
Transcripts and Permanent Grades Policy

WrightCurriculum grades are reported as Pass/Fail with no percent score. The Doctoring phase clerkships and Clinical Medicine Doctoring grades only are reported as Honors/Pass/Fail with no percent score. “Excellence Across all Clerkships” will be included on the official transcript, if applicable. Class Quartile is not included on the official transcript. Faculty provide narrative comments included with clerkship and elective grades from the Doctoring phase. Narrative comments are a part of the student evaluation and are included in the medical student permanent academic record. Grades and narrative evaluations are submitted to the Office of Student Affairs and are placed in each student’s permanent academic file. Final grades are permanently posted on the official transcript.

The following abbreviations are used:
P = Pass. The student has successfully completed the module/clerkship/elective.

F = Fail. The student has failed the module/clerkship/elective and has not met the associated objectives.

H = Honors. The student has successfully completed the clerkship/module and the student’s performance was of outstanding quality.

I = Incomplete. The student has not completed the module/clerkship/elective. Incomplete is temporarily assigned if the student files a request for additional time to complete the work and the module/clerkship/elective director approves the request. The student must sign a contract specifying the work to be completed and a completion date within the academic year. Module/clerkship/elective work not completed in the approved time frame results in a grade of F.

M = Continuing to Make Academic Progress. The student is actively enrolled and making progress towards completion of a module/clerkship/elective that spans across terms, including longitudinal academic requirements. A grade of M will be temporarily assigned to the module/clerkship/elective until the student grade is determined to either be Pass, Fail, Withdrew Passing, or Withdrew Failing.

WP = Withdrew Passing. The student withdrew from a module/clerkship/elective with a passing grade.

WF = Withdrew Failing. The student withdrew from a module/clerkship/elective with a failing grade.

Transcripts and Permanent Grades Procedure

The grade I (Incomplete) is posted on the transcript until it is replaced by a permanent grade. Incomplete grades default to F (Fail) at the end of the academic year unless otherwise arranged.

Continuing to Make Academic Progress

The grade M (Continuing to Make Academic Progress) is posted on the transcript until it is replaced by a permanent grade upon completion of the module/clerkship/elective the following term(s). A student who successfully passes the module/clerkship/elective will receive a grade of P (Pass) on their transcript for all portions of the module/clerkship/elective; a student who fails the module/clerkship/elective will receive a grade of F (Fail) on their transcript for all portions of the module/clerkship/elective; a student who receives honors in the module/clerkship will receive a grade of H (Honors) on their transcript for all portions of the module/clerkship.

All final F (Fail) grades are permanently posted on the official transcript. When the student repeats the module/clerkship/elective and passes, the P (Pass) grade will be associated with the repeated module/clerkship/elective on the official transcript and the original F (Fail) grade is retained.

For information about appeal of a module/clerkship grade and/or written evaluation, please refer to the Student Success Policy.

Revised by A&E on January 28, 2019
Approved by FCC on July 24, 2019

Revised & Approved by FCC on March 24, 2021

Last edited on 09/05/2024.