
Series 200 Appointments

Procedure number: 211, Appointment-New Faculty, Fully Affiliated
Procedure number: 212, Appointment-New Faculty, Partially Affiliated
Procedure number: 220, Appointments-Joint Appointments, Fully Affilaited and Partially Affiliated
Procedure number: 230, Continuances-Fully Affiliated and Partially Affiliated Faculty
Procedure number: 240, Non-Continuance-Fully and Partially Affiliated

Procedure number: 211

Revised: February 2015

Subject: Appointment-New Faculty, Fully Affiliated


  1. Regular, Annually Renewable, and Research Positions
    1. The department prepares a Personnel Action Form (PAF) and forwards the form to the Office of Fiscal Affairs and the original signed letter of offer.

      The Office of Fiscal Affairs will review the material and send to the appropriate officials for signature and budget approval.
    2. The Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs will review the letter of offer and the CV to approve the faculty rank and will present its recommendation to the Executive Committee for confirmation.
    3. The new faculty member:
      • completes the necessary documents in the WSU Employee Benefits Package.
      • reports to the Wright1 Card Center, 055 Student Union, for a university ID card.
      • orders a parking permit, if applicable, on WINGS Express .
  2. Institutional Positions
    1. To request approval of faculty rank, the department should send the following information to the Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs:
      1. a memo from the departmental chair which includes
        1. proposed rank,
        2. starting date,
        3. employing institution,
        4. brief statement regarding anticipated role of the proposed faculty member,
        5. indication of support from the department's faculty action committee.
      2. a current curriculum vitae of the proposed faculty member.
        The Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs will review/approve the departmental proposal. Effective date of appointment will be either the date requested by the department or the date approved. The Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs will present the recommendation to the Executive Committee for confirmation.
      3. the completed Faculty Database Information form (DOCX).
    2. The new faculty member:
      • reports to the Wright1 Card Center, 055 Student Union, for a university ID card.
      • orders a parking permit, if applicable, on WINGS Express

Special Actions

  1. Joint Appointments. See Procedure 220.
  2. Visiting Faculty. The appointment of visiting faculty members is handled on an individual case basis and is determined by the visitor's academic profile, length of stay, and purpose of visit. Requests for this action should be directed to the Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs. The term for the appointment usually extends no longer than six months.

Summary of Boonshoft School of Medicine Faculty Appointments

Full Affiliation
Category Regular Institutional Annually Renewable Research
Employer WSU Affiliated Institution WSU WSU
Title Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Research Assistant Professor
Employment contract WSU continuing employment agreement Employed by affiliated institution WSU annually renewable contract WSU annually renewable contract
Partial Affiliation

Category: Voluntary
Employer: N/A
Title: Clinical Assistant Professor or Adjunct Assistant Professor
Employment contract: None

Updated June 26, 2008(sho)

Procedure number: 212

Revised: February 2015

Subject: Appointment-New Faculty, Partially Affiliated

  1. The prospective voluntary faculty member should provide a typed curriculum vitae (model form long version (DOCX), or CV short version (DOC)). The chair should inform prospective faculty members of the service expected of voluntary faculty in the department.

    1. Basic science department: The modifier "adjunct" is usually used, but "clinical" may be used for a clinician.
    2. Clinical science department: The modifier "clinical" is used for clinicians and "adjunct" for non-clinician faculty.
  2. The department's faculty actions committee recommends the proposed faculty member for appointment.
  3. The chair sends a memo of request for appointment and the curriculum vitae to the Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs. The request for voluntary appointment should include:
    1. proposed rank,
    2. term of the initial appointment (three years unless otherwise specified),
    3. indication of support from the department's faculty action committee,
    4. a brief statement defining the academic activities expected of the appointee,
    5. in the case of Air Force personnel, a letter of concurrence from the commander of Wright-Patterson Medical Center, and
    6. if a joint appointment, a letter of support from the chair of the secondary department justifying the request.
    7. the completed Faculty Database Information form (DOCX).

      After review, all requests go to the School Executive Committee for confirmation.

  4. After approval, the Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs will notify the appointee.

Updated June 4, 2008(sho)

Procedure number: 220

Revised: June 2008

Subject: Appointments-Joint Appointments, Fully Affiliated and Partially Affiliated

  1. The secondary department chair must initiate this action.
    1. The departmental chair prepares a memo proposing the joint appointment and forwards it to the Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs. The proposal should include
      1. a memo justifying the joint appointment in the secondary department, to include the responsibilities of the faculty member in the secondary department and proposed rank. The secondary rank must not be superior to the primary appointment rank.
      2. a letter of support from the primary department's chair.
    2. After review by the Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs, the proposal goes to the School's Executive Committee for confirmation.
  2. See SOM Policy 4, "Matrixed and Joint Appointments."

Procedure number: 230

Revised: September 2014

Subject: Continuances-Fully Affiliated and Partially Affiliated Faculty

The initial appointment period is usually three years. A faculty member's first continuance is for four years, thereafter continuances are for five years.

School guidelines for faculty rank in appointment, continuance, and promotion are summarized in the School's Policy Three. Each department will also consider its own specific departmental criteria.

The Boonshoft School of Medicine (School) Bylaws require a review of all faculty appointments that are due to expire.

  • Fully Affiliated Faculty: In January each department receives the list of faculty appointments scheduled to expire June 30 of the following academic year. This process provides sufficient time for the department and the School to complete their continuance reviews. In the event that non-continuance is recommended, the faculty member must be notified at least seven months before the end of continuance. Specific non-continuance process and documentation are described in Procedure 240.
  • Partially Affiliated Faculty: In the summer quarter each department receives the list of faculty appointments scheduled to expire June 30 of the next year. In the event that non-continuance is recommended, the faculty member must be notified at least two months before the end of continuance. Specific non-continuance process and documentation are described in Procedure 240.
  1. The chair and the department's faculty actions committee should review the faculty activities of all faculty members scheduled for continuance review. An updated CV and/or annual reports for the current continuance term should be assessed.
  2. If a continuance is not recommended, the reason not to continue must be described in a separate memo for each non-continuance case. This document must be prepared in compliance with Procedure 240.
  3. The chair signs the faculty continuance list, attesting to completion of the above review process, and sends it to the Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs at least eight months prior to expiration of appointment term for fully affiliated faculty and four months for partially affiliated faculty. The Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs forwards the chair's recommendation to the Executive Committee for confirmation.
  4. If the faculty member is a School departmental chair, the Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs will meet with a senior departmental member to review the chair's current academic performance as a faculty member. The recommendation will be forwarded to the Executive Committee for confirmation.

Procedure number: 240

Revised: March 2009

Subject: Non-Continuance-Fully and Partially Affiliated

Fully Affiliated Faculty

  1. At the time of continuance review, the department with appropriate justification can recommend non-continuance for a faculty member. The department must provide and maintain extensive documentation supporting this recommendation/decision.
  2. The departmental recommendation must be forwarded to the Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs.
  3. The Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs will send decisions for non-continuance to the dean, the chair and the faculty member citing reasons for this decision. This process must be completed and the faculty member must be notified seven months prior to the end of the faculty appointment term.
  4. Due process must be accorded the faculty member throughout this process and provided in consultation with the university General Counsel. (see Procedure 620: Appeals for WSU Employed Faculty / Hearing Board)

Partially Affiliated Faculty

  1. The same process governs the non-continuance of partially affiliated faculty with respect to recommendations by the department. The faculty member should be notified two months prior to the end of the appointment term.
  2. The appeal mechanism for voluntary faculty members is confined to the School.

Updated March 4, 2009 (sho)

Last edited on 10/11/2017.