Procedure number: 610
Approved: March 2020
Subject: BSOM Only Departmental Chair Administrative Review
Department chairs annually receive formal evaluations comprised of both an in-person review and formal written feedback, from the dean. Furthermore, every three years chairs undergo a formal review which includes a 360-degree feedback survey and a review of accomplishments by a committee of faculty and the dean.
The Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs notifies the Dean's office of chairs who are scheduled for administrative review and also provides a list of senior faculty members of the respective departments.
The Review Committee
The Dean shall have primary responsibility for selecting a review committee. The review committee shall consist of two representatives of the chair, the department, and the Dean of Medicine.
The Dean's office initiates the review process with the following actions:
- Sends memo to the departmental chair with the job description for departmental chairs. The memo outlines the review process and asks the chair for the names of two individuals whom the chair wants to serve on the review committee. The chair’s recommendations are not limited to department faculty.
- Sends memo to a senior faculty member requesting the names of two faculty members to serve on the committee. This memo will contain the names of the individuals selected by the chair. The senior faculty member should consult with the department faculty to select the committee members. The recommendations must be faculty from the department.
After the senior faculty member replies, the Dean selects two members for the committee. The Dean also selects the chair from those chosen to serve on the committee. The Dean’s recommendations are not limited to department faculty.
The Dean's office sets the date for the first meeting and sends a memo to all committee members. The Dean attends the first meeting to give the charge to the committee and establish a timeline for the review. Normally, the committee report should be delivered to the Dean within four months of the first meeting of the committee.
Information Provided to the Committee
The committee should have access to relevant documents including the chair's CV, position description, examples of previous survey instruments and the review procedure.
Charge to the Committee
The committee is charged with overseeing a faculty review of the administrative performance of the chair. The committee must establish evaluative criteria and a survey instrument germane to the department and its constituency. The Dean must approve the survey instrument. The committee will distribute the survey instrument to the appropriate constituency (faculty, students, and staff and community partners).
Guidelines for the Review
The following areas are suggested as a useful guide in considering the administrative effectiveness of a chair:
- Leadership
- Human Resource Management
- Communications
- Responding to Work Demands
- Budgeting and Use of Resources
The Report
The committee shall prepare a summary of the completed survey instruments and submit its report to the Dean along with all data (evaluations, notes, etc.) used to prepare the report. The Dean shall provide a copy of the report to the chair under review and convene a meeting with the chair under review to discuss the report, and shall give the chair an opportunity to respond in writing to the report. Should the chair choose to respond, that response will be attached as a permanent appendix to the committee's report.
The Dean shall make the committee's report available to the faculty of the Chair's department.
A copy of the report will be sent to the Provost. The Dean's office will notify the Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs when the review is complete and the date will be entered in the faculty database.
After the committee report and Dean's summative report are prepared, all data (evaluations, notes, etc.) used to prepare these reports will be destroyed.
Updated May 4, 2015(sho)
Procedure number: 610.5
Approved: March 2020
Subject: Matrixed Departmental Chair Administrative Review
Department chairs annually receive formal evaluations comprised of both an in-person review and formal written feedback, from the dean. Furthermore, every three years chairs undergo a formal review which includes a 360-degree feedback survey and a review of accomplishments by a committee of faculty and the dean.
The Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs notifies the dean's office of chairs who are scheduled for administrative review and also provides a list of senior faculty members of the respective departments.
Reviews of matrix department chairs will be conducted in concert with the College of Science and Mathematics.
The Review Committee
The review committee shall consist of two representatives of the chair, the department, and the deans.
- 2 committee members from faculty in the department, tenured or on continuing appointments, elected by full time faculty in the department
- 2 committee members selected by the deans; one must be selected from the department (tenured or on continuing appointments)
- 2 committee members selected by the chair being reviewed; one must be selected from the chairs in the college
The deans initiate the review process with the following actions:
- Sending of a memo to the departmental chair with the job description for departmental chairs. The memo will outline the review process and ask the chair for the names of two individuals whom the chair wants to serve on the review committee. The chair’s recommendations are not limited to department faculty.
- Sending of a memo to the departmental faculty requesting that they elect two faculty members to serve on the committee.
After the senior faculty member replies, the deans select two members for the committee. The deans also select the chair from those chosen to serve on the committee. The deans’ recommendations are not limited to department faculty.
The deans’ offices set the date for the first meeting and send a memo to all committee members. The deans attend the first meeting to give the charge to the committee and establish a timeline for the review. Normally, the committee report should be delivered to the deans within four months of the first meeting of the committee.
Information provided to the Committee
The committee should have access to relevant documents including the chair's CV, position description, examples of previous survey instruments and the review procedure.
Charge to the Committee
The committee is charged with overseeing a faculty review of the administrative performance of the chair. The committee must establish evaluative criteria and a survey instrument germane to the department and its constituency.
Guidelines for the Review
The following areas are suggested as a useful guide in considering the administrative effectiveness of a chair:
- Leadership
- Human Resource Management
- Communications
- Responding to Work Demands
- Budgeting and Use of Resources
The Survey
The committee will distribute a survey to the full-time faculty of the department of the chair being reviewed. In addition, the committee may choose to provide departmental faculty members the option of individually presenting their views to the full committee.