
Audience Response Clicker System


Each medical student is assigned a clicker at the beginning of the first academic year. The student is responsible for this device for the duration of his/her tenure at BSOM. Student general fees pay for the clickers; therefore, a clicker becomes the property and sole responsibility of the student.

A clicker is identified by a unique device ID, which is imprinted on the back of the unit. It is imperative that students use their assigned clicker for all exercises. For a student to knowingly allow another student to use his or her clicker device to submit answers for graded assignments is an honors violation and is subject to the penalties outlined in the Medical Student Honor Code Policy

Failure for a student to bring her/his assigned clicker for any required and/or graded activity will result in a recorded absence and be scored according to the Absence Policy guidelines.


The student is responsible for replacing the clicker of the same model and must register the new clicker through their Turning Point Cloud account. The new registration must be done prior to a graded clicker session in order to receive credit. If a student purchases a clicker to replace a lost device, refunds will not be given if the old device is subsequently located. MedOPS has no loaner clicker available for one-time use.

If a clicker malfunctions, first check the channel setting and the batteries. Students should keep a spare set of batteries with the clicker. Channel assignment and reset instructions are covered at orientation by MedOPS.

Approved by FCC 9/28/16. 

Updated by FCC 5/24/2017.

Last edited on 09/05/2024.