
Policy 19: Departmental Chair Administrative Review

BSOM Only Chair Review
Matrix Departmental Chair Review

BSOM Only Chair Review

Adopted: December 2007

  1. Purpose
    The purpose of the review is to evaluate the performance of chairs in fulfilling their administrative responsibilities and to facilitate faculty involvement in the review by providing faculty the opportunity to communicate their assessment of administrators' performance.
  2. Frequency
    Faculty will be given regular opportunities to comment on administrators' performance by means of (1) an informal annual feedback mechanism and (2) a fifth year formal review. A formal review will be conducted in the fifth year and in every fifth year thereafter.
  3. Informal Annual Feedback
    The Dean will establish a mechanism to solicit annual feedback from faculty in the chair's department. Normally, this will be done by means of a memo inviting feedback to be sent to the Dean. The Dean will share all feedback only with the chair.
  4. Fifth Year Review
    The initiation of a review is the responsibility of the Dean, who shall tailor the review to the unique aspects of the position. The typical method of information gathering seeks information from all constituencies within the department (faculty, students, and staff) and community partners.

    Removal of a faculty member from the position of chair in no way shall affect the individual's appointment or rank in the Faculty of Medicine.

    The Dean shall make the Committee's report available to the faculty of the Chair's department.
  5. Policy Administration
    The Office of the Dean shall oversee the implementation of this policy and its continued administration.

BSOM Only Chair Administrative Review Procedure

Matrix Departmental Chair Review

Adopted: April 2020


I. Purpose

The purpose of the review is to evaluate the performance of chairs in fulfilling their administrative responsibilities and to facilitate faculty involvement in the review by providing faculty the opportunity to communicate their assessment of administrators' performance.


II. Frequency

Faculty will be given regular opportunities to comment on administrators' performance by means of (1) an informal annual feedback mechanism and (2) a fifth year formal review. A formal review will be conducted in the fifth year and in every fifth year thereafter.


III. Informal Annual Feedback

The deans will establish a mechanism to solicit annual feedback from faculty in the chair’s department. Normally, this will be done by means of a memo inviting feedback to be sent to deans. The deans will share all feedback only with the chair.


IV. Fifth Year Review

A formal review of chairs will be conducted in the fifth year and in every fifth year thereafter. The initiation and conduct of the review is the responsibility of the deans, who will tailor the review process to the unique aspects of the position. As part of the review, information will be collected from full-time faculty members in the chair’s unit. The deans will summarize the findings of the review in a final report that is made available to the chair and to the faculty of the chair’s unit.


V. Policy Administration

The BSOM dean’s office shall oversee the implementation and the continued administration of this policy. This will be in conjunction with the dean of the College of Science and Math.


Matrix Departmental Chair Administrative Review Procedure

Updated March 23, 2020 (sho)

Last edited on 03/24/2020.