
M.D. Program Vaccination Requirements


Each Boonshoft School of Medicine (BSOM) student must submit a verifiable, up-to-date vaccination record and/or a valid request for a medical or religious exemption from one or more of the required vaccinations prior to June 30th of each academic year.  Pending requests do not act as temporary exemptions.

Background: By virtue of working in a clinical setting, medical students are at increased risk of acquiring infectious diseases from and/or spreading infectious diseases to patients, other health care workers, and the larger community. Many of these infections are preventable or minimizable by vaccination or standard infection control measures. For these reasons, mandatory procedures and vaccinations must be met by all BSOM students before they may participate in any BSOM-affiliated clinical program or activity, including ones during Foundations phase, unless a medical or religious exemption has been approved. This requirement is in accordance with LCME element 12.7 listed below:

"A medical school follows accepted guidelines in determining immunization requirements for its medical students."

All vaccination documentation mandated by BSOM must be submitted through Castlebranch, Inc. Failure to submit required documentation by June 30th will result in removal of the student from all academic activities (pre-clinical coursework and clinical rotations) until required health records and/or vaccination records are submitted and verified through Castlebranch (or a valid exemption is approved).

Submission information for incoming students is available here.

Please note our vaccination requirements are outlined in Castlebranch.  Recommendations for vaccinations of health care personnel from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are the basis for the BSoM requirements. The AAMC Standardized Immunization Form is a required form for documenting information, but does not outline our vaccination requirements. Additionally, individual lab reports are required for upload to Castlebranch. Each student’s record is reviewed by Castlebranch and further action may be needed for follow-up testing or information.


Maintaining good physical health is critical as a medical care provider. To help assure educational success, BSOM has designed specific and firm health guidelines compliant with the ADA and best practices. Students have the complete support of faculty and staff in managing good health and accessing any medical resources you may need.

One of the most effective defenses against infectious disease is understanding the causes and modes of transmission. This leads to behavioral changes that reduce the spread of infection. BSOM will continually emphasize prevention regarding HIV and other communicable diseases where appropriate.

Student Health Services works to help students avoid medical problems that are preventable, correct medical problems that can be treated, and assist in managing medical problems that are not correctable. Several requirements and procedures help Student Health Services meet these goals.

Required Immunizations


Although tuberculosis generally is prevented by proper infection control, transmission in health care settings can occur. Upon entering medical school, students are required to have a negative Two- Step PPD (second PPD is administered between 1-3 weeks after the initial negative PPD) or a negative Interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA). Either of these must be within six months of arriving at BSOM. Students must receive an annual screening for tuberculosis including one of the following:

  • PPD (Mantoux) skin test or Interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) if previous skin tests have been negative, or
  • Evidence of chest x-ray if PPD skin test is positive, or
  • Evidence of chest x-ray if a student has received BCG and PPD is positive or evidence of chest x-ray if student has had appropriate prophylaxis treatment.

Varicella (Chickenpox)

Students are required to have a quantitative varicella titer. If serologic result shows no immunity, vaccination followed by a repeat titer 6-8 weeks later.

Rubella (German measles)

Students are required to have a quantitative rubella titer. If serologic result shows no immunity, vaccination followed by a repeat titer 6-8 weeks later.

Rubeola (Measles)

Students are required to have a quantitative rubeola titer. If serologic result shows no immunity, vaccination followed by a repeat titer 6-8 weeks later.


Students are required to have a quantitative mumps titer. If serologic result shows no immunity, vaccination followed by a repeat titer 6-8 weeks later.

Hepatitis B Vaccine

Students are required to have a full vaccination series and a quantitative Hepatitis B surface antibody titer demonstrating immunity. If documentation of the vaccination series is not available, a positive surface antibody titer AND a negative surface antigen is acceptable. If immunity is not demonstrated, a repeat 3-dose Hepatitis B vaccination series is required followed by a repeat titer 6-8 weeks later.

Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis

The Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis (Tdap) booster is required and must be received within 5 years of matriculating to BSOM.


Influenza vaccination is required annually and is received no later than October 31st of each year of medical school.


An FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccination series (or a vaccine approved for emergency use authorization) must be completed and documented. 

Pregnant Students

All pregnant students should consult their obstetrician before receiving any vaccinations.

Religious/Personal Belief Exemption

Students who demonstrate that BSOM’s vaccination requirements unduly burden the free exercise or observation of their sincerely-held religious belief, practice, or observance may be eligible for exemption from vaccination. To request an exemption, the student must (a) clearly identify the requested exemption; (b) clearly articulate a “religious belief, practice, or observance,” the observance or free-exercise of which is adversely affected by vaccination, and (c) show the sincerity of the stated religious belief, practice, or observance. “Religious” includes traditional tenets of established faiths, and also moral or ethical beliefs as to what is right and wrong, which are sincerely held with the strength of traditional religious views.

Clinical Site Requirements

Please note that even when a student is granted an exemption by BSOM from any of the above requirements, the student still must request such an exemption from their clinical training site.  That facility, independent of the University, may (or may not) conduct its own separate exemption process, which process may or may not result in the same decision as the University’s.  The University will attempt to find alternative sites for any such students, but the University cannot and does not guarantee the availability of other clinical opportunities.  Therefore, students should understand the possibility that noncompliance with any of the above requirements could, in some instances, and even if a University exemption is granted, delay or disrupt their clinical academic progress for reasons beyond the University’s control.

Approved by Executive Committee 8/9/2022

Last edited on 09/05/2024.