Admissions Committee

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Charge and Responsibilities

The Admissions Committee is responsible for developing, approving, and applying University policies and selection processes regarding the review, selection, waitlisting/selecting from the waitlist, and admission of students to the medical education program on behalf of the Faculty of Medicine. Admissions Committee processes are documented in its committee procedures. The Admissions Committee shall select students for admission to the medical education program and has final authority on student selection for the medical education program.

The Admissions Committee is the final authority on all decisions regarding student admissions and operates independently of the Dean.


The Admissions Committee shall be composed of thirty-seven (37) members, the majority of which shall be members of the Faculty of Medicine.



Term ends June 30

24 members of the Faculty of Medicine, elected by the faculty assembly
  1. Samuel Adebonojo, M.D.
  2. Arturo Aranda, M.D., FACS
  3. Megan Dines, M.D.
  4. Jeanne Kirkland, M.D.
  5. Bryan Ludwig, M.D.
  6. Barry Srkobot, M.D.
  7. John Terry, M.D.
  8. Zenar Yohannes, M.D.
  9. Harminder Grewal, MBBS
  10. Dawn McNaughton, M.D.
  11. Darin Pangalangan, M.D.
  12. Priti Parikh, Ph.D.
  13. Kelly Rabah, Ed.D., FACHE
  14. Rhea Rowser, M.D.
  15. Geoffrey Towers, M.D.
  16. Mbaga Walusimbi, M.D.
  17. Robert Brandt, M.D.
  18. Margaret Dunn, M.D., MBA (committee chair)
  19. Thomas Herchline, M.D.
  20. Victor Knapp, M.D.
  21. Dan Miller, M.D.
  22. Albert Painter, Psy.D.
  23. Erica Taylor, M.D.
  24. Keith Wilkey, M.D.
  1. 2025
  2. 2025
  3. 2025
  4. 2025
  5. 2025
  6. 2025
  7. 2025
  8. 2025
  9. 2026
  10. 2026
  11. 2026
  12. 2026
  13. 2026
  14. 2026
  15. 2026
  16. 2026
  17. 2027
  18. 2027
  19. 2027
  20. 2027
  21. 2027
  22. 2027
  23. 2027
  24. 2027
3 members from the general public
  1. Dr. Mark Chambers
  2. Dr. Zenar Yohannes
  3. Vacant


6 student members
  1. Alex Becker
  2. Will Bohne
  3. Nick Daskalakis
  4. Sean Gresham
  5. Katie McGreal
  6. Justice Williams
Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions*

Miri Lader, M.D.


Director of Admissions* Kaelin Locker, B.S. -
Representative from WSU Office of General Counsel* Sean Culley, J.D. -
Representative from WSU Enrollment Management* Susan Schaurer, M.S. -

* non-voting member


  • Voting. All members of the Admissions Committee shall be voting members, except for the Associate Dean for Student Affairs & Admissions, Director of Admissions, representative from WSU Office of General Counsel, and representative from WSU Enrollment Management, all of whom shall be non-voting members.
  • Quorum. A quorum shall be at least 50% of voting membership present, with the majority of the quorum being members of the Faculty of Medicine. A quorum is required for all decisions requiring a vote of the committee.
  • Term. Members of the Faculty of Medicine and members of the general public shall serve a term of three (3) years. Faculty of Medicine members are eligible for re-election to consecutive or non-consecutive terms with no limit to the number of terms that a person can serve. Membership terms will be staggered so that no more than one-third of the non-student members will be replaced each year. Student members shall serve a term of one (1) year.
  • Chair. The Admissions Committee will elect a Chair from the Faculty of Medicine serving on the Committee by a majority vote of the voting members. The Chair of the Admissions Committee shall serve a two (2) year, biannually renewable term. The Chair may appoint another voting faculty member as Vice Chair to lead the Admissions Committee meetings when the Chair is unable to attend.
  • Recusal. A member of the Admissions Committee with connections to any prospective or current applicant must recuse themselves from any recommendations and votes regarding any such applicant(s) for which the vote is directly related.


The Admissions Committee will meet regularly from the initial receipt of American Medical College Admissions Service (AMCAS) applications until the incoming class is finalized. Additional meetings of the Admissions Committee will be convened by the Chair as needed to review issues related to the Admissions committee, processes, review of applications, or consideration of wait-listed candidates.


Three (3) Selection Subcommittees

The Selection Subcommittees are responsible for providing rating and decision recommendations to the Admissions Committee. Selection Subcommittee processes are documented in the Admissions Committee procedures.

  • Membership. Each Selection Subcommittee shall be composed of:
    • Eight (8) members of the Faculty of Medicine from the Admissions Committee;
    • One (1) general public member from the Admissions Committee; and
    • Two (2) student members from the Admissions Committee.
  • Voting. All members of a Selection Subcommittee shall be voting members.
  • Quorum. A quorum shall be at least 50% of voting membership present, with the majority of the quorum being members of the Faculty of Medicine. A quorum is required for all decisions requiring a vote of the subcommittee.
  • Term. Students shall serve a single term of one (1) year. Faculty of Medicine and general public members shall serve a term of three (3) years. Membership terms will be staggered so that no more than one-third of the non-student members will be replaced each year.
  • Chair. Each Selection Subcommittee will elect a Chair from the Faculty of Medicine serving on the Subcommittee by a majority vote of the voting members. The Chair of the Selection Subcommittee shall serve a one (1) year, annually renewable term. The Chair may appoint another voting member of the Faculty of Medicine as Vice Chair to lead the Selection Subcommittee meetings when the Chair is unable to attend.
  • Meetings. Each Selection Subcommittee will meet regularly from the initial receipt of American Medical College Admissions Service (AMCAS) applicants until the incoming class is finalized. Additional meetings may be called by the Selection Subcommittee chair as necessary to fulfill the charge and responsibilities of the subcommittee.

Pre-Admissions Subcommittee

The Pre-Admissions Subcommittee is responsible for conducting holistic reviews of completed secondary applications and making interview recommendations to the Admissions Committee.

  • Membership. The Pre-Admissions Subcommittee shall be composed of seventeen (17) members, the majority of which should be members of the Faculty of Medicine. The membership of the Pre-Admissions Subcommittee shall include:
    • Nine (9) elected members of the Faculty of Medicine;
    • Five (5) student members; and
    • The Director of Admissions, Admissions Services Coordinator, and Outreach and Recruiting Coordinator, all of whom shall serve as ex officio members.
  • Voting. All members of the Pre-Admissions Subcommittee shall be voting members.
  • Quorum. A quorum shall be at least 50% of voting membership present, with the majority of the quorum being members of the Faculty of Medicine. A quorum is required for all decisions requiring a vote of the subcommittee.
  • Term. Students shall serve a single term of one (1) year. Members of the Faculty of Medicine shall serve a term of three (3) years. Membership terms will be staggered so that no more than one-third of the non-student members will be replaced each year.
  • Chair. The Pre-Admissions Subcommittee will elect a Chair from the Faculty of Medicine serving on the Subcommittee by a majority vote of the voting members. The Chair of the Pre-Admissions Subcommittee will serve a one (1) year, annually renewable term. The Chair may appoint another voting faculty member as Vice Chair to lead the Pre-Admissions Subcommittee meetings when the Chair is unable to attend.
  • Meetings. The Pre-Admissions Subcommittee will meet regularly from the initial receipt of American Medical College Admissions Service (AMCAS) applicants until holistic review is complete. Additional meetings may be called by the Pre-Admissions Subcommittee chair as necessary to fulfill the charge and responsibilities of the subcommittee.


Reports to Faculty