Bylaws Article IV Committees

Bylaws of the Faculty of Medicine, Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine

4.1. General.

The Faculty of Medicine shall fulfill their responsibilities under Section 2.5 of these Bylaws and participate in the shared governance of BSOM through, among other things, representation, and participation on committees.

4.2. Standing Committees.

The Faculty of Medicine recognize two types of standing committees (collectively, the “Standing Committees”):

4.2.1. Standing Committees of the Faculty.

The Standing Committees of the Faculty are those standing committees for which the membership necessarily consists of a majority of members who are Faculty of Medicine. Standing Committees of the Faculty are enumerated and further governed by the charges and terms specified in Article V of these Bylaws.

4.2.2. Standing Committees of the Boonshoft School of Medicine.

Standing Committees of BSOM are those Standing Committees for which the membership does not necessarily consist of a majority of members who are Faculty of Medicine. Notwithstanding the foregoing, membership, and participation of the Faculty of Medicine on these Standing Committees is hereby expressly granted in accordance with the applicable membership provisions in order to ensure Faculty of Medicine participation and voice with respect to the important charges these committees have been obligated to fulfill. Standing Committees of BSOM are enumerated and further governed by the charges and terms specified in Article VI of these Bylaws.

4.3. Subcommittees.

One or more subcommittees of any Standing Committee may be established (or dissolved) upon a majority vote of the voting members of the parent Standing Committee. Any subcommittee of a Standing Committee shall be advisory to the Standing Committee. In no case shall a subcommittee have any powers exceeding those of its parent Standing Committee.

4.4. Eligibility, Nominations, and Election of Committee Members.

All Faculty of Medicine are eligible to serve as voting members of Standing Committees, subject to any specific eligibility requirements and/or terms and limitations regarding each Standing Committee as further described in Article V of these Bylaws. The process for nominating and electing Faculty of Medicine representatives to Standing Committees shall be as follows:


At least 30 days prior to the November meeting of the Faculty Assembly each year, the President of the Faculty Assembly shall circulate a list of open Standing Committee positions for the next Standing Committee election cycle.


At any time prior to the November meeting of the Faculty Assembly each year, members of the Faculty of Medicine submit letters of interest addressed to the Nominations and Elections Committee to nominate themselves or others for available Standing Committee positions.


All nominations will be referred to the Nominations and Elections Committee which shall be responsible for:

Within 60 days of the November Faculty Assembly Meeting, confirming the eligibility of all nominees and potential candidates for Standing Committee membership.

No less than 60 days prior to the May Faculty Assembly Meeting, propose a slate of qualified candidates for each Standing Committee from which the Faculty Assembly shall elect its representatives.


At the May Faculty Assembly meeting each year, the voting members of the Faculty Assembly shall vote on the slate of eligible and approved candidates for each Standing Committee.


A candidate for a Standing Committee shall be elected to a Standing Committee upon obtaining a majority vote of the voting members of the Faculty Assembly present.

4.5. Terms.

Members of Standing Committees will serve terms as stipulated in Article V. Terms will begin annually, effective on July 1 unless otherwise specified. Elected members of a Standing Committee may not be represented by alternates at committee meetings.

4.6. Limits on Standing Committee Participation.

No person may serve concurrently on more than two Standing Committees of the Faculty except in rare or extenuating circumstances upon the express written approval of the Dean and the faculty member’s department chair delivered to the President of the Faculty Assembly and the Chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee.

4.7. Minutes.

A record of the minutes of each standing committee meeting shall be recorded in an electronic and searchable format. Minutes for meetings shall be made available to all Faculty Assembly members unless applicable laws and regulations, such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), prevent their availability.

4.8. Replacement.

If any elected Standing Committee member must be replaced, the committee chair will confer with the committee members to recommend an Immediate Replacement Member to the Dean for approval. No Immediate Replacement Member shall serve a term extending beyond the next Faculty Assembly meeting. Any membership filled by an Immediate Replacement Member shall be considered a vacant seat with respect to nomination and voting at the next Faculty Assembly meeting.

4.9. Attendance: Obligations to Affirmatively Participate.

A member of a Standing Committee who is (a) absent for four consecutive meetings or (b) fails to attend over one-half of the scheduled meetings of the committee within an academic year may be replaced upon a motion of the voting members of the Standing Committee approved by a majority vote.

4.10. Administrative Representation.

The Dean, or a designee of the Dean, shall be an ex officio, non-voting member of all standing committees, except the Admissions Committee, Faculty Curriculum Committee, Student Promotion Committee, and Appointment, Promotion, and Advancement Committee for which the Dean shall not be a member nor attend any meetings.

4.11. Chairs of Standing Committees of the Faculty.

Unless otherwise stated herein, each Standing Committee of the Faculty shall be chaired by a Faculty of Medicine member of the Standing Committee who has served on such Committee for at least one (1) year and who shall be elected by a majority vote of the Standing Committee of the Faculty’s voting members. Additional responsibilities and requirements for Standing Committee of the Faculty chairs may be adopted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the applicable section(s) of these Bylaws. Unless otherwise provided herein, the term of a Standing Committee of the Faculty chair shall not exceed three (3) years.

4.12.  Replacement of Standing Committee of the Faculty Chairs.

In the event a Standing Committee of the Faculty chair must be replaced, the voting members of the affected committee shall promptly elect an interim committee chair from the current membership of the Committee. The interim chair shall serve until the next Committee election cycle. As necessary and in accordance with Section 4.8 of this Article, upon election of a replacement chair, the Standing Committee of the Faculty shall select an Immediate Replacement Member to fulfill the vacancy (if any) resulting from the replacement of the chair.

4.13.  Reporting.

At the May Faculty Assembly meeting, each Standing Committee of the Faculty chair shall submit an annual report of the Committee’s activities to the Faculty Assembly and the Dean’s office to advise all stakeholders on the business, recommendations, and decisions of the respective Committees. In order for a Standing Committee of the Faculty report to become an official report of the Committee, it must be adopted by a majority vote of the members of the Committee.

4.14. Conflicts.

It shall be the responsibility of Standing Committee of the Faculty chairs to monitor actual and potential conflicts of interest. Committee members shall be responsible for identifying and reporting any such conflicts to the chair. Committee members are expected to recuse themselves from participating in any deliberations, or voting on any matters, that could be influenced by a conflict of interest as defined by the BSOM and Wright State University Conflict of Interest Policies. If a potential conflict arises and a member fails to recuse themselves from participating with respect to either the deliberations or voting on such conflicted matter, the Committee shall enter into executive session in which the Committee member with the conflict shall be ineligible to participate or attend. In such executive session, the remaining Committee members who are not conflicted shall decide by majority vote whether the potentially conflicted member should be entitled to participate in the relevant matter.

Approved by the BSOM Faculty Assembly on December 19, 2024

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