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Why Choose Public Health?
The Bachelor of Arts in Public Health is an interdisciplinary degree designed for students interested in careers of public health education and advocacy. The degree also prepares students to pursue a graduate degree in public health. Graduates of the BA program are eligible to take the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES ®) exam.
The program provides coursework in public health sciences, health communication, program planning, and public policy. Collaborations with local public health agencies and healthcare organizations provide students with numerous opportunities to engage with health professionals and complete an internship. In addition, students have the opportunity to work as peer educators to promote campus well-being. All students complete a capstone project that demonstrates the culmination of career-focused skills.
Our graduates are employed by
- Alcohol, Drug Addiction & Mental Health Services (ADAMHS)
- CareSource
- Community Health Centers of Greater Dayton
- Dayton Children's Hospital
- Goodwill Easter Seals Miami Valley
- Greene County Public Health
- Kettering Health Network
- Mercy Health
- Miami Valley Child Development Centers, Inc.
- Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission
- Ohio Department of Health
- Ohio Department of Medicaid
- Premier Health
- Public Health - Dayton & Montgomery Co.
Our graduates work as
- Admissions management specialist
- Chronic disease project manager
- Diabetes support groups coordinator
- Fitness specialist
- Health educator
- Health navigator
- Nutrition educator
- Peer educator
- Population health coordinator
- Program evaluator
- Public health information officer
- Quality program manager
- Strategic initiatives manager
Academics and Curriculum
View Bachelor of Arts in Public Health program information, degree requirements, and graduation planning strategy in the Academic Catalog.
Students must apply for admission to Wright State University.
Review the admission requirements and complete the admission application. Identify whether you will be majoring in public health.
If you are a current student and wish to change majors, submit a Major/Minor Change Request by logging in to WINGS, then select Student Academics under Your Launchpad. If you are an undecided/exploratory student, talk to your advisor about majoring in public health.
Declaring Your Major
Once the student has satisfied the following criteria, they can be admitted into the public health degree program: complete at least 12 semester hours with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.25.
Articulation (Transfer) Agreements
Wright State University has articulation agreements with a number of institutions. Articulation agreements will assure you a seamless transfer from one institution to another. To view current articulation agreements and determine which courses will transfer, visit the Articulation Agreements page or www.transfer.org.