
Policy 6: Annual Evaluation

The purposes of annual faculty evaluation are

  1. to promote the professional development of the faculty.
  2. to inform faculty of decisions regarding faculty compensation and continuance.

The departmental chair will conduct an annual evaluation of every faculty member on the basis of teaching, scholarship and service. Each department should have a faculty evaluation policy or criteria that have been approved by the department faculty.

The annual evaluation of faculty with matrix appointments in another school or college must also be consistent with the bylaws and/or policy of that school or college.


  1. Each year, the departmental chair will initiate a private meeting with each individual faculty member. This meeting has four purposes:
    1. To review the department's policies on annual evaluation, for promotion and continuance, and (where applicable) for tenure.
    2. To review and evaluate the performance of the faculty member during the past year.
    3. To discuss expectations regarding the faculty member for the coming year.
    4. To discuss the faculty member's progress toward obtaining promotion and, if applicable, tenure.
  2. In preparation for the annual evaluation, all faculty will submit an annual report of their teaching, scholarship and service during the preceding year. In addition, any materials required by the department or college bylaws or by the chair should be included. Faculty may also include whatever material will provide evidence for successful teaching, scholarship or service.
  3. The Office of Medical Education and/or departments provides summaries of faculty teaching evaluations by learners (when applicable) to both the faculty member and his/her chairperson on an annual basis, per LCME Standard 4.4
  4. The faculty will review and sign the annual evaluation summary.
  5. The annual evaluation will be filed in the faculty member's record.
  6. The faculty member may attach written comments regarding the evaluation to all copies of the annual evaluation.

Revised and approved by Executive Committee 8/8/19

Last edited on 08/20/2019.