Nominations and Elections Committee

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Charge and Responsibilities

The Nominations and Elections Committee is responsible for preparing and presenting to the Faculty Assembly a slate of candidates about which the voting members of the Faculty Assembly shall vote to elect representatives to the Standing Committees (except for the Nominations and Elections Committee itself, for which such nominations will be governed by Section 5.7.5 of the Faculty Bylaws). Furthermore, it shall be the responsibility of the Nominations and Elections Committee to:

  • Determine the eligibility of members of the Faculty of Medicine with respect to service on each Standing Committee;
  • Solicit interest from the Faculty of Medicine for participation on Standing Committees, including but not limited to letters of interest and intent in service on particular committees;
  • Poll the Faculty of Medicine members to develop a slate of candidates for election to Standing Committees;
  • Poll the Faculty of Medicine members to develop a slate of candidates for election to Officers of the Faculty Assembly; and
  • Establish rules and procedures to govern the orderly and efficient election of Faculty of Medicine representatives to the Standing Committees and Officers of the Faculty Assembly.


The Nominations and Elections Committee shall consist of eight (8) members of the Faculty of Medicine elected by the Faculty Assembly, with a maximum of one member per department. The Dean, or their designee, shall serve as an ex officio member.



Term ends June 30

8 members of the faculty of medicine
  1. Weiwen Long, Ph.D. (BMB)
  2. Priti Parikh, Ph.D. (Surgery) (committee chair)
  3. Irma Reyes, D.O. (Pediatrics)
  4. Shaun Spielman, M.D. (Family Medicine)
  5. Khalid Elased, Pharm.D., Ph.D. (Pharm/Tox)
  6. Stephanie Johnson, M.D. (Medical Education)
  7. J Ashot Kozak, Ph.D. (NCBP)
  8. TBD**
  1. 2025
  2. 2025
  3. 2025
  4. 2025
  5. 2026
  6. 2026
  7. 2026
  8. 2026

Dean (or designee)*

Gregory Toussaint, M.D.


*non-voting member

**replacement member


  • Voting. All members of the Faculty of Medicine elected to the committee shall be voting members of the Nominations and Elections Committee. The Dean, or their designee, shall be a non-voting member.
  • Quorum. A quorum shall be at least 50% of voting membership present, with the majority of the quorum being members of the Faculty of Medicine. A quorum is required for all decisions requiring a vote of the committee.
  • Nominations and Election of Nominations and Elections Committee Members. The nominations for candidates for positions on the Nominations and Elections Committee shall be solicited directly from the Faculty Assembly by the President of the Faculty Assembly. General election rules developed by the Nominations and Elections Committee shall govern the election of Nominations and Elections Committee members.
  • Term. Members shall serve a term of two (2) years and may serve up to two (2) consecutive terms. After a one-year hiatus, members are eligible for re-election.
  • Chair. The Nominations and Elections Committee will elect a Chair from the Faculty of Medicine members serving on the Committee by a majority vote of the voting members. The Chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee will serve a one (1) year, annually renewable term. The Chair may appoint another voting member of the Faculty of Medicine as Vice Chair to lead the Nominations and Elections Committee meetings when the Chair is unable to attend. 
  • Recusal. A member of the Nominations and Elections Committee with a relationship/connection to any faculty member nominated for a position on a Standing Committee or Officers of the Faculty Assembly must recuse themselves from any recommendations and votes regarding any such faculty member(s) for which the vote is directly related.


Regular meetings of the Nominations and Elections Committee shall be held at least twice annually at least 30 days in advance of any regular meeting of the Faculty Assembly. Additional meetings may be called by the Nominations and Elections Committee chair. Upon the receipt of a written request to the chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee from the President of the Faculty Assembly, the chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee shall promptly convene a special meeting to address any such special matters identified to the chair by the President of the Faculty Assembly.

Reports to Faculty