; Medical Student Education; Graduate Medical Education; LBGTQ Care; Women’s Care; Practice Management; Resiliency
- Lisa Kellar, M.D., lisa.kellar@wright.edu
Interests: Primary and Preventive Care; Family Medicine Obstetrics; Adolescent/Pediatric Medicine; Inpatient Care; AMOR-IPAT (active management of risk in pregnancy at term); Antibiotic Utilization and Overutilization
- Jennifer Lee, D.O., jennifer.lee@wright.edu
Interests: Primary and Preventive Care; Predoc Education; Graduate Medical Education; Global and Refugee Health
- F. Stuart (Skip) Leeds, M.D., fstuart.leeds@wright.edu
Interests: Primary and Preventive Care; Predoc Education; Graduate Medical Education; Inpatient Medicine; Chronic Pain Management; Opioid Dependence and Treatment; Medical Decision Making; Differential Diagnosis
- Anne Proulx, D.O., anne.proulx@wright.edu
Interests: Primary and Preventive Care; Women’s Health; Procedures in Family Medicine; Depression; Transgender Care; LGBTQ Care; Immunizations
- Peter Reynolds, M.D., FAAFP, CHCQM, peter.reynolds@wright.edu
Interests: Primary and Preventive Care; Medical Decision Making
- Lisa Righter, M.D., lisa.righter@wright.edu
Interests: Primary and Preventive Care; Obstetrics in Family Medicine; Care of Infants and Children; Process Improvement; Interprofessional Education; Physician Leadership
- Shaun Spielman, M.D., shaun.spielman@wright.edu
Interests: Sports Medicine; Primary and Preventive Care
- Nicole Turkson, M.D., nicole.turkson@wright.edu
Interests: Primary and Preventive Care; Primary Care for Underserved; Global Health and Refugee Health
- Marcus Washington, M.D., marcus.washington@wright.edu
Interests: Primary and Preventive Care; Primary Care for the Underserved
2018–2020 Faculty Research Presentations
- Adib K, Brown J, Joseph C, Malke W, Al-Juboori R, Conway K. Poster: Bridging the Gap: A qualitative study analyzing inadequate communication in regard to refugee healthcare. Midwest Global Health Conference. Cincinnati, OH; 2018.
- Angerer-Fuenzalida F, Righter E, Crawford TN, Knowles H, Pavlack T, Otto D, Spurlock M. Poster: Piloting an Inter-Professional QI Exercise. Phys Asst Educ Assn. Anaheim, CA; 2018.
- Bowman M, Crawford T, Collier L, Kellar L, Zink T. Workshop: Implementation of REDCAP (Research Data Capture – Project-REDCAP.org) for Research Data Base Management and Operations. North American Primary Care Research Group. Chicago, IL; 2018.
- Bricker DA, Hershberger PJ. Promoting engagement for the safe tapering of opioids/benzodiazepines (PRESTO). Workshop, 16th Annual INEBRIA (International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol & Other Drugs) Conf. Lubeck, Germany; 2019.
- Castle A, Conway K, Bricker DA, Hershberger PJ. Lecture: Cultivating Behavior Change. STFM Conference on Practice Improvement. Tampa FL; 2018.
- Castle A, Crawford TN, Franz T, Hershberger PJ, Knowles H, Otto D, Pavlack T, Spurlock M. Poster: PACER Progress Report: Self-Management Module. STFM Conference on Practice Improvement. Tampa, FL; 2018.
- Colon R, Hershberger PJ, Otto D, Crawford TN, Pavlack T, Knowles H, Spurlock M. Poster: PACER Progress Report: Leadership Module. STFM Conference on Medical Student Education. Jacksonville, FL; 2019.
- Conway K. Roundtable Discussion: Conduct Disorder in Times of Crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Catholic Social Services Quarterly Meeting. Dayton, OH; 2018.
- Gainer D, Crawford TN, Fischer K. Poster: Treatment of Opioid Use Disorders and Dissociative Symptoms. WSUBSOM Central Research Forum. Dayton, OH; 2019.
- Hershberger PJ, Bricker DA, Castle A. Seminar: PRomoting Engagement for the Safe Tapering of Opioids/Benzodiazepines (PRESTO). STFM Conference on Practice and Quality Improvement. Phoenix, AZ; 2019.
- Hershberger PJ, Conway K, Castle A, Chu J. Seminar: Jedi Mind Tricks—Getting Patients to Do the Work While Improving Patient and Physician Outcomes. STFM Conference on Medical Student Education. Jacksonville, FL; 2019.
- Hershberger PJ, Neeley S, Pei Y, Davis M, Castle A. Seminar: Your Next Patient is Virtual: Training in Social Determinants. STFM Conference on Practice and Quality Improvement. Phoenix, AZ; 2019.
- Hershberger, PJ, Bricker DA, Martensen L. Promoting engagement for the safe tapering of opioids (PRESTO). Lecture/Discussion, 40th Forum for Behavioral Science in Family Medicine, Chicago, IL.
- Hughes J, Bugnitz C, Otto D, Crawford TN, Pavlack T, Knowles H, Spurlock M. Poster: Progress Report: Stewardship of Resources Module. STFM Conference on Practice Improvement; 2018.
- Lee JS, Humphrey M, Crawford TN, Hall J. Poster: Implementation and Outcomes of a Hypertension Program in El Viejo, Nicaragua. WSUBSOM Central Research Forum. Dayton, OH; 2019.
- Leeds FS, Cook A, Atwa K. Poster: DDx "Divas": Teaching Medical Students to Be Differential Diagnosis Experts. WSUBSOM Central Research Forum. Dayton, OH; 2018.
- Leeds FS. Program speaker: DDx Divas: Teaching Medical Students to Be Experts in Differential Diagnosis WSUBSOM Central Research Forum. Dayton, OH; 2018.
- Maag L, Li P, Dizmang J, Raslich M. Poster: A Case of Reactive Arthritis in the Setting of HIV. WSUBSOM Central Research Forum. Dayton, OH; 2019.
- Maxwell RA, Bowman M. Poster: Minding Your PHI: A Beginner's Guide to Protecting PHI with REDCap. WSUBSOM Central Research Forum. Dayton, OH; 2018.
- Otto D, Conway K, Reynolds P. Roundtable Discussion: Hands-On Experience With Practice-Based Learning and Improvement in the Third-Year Clerkship Setting. STFM Conference on Medical Student Education. Austin, TX; 2018.
- Otto D, Conway K. Session: The Who, What, When, and Why of Synchronous and Asynchronous Delivery Methods in the Third Year Clerkship Setting. STFM Conference on Medical Student Education. Tampa, FL; 2018.
- Prabhu MV, White L, Conway KC, Crawford TN, Leeds FS. Poster: To Primary Care or Not to Primary Care: The Relationship Between DDx and Pursuit of a Primary Care Specialty. WSUBSOM Central Research Forum. Dayton, OH; 2019.
- Proulx A. LGBTQ Minority Stress: Understanding & Addressing LGBTQ Health Disparities. Panel Discussion: Catholic Social Services. Centerville, OH; 2019.
- Vue C, Conway K, Murphy MA, Bir Adhikari S. Poster: Refugee-Centered Medical Home - PCMH Working Better for Our Newest Neighbors. 5th Annual Cultural Inclusion Institute Conference. San Antonio, TX; 2018.
2018–2020 Faculty Publications
- Abner EL, Teaster PB, Mendiondo MS, Ramsey-Klawsnik H, Marcum JL, Crawford TN, Wangmo T. Victim, Allegation, and Investigation Characteristics Associated With Substantiated Reports of Sexual Abuse of Adults in Residential Care Settings. J Interpers Violence. 2019;34(19): 3995-4019.
- Abusalem S, Polivka B, Coty MB, Crawford TN, Furman CD, Alaradi M. The Relationship Between Culture of Safety and Rate of Adverse Events in Long-Term Care Facilities. J Patient Saf. 2019. PMID:30889049.
- Ahmad O, Crawford TN, Myint T. Comparing the Outcomes of Ceftaroline Plus Vancomycin or Daptomycin Combination Therapy Versus Monotherapy in Adults with Complicated and Prolonged Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteremia Initially Treated with Supplemental Ceftaroline. Infect Dis Ther. 2019;9(1):77-87.
- Al-Dwaikat TN, Chlebowy DO, Hall LA, Crawford TN, Yankeelov PA. Self-Management as a Mediator of the Relationship between Social Support Dimensions and Health Outcomes of African American Adults with Type 2 Diabetes. West J Nurs Res. 2019:193945919867294. PMID:31373261.
- Bowman M, St Cyr S, Stolfi A. Health-Care Provider Personal Religious Preferences and Their Perspectives on Advance Care Planning With Patients. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2018;35(12):1565-1571. PMID:29973066.
- Bowman MA, Maxwell RA. A beginner's guide to avoiding Protected Health Information (PHI) issues in clinical research - With how-tos in REDCap Data Management Software. J Biomed Inform. 2018;85:49-55. PMID:30017974.
- Bowman MA, Saultz JW, Phillips WR. Beware of Predatory Journals: A Caution from Editors of Three Family Medicine Journals. J Am Board Fam Med. 2018;31(5):671-676. PMID:30201661.
- Bowman MA, Steffensmeier K, Smith M, Stolfi A. Physician Advance Care Planning Experiences and Beliefs by General Specialty Status and Sex. South Med J. 2018;111(12):721-726. PMID:30512123.
- Chlebowy DO, Batscha C, Kubiak N, Crawford TN. Relationships of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress with Adherence to Self-Management Behaviors and Diabetes Measures in African American Adults with Type 2 Diabetes. J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. 2019;6(1):71-76. PMID:29845520.
- Crawford TN, Harris LM, Peyrani PM. Examining age as a moderating effect on the relationship between alcohol use and viral suppression among women living with HIV. Women Health. 2019;59(7):789-800. PMID:30615579.
- Crawford TN, Ridner SL. Differences in well-being between sexual minority and heterosexual college students. J LGBT Youth. 2018;15(3):243-255.
- Crawford TN, Thornton AC. Alcohol Use and Multimorbidity Among Individuals Living with HIV. AIDS Behav. 2019;23(1):152-160. PMID:30088200.
- Flowers SR, Hershberger PJ. Commentary: Individual and organizational strategies for physician well-being. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care. 2019;49(12): 100687.
- Hardin HK, McCarthy VL, Speck BJ, Crawford TN. Diminished Trust of Healthcare Providers, Risky Lifestyle Behaviors, and Low Use of Health Services: A Descriptive Study of Rural Adolescents. J Sch Nurs. 2018; 34(6): 458-467.
- Khan SS, Hong-McAtee I, Kriss VM, Stevens S, Crawford TN, Hanna M, Bada H, Desai N. Thyroid gland volumes in premature infants using serial ultrasounds. J Perinatol. 2018;38(10):1353-1358. PMID:30061589.
- Krebs PA, Dennison CR, Kellar L, Lucas J. Gender Differences in Eating Disorder Risk among NCAA Division I Cross Country and Track Student-Athletes. J Sports Med. 2019:5035871. PMC6377974.
- Leeds FS, Atwa KM, Cook AM, MD, Conway KC, Crawford TN. Teaching Heuristics and Mnemonics to Improve Generation of Differential Diagnoses. Med Educ Online (under review).
- Leeds FS, Levinthal RK, Alexander MT, Crawford TN. The Distribution of Ohio’s Certificates to Recommend: Who Will “prescribe” medical marijuana? J Cannabis Res. 2020;2(11).
- Leeds FS. Fibromyalgia. In: Domino F, Baldor R, Golding J, Stephens M, eds. The 5-Minute Clinical Consult 2018. 26th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer; 2018.
- Leeds FS. Fibromyalgia. In: Domino F, Baldor R, Golding J, Stephens M, eds. The 5-Minute Clinical Consult 2019. 27th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer; 2019.
- Luonuansuu T, Crawford TN, Leeds FS. Addressing the Barriers to Buprenorphine Training: Outcomes of a Stipend-Incentivized Training Experience J Subst Abuse (under review)
- McCarthy VL, Hall LA, Crawford TN, Connelly J. Facilitating Self-Transcendence: An Intervention to Enhance Well-Being in Late Life. West J Nurs Res. 2018;40(6): 854-873.
- Nash WA, Hall LA, Lee Ridner S, Hayden D, Mayfield T, Firriolo J, Hupp W, Weathers C, Crawford TN. Evaluation of an interprofessional education program for advanced practice nursing and dental students: The oral-systemic health connection. Nurse Educ Today. 2018;66: 25-32.
- Nicholson JM, Kellar LC, Yaklic JL. Limiting Elective Delivery Prior to 39 Weeks May Be Producing Harm Rather Than Benefit. JAMA Pediatr. 2018;172(12):1200-1201. PMID:30325995.
- Palla MR, Harohalli S, Crawford TN, Desai N. Progression of Gastric Acid Production in Preterm Neonates: Utilization of In-vitro Method. Front Pediatr. 2018;6:211. PMC6090049
- Rayner CR, Smith PF, Hershberger K, Wesche D. Optimizing COVID-19 candidate therapeutics: Thinking Wiasdfthout Borders. Clin Transl Sci. 2020:1-14. [AJ1]
- Ridner SL, Keith RJ, Walker KL, Hart JL, Newton KS, Crawford TN. Differences in quality of life among college student electronic cigarette users. AIMS Public Health. 2018;5(4):454-462. PMC6323002
- Robinson KM, Crawford TN, Buckwalter KC, Casey DA. Outcomes of a Two-Component Intervention on Behavioral Symptoms in Persons With Dementia and Symptom Response in Their Caregivers. J Appl Gerontol. 2018;37(5): 570-594.
- Salameh TN, Hall LA, Crawford TN, Staten RR, Hall MT. Racial/ethnic differences in mental health treatment among a national sample of pregnant women with mental health and/or substance use disorders in the United States. J Psychosom Res. 2019;121:74-80. PMID:30928211.
- Salameh TN, Hall LA, Crawford TN, Staten RR, Hall MT. Trends in mental health and substance use disorders and treatment receipt among pregnant and nonpregnant women in the United States, 2008-2014. J Psycho Obstet Gynaecol. 2019:1-10.
- Shawler C, Edward J, Ling J, Crawford TN, Rayens MK. Impact of Mother-Daughter Relationship on Hypertension Self-management and Quality of Life: Testing Dyadic Dynamics Using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model. J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2018;33(3): 232-238.
- Smith S, Keltner C, Stikes R, Hayes P, Crawford TN. Comparison of Axillary and Temporal Artery Thermometry in Preterm Neonates. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2018;47(3): 352-361.
- Snyder K, Hill M, Lee M, Crawford TN, Orlowski M. The Relationships Between Physical Health and Chronic Disease, Stress, and Resource Strain in Head Start Employees. Workplace Health Saf. 2019: 2165079919882952.
- Spielman S, Leeds FS. Thessaly vs. McMurray Test for Diagnosis of Meniscal Injuries. Am Fam Physician. 2019;100(4):200-201. PMID:31414784.
- Vasoya MM, Shivakumar A, Pappu S, Murphy CP, Pei Y, Bricker DA, Wilson JF, Castle A, Hershberger PJ. ReadMI: An Innovative App to Support Training in Motivational Interviewing. J Grad Med Educ. 2019;11(3):344-346. PMC6570458.
Resident Research
Resident physician Lara Ilyas, M.D., received a STFM/NIDA Training Award in Substance Abuse and Addiction. Her mentor, Josephine F. Wilson, D.D.S., Ph.D., director of Substance Abuse Resources and Disability Issues at WSU, will help her grow her research skills as she tests CareText, a cell phone text messaging app using motivational interviewing messages. This research project uses a two-group, randomized control trial in which patients receive usual treatment or CareText after screening, brief intervention and referral to training (SBIRT). Her clinical mentors included family medicine faculty Paul J. Hershberger, Ph.D., director of behavioral science and Michael Duane Jacobson, D.O., who is certified in addiction medicine. Jacobson is continuing to use the data to further explore substance abuse and addictions.
All graduating residents in the classes of 2015 and 2016 presented research projects at local and/or national conferences. Residents also are preparing articles for publication, including Paul Krebs, M.D., who has done a survey on stress fractures and long distances runners at the collegiate level.
2018–2020 Resident Research Presentations
- Fong T, Hirth N, O'Neil M, Rupp K, Swartzwelder-Cozad E, Wheeler T, Kellar L. Poster: The Effect of Video Education on HPV Vaccine Administration Rates. DAGMEC - Virginia C. Wood Resident Research Forum. Dayton, OH; 2018.
- Jones S, Parikh P, Crawford TN, Hershberger PJ, Cochran A, Peterson L, Falls G. Poster: Implicit Biases and Perceptions of Surgeons in the Operating Room: A Simulation Based Study. WSUBSOM Central Research Forum. Dayton, OH; 2018.
- Khan M, Proulx A. Poster: Evaluating Adult Pneumococcal Immunization Practices at Five Rivers Family Health Center. DAGMEC - Virginia C. Wood Resident Research Forum. Dayton, OH; 2018.
- Williams A, Platko S, Ahmad M, Anim M, Langston R, Righter E. Poster: Quality Improvement Project: HTN Treatment Algorithm. 2018.
- Wolters C, Righter E. Poster: Improving Cervical Cancer Screening at FQHC. DAGMEC - The Virginia C. Wood Resident Research Forum. Dayton, OH; 2019.
Student Research
Active research opportunities for medical and graduate students are available. Medical students have the opportunity to conduct scholarship activities, through the Area Health Education Center summer program and one-on-one. Students interested in pursuing a research/scholarship project, please review the short power point presentation and contact the research program manager to schedule a meeting. Students should be prepared to discuss interests, ideas, questions, and goals during the initial meeting in order to decide which faculty member would be most fitting as a mentor. Jayna will also provide guidance to students on which CITI training courses need to be completed.
Our goal is for students to present the findings of their project through posters, presentations, and publications. Many Scholarship Opportunities are available: Boonshoft School of Medicine Medical Student Research Symposium, STFM (Society of Teachers of Family Medicine), and regional family medicine meetings: Family Medicine Education Consortium and Family Medicine Midwest.
Currently, students are involved in Students Teaching Educational Plans for Success (STEPS) Initiative, working at Reach Out on a Household Wellness Initiative, and working on quality improvement projects at both Wright State Physicians and Five River Family Health Center. Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about the research opportunities within the Department of Family Medicine!
Medical Student Scholarly Research Project
Students are required to complete a Scholarship in Medicine research project. The curriculum for the scholarly project lays the foundation for how to approach a problem with a scientific perspective and gives you practice in identifying the key questions, developing a hypothesis, collecting and analyzing data, making conclusions based on the data, and putting it all together in writing.
Students will also be instructed in the basic scientific and ethical principles of clinical and translational research.
2018–2020 Medical Student Research Presentations
- Adib K, Brown J, Joseph C, Malke W, Al-Juboori R, Conway K. Poster: Bridging the Gap: A qualitative study analyzing inadequate communication in regard to refugee healthcare. 9th Annual Consortium of University for Global Health Conference. New York, NY; 2018.
- Adib K, Brown J, Joseph C, Malke W, Al-Juboori R, Conway K. Poster: Bridging the Gap: A qualitative study analyzing inadequate communication in regard to refugee healthcare. WSUBSOM Medical Student Research Symposium. Dayton, OH; 2018.
- Adib K, Goswami R, Joseph C, Malke W, Conway K. Poster: Building bridges: Improvement of Refugee Health Care Through Community Voices. WSUBSOM Central Research Forum. Dayton, OH; 2018.
- Brown J, Conway K, Neeley S. Poster and Abstract: Evaluation of Services Provided to Pregnant African Refugees by Catholic Social Services Refugee Resettlement Agency in Dayton, OH. WSUBSOM Medical Student Research Symposium. Dayton, OH; 2018.
- Brown J, Conway K, Neeley S. Poster: Evaluation of Services Provided to Pregnant African Refugees by Catholic Social Services Refugee Resettlement Agency in Dayton, OH. North American Refugee Resettlement Conference. Portland, OR; 2018.
- Chu J, Conway K, Danner K, Muterspaw K, Keim V, Lomeo K. Poster: The Evolution of Global Health Initiative at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine. WSUBSOM Central Research Forum. Dayton, OH; 2018.
- Chu J, Conway K, Danner K, Muterspaw K, Keim V, Lomeo K. Research Talk: The Evolution of Global Health Initiative at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine. WSUBSOM Medical Student Research Symposium, The John F. Donnelly MD Research Talks. Dayton, OH; 2019.
- Chu J, Jazayeri O, Nurre A, Spitz H, Zink T. Poster: A Study of Costa Rican Educational Disparity of the Zika Virus. Annual CUGH Global Health Conference. Cincinnati, OH; 2018.
- Chu J, Kanner K, Keim V, Lomeo K, Muterspaw K, Conway K. Poster: The Evolution of Global Health Initiative: Student Led-Faculty Supported for 18 Years and Beyond. Annual CUGH Global Health Conference. Chicago, IL; 2019.
- Fujimura R, Jazayeri-Maghaddas O, Anim M, Langston R, Righter E. Research Talk: Quality Improvement Project: HTN Timely Follow-up. WSUBSOM Medical Student Research Symposium, The John F. Donnelly MD Research Talks. Dayton, OH; 2019.
- Leeds FS, Alexander M, Levinthal R, Crawford TN. Poster: Project DOCTRs (Distribution of Ohio CTRs): Who Recommends Medical Marijuana? WSUBSOM Annual Medical Student Research Symposium. Dayton, OH; 2019.
- Leeds FS, Cook A, Atwa K, Conway K, Crawford TN. Poster: There's a Trick To It: Teaching Metamemory Techniques to Improve Differential Diagnosis Skills. WSUBSOM Annual Medical Student Research Symposium. Dayton, OH; 2019.
- Leeds FS, Sommer E, Andrasik W. Poster: Fibro-Blast: Fibromyalgia Video Education Project. WSUBSOM Medical Student Research Symposium. Dayton, OH; 2019.
- Luonuansuu T, Conway K. Research Talk: A comparative Evaluation of Urban and Rural Healthcare Providers on Practices of Evaluating Firearms Ownership and Obstacles to Screening for Firearms Safety. WSUBSOM Medical Student Research Symposium, The John F. Donnelly MD Research Talks. Dayton, OH; 2019.
- Patel V, Anim M, Langston R, Righter E. Poster: Quality Improvement Project: HTN Standardized Nurse Visit. WSUBSOM Medical Student Research Symposium. Dayton, OH; 2019.
- Reynolds P, Cigrang J, Glover I, Yoder D, La'Pelusa A, Evans A, Quick M. Poster and Abstract: Household Wellness in an Urban Safety-Net Clinic: Relationships, Finances, and Medical Wellness. WSUBSOM Medical Student Research Symposium. Dayton, OH; 2018.
- Sokol J, Crawford TN, Proulx A. Poster: Assessing the Social Determinants of Health in Older LGBT People in the Greater Miami Valley of Ohio. DAGMEC - The Virginia C. Wood Resident Research Forum. Dayton, OH; 2019.
- Sokol J, Walters M, Jacobs J, Luonuansuu T, Super M, Proulx A. Poster: Assessing the Needs of Older LGBT People in the Greater Miami Valley. WSUBSOM Medical Student Research Symposium. Dayton, OH; 2019.
- Welsh S, Hawkins A, Blakeslee B, Kellar L, Maxwell RA, Wigham L, Lindheim s. Poster: Communication Regarding Overweight and Obesity Among Obstetrician-Gynecologists (OB-GYN), Family Practitioners (FP), and Their Female Patients: A Survey-Based Study. WSUBSOM Medical Student Research Symposium. Dayton, OH; 2019.
- White L, Godinez L, Jonas P, Hershberger PJ. Poster: Paths to Wellness: Medical and Psychology Student-Led Health-Oriented Sessions for Patients of a Local Free Clinic. WSUBSOM Medical Student Research Symposium. Dayton, OH; 2019.
- White L, Leeds FS. Research Talk: Differential Diagnosis: Cognitive Technique, Intellectual Exercise or Ethical Mandate? WSUBSOM Medical Student Research Symposium, The John F. Donnelly MD Research Talks. Dayton, OH; 2019.
- Williamson B, Conway K. Poster: Multi-interventional Approaches to Child Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala: A Deeper Look at Cost Effective, Culturally Competent Care. Annual CUGH Global Health Conference. Cincinnati, OH; 2018.
- Williamson B, Conway K. Poster: Multi-interventional Approaches to Child Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala: A Deeper Look at Cost Effective, Culturally Competent Care. WSUBSOM Medical Student Research Symposium. Dayton, OH; 2018.