
Criminal Background Checks


Entering Students

The School is committed to accepting and educating students who meet established standards for professionalism, are of high moral character, and are suitable for medical licensure. Applicants, who are offered conditional acceptances by the School, must undergo national Criminal Background Checks (CBC), conducted under the auspices of the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) prior to matriculation or the beginning of medical school. This requirement is necessary to ensure a safe environment for patients, students, staff, faculty, and persons in our affiliated institutions. As health care professionals, medical students are entrusted with the health and safety of patients. This responsibility entails having access to controlled substances and confidential information, requiring the highest levels of integrity and proper behavior, and laying on of hands for professional purposes. Applicants who are unsuitable to participate in educational and clinical activities as evidenced by past histories of criminal or socially objectionable behavior are unable to fulfill the requirements for receiving the Doctor of Medicine degree. Should the CBC reveal criminal activities or adverse findings, the School will rescind its offer of acceptance and deny the privilege of matriculation.


The Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine (School) Admissions Committee grants admission or conditional acceptances to a relatively small number of applicants pending the outcome of the AMCAS CBC. If the CBC has not been conducted, applicants must submit to this. If a CBC has been conducted, AMCAS will provide the report to the School only after applicants are accepted. The CBC report will be treated confidentially by the School and used to make matriculation decisions.

The Associate Dean for Student Affairs or a designee will review CBC reports. Relevant considerations by the School may include but are not limited to the date, nature, number and seriousness of offenses; the relationship one’s behaviors and activities have to the responsibilities of medical students, residents, and physicians; and any successful efforts toward rehabilitation. When appropriate, applicants may be asked to meet with a representative of the School to answer questions about their CBC. Attorneys may not accompany applicants. The School may seek advice from the Wright State University Office of General Counsel.

The Deans’ Council will review CBC reports that contain concerns. They will make decisions to withdraw or not withdraw offers of acceptance. Applicants will be notified in writing of the School’s decision to withdraw acceptances and deny the privilege of matriculation. This decision may not be appealed.

As part of the AMCAS application, applicants are asked about felonies and misdemeanors. Failure to answer questions completely and provide full disclosure will result in decisions to withdraw acceptances. Disclosed convictions may or may not be discussed in the admissions interview at the interviewers’ discretion. Accepted applicants are required to provide necessary information and consent for the CBC to be conducted. Refusal to participate in the CBC will result in decisions to withdraw acceptances.

The School reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to amend, replace, and/or terminate this policy at any time.

Doctoring Students

Students will need to complete a second CBC before the start of the first clerkship. Students should have this completed no later than February 1st of their second year. The process is done through CastleBranch, one of the top ten background screening and compliance management companies in the nation. The cost is included in fees for the upcoming year. Go to Castlebranch. In the upper right-hand corner, enter the Package Code WR26fp: Fingerprinting. For additional assistance, please contact the Service Desk at 888.723.4263.

The Associate Dean of Student Affairs will receive and evaluate the results. If there is a serious problem, the Deans’ Council will be convened to review the results and make recommendations.

Last edited on 09/05/2024.