Procedures Series 200: Appointments

Procedure number: 211

Revised: February 2025

Subject: Appointment-New Faculty, Fully Affiliated


  1. Regular, Annually Renewable, and Research Positions
    1. The department prepares a Personnel Action Form (PAF) and forwards the form to the Office of Fiscal Affairs and the original signed letter of offer.

      The Office of Fiscal Affairs will review the material and send to the appropriate officials for signature and budget approval.
    2. The Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs will review the letter of offer and the CV to approve the faculty rank and will present its recommendation to the Executive Committee for confirmation.
    3. The new faculty member:
      • completes the necessary documents in the WSU Employee Benefits Package.
      • reports to the Wright1 Card Center, 055 Student Union, for a university ID card.
      • orders a parking permit, if applicable, on WINGS Express .
  2. Institutional Positions
    1. To request approval of faculty rank, the department should notify the Office of Faculty and Professional Development of the candidate needing the rank. 
    2. The Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development will send Watermark link the candidate for completion, where they will upload their board certification, CV, and other relevant position information. 
    3. This form will be sent to the chair, who will propose the candidate rank; this will be forwarded to the Appointment Promotion, and Advancement Committee for approval of rank
    4. The new faculty member:
      • reports to the Wright1 Card Center, 055 Student Union, for a university ID card.
      • orders a parking permit, if applicable, on WINGS Express
      • Follows other university onboarding procedures

Special Actions

  1. Joint Appointments. See Procedure 220.
  2. Visiting Faculty. The appointment of visiting faculty members is handled on an individual case basis and is determined by the visitor's academic profile, length of stay, and purpose of visit. Requests for this action should be directed to the Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs. The term for the appointment usually extends no longer than six months.

Procedure number: 212

Revised: February 2025


  • Basic science department: The modifier "adjunct" is usually used, but "clinical" may be used for a clinician.
  • Clinical science department: The modifier "clinical" is used for clinicians and "adjunct" for non-clinician faculty.

To request appointment and approval of faculty rank: 

  1. The department should send an email to the Office of Faculty Affairs and professional development to initiate the appointment.  
  2. The Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development will email the Faculty Member to complete the Faculty Database Information form through a Docusign.
  3. Once completed, the Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development will send the candidate a link to complete an application in Watermark.  
  4. The application will be routed for approval to the chair, the Appointment, Promotion, and Advancement committee, and the Office of Faculty Affairs. 
  5. After approval, the Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs will notify the appointee.
  6. Appointee will acknowledge and agree to abide by the policies.


Procedure number: 220

Revised: February 2025

Subject: Appointments-Joint Appointments, Fully Affiliated and Partially Affiliated

  1. The secondary chair will alert the Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development to the interest of having the candidate take on a  secondary appointment. This should be done in email and have the primary chair copied on the email indicating support of the secondary appointment.
  2. The Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development will send the candidate a link to complete an application in Watermark.  
  3. The application will be routed for approval to the chair, the Appointment, Promotion, and Advancement committee, and the Office of Faculty Affairs. 
  4. After approval, the Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs will notify the appointee.

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