Behavioral Health

Behavioral Health

Administrative Procedures

Students experiencing psychological problems will be treated with compassion, support, dignity, and respect for privacy. The School will offer as much support and assistance as possible within the scope of its primary mission of education.

Counseling faculty members in the Office of Student Affairs and Admissions are available for advice and counseling on personal and academic concerns. In addition, students have access to professional counseling through the Department of Psychiatry. Students may contact the Director of Medical Student Mental Health Services, Dr. Kari Harper, 937-223-8840, or the Wright State University Counseling and Wellness, 937-775- 3407.

Since psychological problems do not necessarily imply unacceptable student performance, the School does not impose administrative actions solely because of a student's psychological condition. However, the School cannot relax those performance and behavior standards that are essential to medical education. Administrative intervention could be required when psychological problems cause unacceptable performance or behavior.

Students or faculty who suspect that a student is psychologically impaired should use mature judgement and contact the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions or follow the University policy found at Wright State Raider Cares. If further action appears necessary, the Associate Dean will pursue one of the following alternatives:

  • If performance or behavior factors are not involved, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions will fully respect the right and responsibility of the student to determine further actions, if any, including leave of absence and professional treatment. The student will be offered all reasonable assistance. Any treatment will be confidential and at the student's expense.
  • If performance or behavior factors are involved, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions may intervene. This would include instances such as:
    • Threats to life, limb or property of self or others;
    • Functioning incompetently in a medical education setting;
    • Inappropriate professional behavior;
    • Behavior which disrupts academic or clinical activities;
    • Recurrent need for excessive support which interferes with the responsibilities of faculty, staff, or fellow students;
    • Violation of local, state, or federal laws;
    • Violation of policies of the school, the university, or affiliated hospitals; or
    • Violation of professional ethics.

Under these circumstances, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions may take action required to fulfill the responsibilities of the school. This could include:

  • continuation with no further action,
  • continuation after leave of absence for a specified period,
  • continuation contingent on a supporting clinical opinion,
  • review by the Student Promotions Committee or Deans’ Council, or
  • review by an ad hoc committee.

The student may be encouraged to pursue professional help, but the school normally will honor the student's right and responsibility to manage his/her personal issues.

Last edited on 07/23/2021.