Academic Standing

Medical students are full-time students and are evaluated on their progress throughout the curriculum. Students must pass each required module/clerkship/elective in the curriculum and all requirements for graduation.

A student is in Good Standing if she/he has a final passing grade in all modules/clerkships/electives, passed the appropriate step of the USMLE, and maintained acceptable professional behavior and ethical standards (see Professionalism policy).

A student is on Probation if she/he has a final failing grade in a module/clerkship/elective, failed the appropriate step of the USMLE, and/or failed to maintain acceptable professional behavior and ethical standards.

A student in probationary status may remain enrolled only as long as all of the following conditions are met:

1. The student’s progress has been reviewed by Student Promotion Committee and the student is following their recommendations, and

2. The student is meeting regularly with an assigned academic advisor and is following any applicable individual educational plan.

If any of the above conditions is not met, then the student will be referred back to Student Promotion Committee for further action.

To move from Probation to Good Standing, a student must pass the failed module/clerkship/elective, pass the failed appropriate step of the USMLE, and/or demonstrate and maintain acceptable professional behavior and ethical standards.

Approved by FCC on May 22, 2019

Last edited on 07/22/2019.