
Affiliation Agreements Policy

In accordance with LCME element 1.4, the Boonshoft School of Medicine (BSOM) ensures that affiliation agreements are in place between the medical school and its clinical affiliates, specifically all sites used for inpatient and ambulatory clinical training that have a significant role in required clinical clerkships. As stated by the LCME, “the educational program for all medical students remains under the control of the medical school’s faculty, as specified in written affiliation agreements that define the responsibilities of each party related to the medical education program.”

To that end, all affiliation agreements must provide for, at a minimum, the following:

  • The assurance of medical student and faculty access to appropriate resources for medical student education
  • The primacy of the medical education program’s authority over academic affairs and the education/assessment of medical students
  • The role of the medical school in the appointment and assignment of faculty members with responsibility for medical student teaching
  • Specification of the responsibility for treatment and follow-up when a medical student is exposed to an infectious or environmental hazard or other occupational injury
  • The shared responsibility of the clinical affiliate and the medical school for creating and maintaining an appropriate learning environment


Ambulatory sites that have a significant role in required clinical clerkships are defined as either:

  • Sites in which an individual student spends at least 50% of their time during a clerkship block
  • Sites in which at least 50% of students rotate during an academic year per clerkship.


The Offices of Faculty and Clinical Affairs will execute affiliation agreements for primary inpatient hospital sites. The Office of Student Affairs & Admissions (OSAA) will execute affiliation agreements for ambulatory sites and any required agreements for student electives and extramural rotations. OSAA staff will maintain the list of active ambulatory agreements on file and work with clinical departments to update this list on an annual basis.

The Director of Medical Education and Accreditation will conduct an annual review of all affiliation agreements to ensure those agreements in place meet the LCME requirements at the time of the review.


Approved by FCC on April 22, 2020

Last edited on 09/05/2024.