
Formaldehyde Exposure Policy


Students are exposed to formaldehyde in the anatomy lab. For those students who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have other health conditions that may affect their experiences within the anatomy lab as part of the required curriculum, students should seek out reasonable accommodations by contacting the Associate Dean of Medical Education and the faculty teaching in the anatomy lab, along with completion of an attestation form (see Procedure).

Pregnant or breastfeeding students may also elect to take the gross anatomy portion of the curriculum at an alternate time. Those students requesting this option will need to seek out approval from the Associate Dean of Medical Education and the faculty teaching in the anatomy lab and complete an attestation form (see Procedure).

Pregnant and breastfeeding students should obtain the following personal protective equipment (PPE) before they begin any curricular activities within the anatomy lab:

  1. Respiratory mask with cartridges (specified for organic solvents and fit‐tested)
  2. Nitrile disposable gloves
  3. Forearm guards (shields)
  4. Additional PPE such as eye wear, close‐toed shoes, etc.

The Assessment Program Coordinator within the Department of Medical Education (DME) will assist students in obtaining proper fitting of masks. Students are responsible for notifying the Assessment Program Coordinator of these needs once accommodations are approved.

For students with other health conditions who have obtained permission for accommodations, the Assessment Program Coordinator will assist those students in accessing the PPE necessary for their participation in the lab.

Additional information on the occupational health and safety related to formaldehyde exposure can be accessed through the CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/formaldehyde/default.html


Pregnant and breastfeeding students are required to complete the attached attestation form PDF icon {Click here for form} and submit it to the Assessment Program Coordinator to retain on file. This form must be signed by all parties and must be on file with DME before the student is allowed access into the gross anatomy lab.

Approved by FCC on April 22, 2020

Last edited on 09/05/2024.