- Policy 3A: Guidelines for Appointment and Promotion for Fully Affiliated Faculty
- Policy 3B: Guidelines for Appointment and Promotion for Partially Affiliated Faculty
- Policy 4: Matrixed and Joint Appointment
- Policy 6: Annual Evaluation
- Policy 8: Ethical Standards in the Conduct of Research. The Boonshoft School of Medicine's policy follows the university's policy on this subject. The policy is located in the Wright Way Policy Manual.
- Policy 9: Emeritus Status
- Policy 10: Institutional and Auxiliary Appointments
- Policy 11: Faculty Titles
- Policy 12: Resident Faculty
- Policy 13: Complaints
- Policy 14: Use of Boonshoft School of Medicine Name and Symbol in Professional Activities
- Policy 15: Research Faculty
- Policy 17: Religious Observances
- Policy 19: Departmental Chair Administrative Review
- Policy 20: Pharmaceutical/Medical Device Industry Conflict of Interest
- Policy 21: Code of Faculty Behavior