
Doctoring Scheduling

Student schedules are generated using a computerized lottery system. The Office of Student Affairs confirms all assignments to clerkships prior to the start of the Doctoring Phase. Students are advised that changes may occur to an assignment after this date, depending upon facility or faculty load for a particular block of time.  In compliance with LCME Standard 10.9, student may formally request an alternate educational site or clinical assignment. Such requests must be confirmed in writing (email) to the Office of Student Affairs within one (1) month of the release of the clerkship assignments. Significant hardships or other extenuating circumstances that need to be considered regarding clerkship schedule assignments should be reported to the Office of Student Affairs; specific site assignment concerns should be communicated with Clerkship Directors. 

Approving and Modifying Doctoring Schedules

Students may begin planning their fourth-year schedules in December of their third year. In order to accommodate preferences for specific courses. An interactive scheduling process is employed to accommodate student preferences. Students' Advanced Doctoring schedules should be completed in February. Each elective has a deadline for adding or dropping, which are listed in the elective catalog or on the back of the form. Schedule changes must be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs and Admissions 30 to 60 days (see drop time in catalog) prior to the start of the elective.

Extramural Electives

Extramural electives are Advanced Doctoring course offerings listed at other institutions. Students may take five (5) extramural electives. If academic deficiencies are apparent, the Student Promotions Committee may mandate a lower limit on the number of extramural electives. Students who wish to take extramural electives are responsible for contacting external institutions for application materials.

Extramural approval forms are available on the website at extramural electives.

If students are planning an extramural elective, they must have the extramural elective approved by the School in order to receive credit for the elective. This is required even though they have been approved/accepted by the host institution or have submitted information through the Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO) application service. The process is as follows:

  • The extramural form should be accompanied by a complete description of the elective as published by the approved institution.
  • The extramural form must be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs no later than 60 days before the start of the elective.
  • Extramural forms for international electives are due 90 days prior to the start of the elective.
  • If an extramural is approved, an updated copy of the schedule will be emailed to the student. If not approved, the student will be notified by email.
  • If an extramural elective is canceled after being added to a student's schedule, the student must notify the Office of Student Affairs.
  • The extramural will be added to the student’s schedule. Students receive credit upon receipt of the preceptor’s evaluation with a grade of “Pass.”

Note: If the host institution requires a signed immunization form, your primary care physician or student health services can provide that service. No BSOM personnel are permitted to sign immunization verification forms per LCME requirements.

Student Initiated Electives

Developing or taking an elective that is not part of an approved program in the Association of American Medical Colleges or The Joint Commission may require approval from the Advanced Doctoring (AD) Curriculum Subcommittee.

If students are planning a Student-Initiated Elective (SIE), they must have approval from the sponsoring School department and the members of the AD subcommittee in order to receive credit for the elective. The process is as follows:

  1. Students prepare the SIE proposal. The format for a research or longitudinal elective proposal differs from a clinical SIE proposal. Students submit the completed SIE proposal to the Office of Student Affairs and Admissions using the online submission process or via e-mail to SOM-scheduling@wright.eduLink to samples.
  2. The Office of Student Affairs and Admissions will submit the student's proposal package to the AD Subcommittee for approval and will notify the student and the department of approval/non-approval. If approved, an updated copy of the schedule will be emailed to the student. If not approved, the Office of Student Affairs and Admissions will contact the student by email.

If an SIE is dropped after it has been added to the schedule, the student must notify the Office of Student Affairs and Admissions at least 30 days before the elective is to begin.

Electives will be offered in two- and four-week periods. Four credit hours will be assigned to each monthly elective experience and two credit hours will be assigned to each two-week elective.

SIE proposals are due 60 days prior to the start of the elective, International SIE proposals are due 90 days prior to the start of the elective. The School’s website will not accept the students’ proposal if not submitted according to the deadlines required.

Electives in which the preceptor/evaluator has a conflict of interest with the student will not be approved. Students must notify the elective preceptor of any withdrawal or alteration of arrangements previously confirmed.

International Electives Policy

Students requesting electives in an area listed on the U. S. State Department Warning List must seek approval from the WSU Provost.

International electives are subject to the policy governing student-initiated electives. Schedules may be changed at any time throughout the academic year with an advisor's approval and sufficient notice. If the desired elective is not available, students may ask to be put on a waiting list to be notified if a vacancy occurs.

Approved by Executive committee 9/17/15. Updated by FCC 5/25/16. 

Revised and approved by FCC on July 30, 2019

Last edited on 09/05/2024.