Bylaws Article II The Faculty of Medicine

Bylaws of the Faculty of Medicine, Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine

2.1. Name.

The name of this body shall be the Faculty of Medicine of Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine (hereinafter, the “Faculty of Medicine”).

2.2. Composition.

The Faculty of Medicine shall be comprised of all individuals who hold a current and active appointment as a faculty member with BSOM. These include:

  1. Full Time Faculty Members. Full Time Faculty Members are all persons appointed to the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, instructor, or professor emeritus and who have an active appointment in a department of BSOM. Categories of full time faculty membership are defined in current BSOM faculty policies.
  2. Part Time Faculty Members. Part Time Faculty Members are all persons appointed with the prefix adjunct. Categories of part time faculty membership are defined in current BSOM faculty policies.
  3. Community Faculty Members. Community Faculty Members are all other voluntary persons who have been duly appointed to the Faculty of Medicine. Categories of community faculty membership are defined in current BSOM faculty policies.

2.2.1. GME Faculty Members.

Graduate Medical Education (GME) Faculty Members are trainees in BSOM residencies and fellowships. These persons will be eligible for appointments for the length of their training. Categories of GME faculty membership are defined in current BSOM faculty policies. These persons are not considered as members of the Faculty of Medicine.

2.3 General.

In accordance with these BSOM bylaws, faculty shall be appointed by the Dean of the School of Medicine based on the advisement and recommendations of the Appointment, Promotion, and Advancement Committee. All full time Wright State University-employed faculty appointments are subject to approval by the Board. Applicable appointment criteria and policies are detailed in applicable policies and procedures.

2.4. Appointment Process.

The process for new and continuing appointments for faculty members is detailed in applicable policies and procedures.

2.5. Responsibilities.

All faculty serve at the pleasure of the Dean and will participate in the shared governance and orderly implementation of the medical education program as follows:

  1. Academic Affairs. The Faculty of Medicine shall conduct and supervise instruction in the science and art of medicine. To satisfy this obligation, both to the individual student and to the people of the state of Ohio, it shall be the responsibility and the prerogative of the Faculty of Medicine to:
    1. Establish, evaluate and regulate the curriculum and the standards of acceptable academic performance within BSOM;
    2. Establish standards for admission of students to BSOM;
    3. Establish standards for student promotion and approve candidates from BSOM for certification of graduation by the Board of Trustees of Wright State University;
    4. Prescribe measures to be taken in cases of academic deficiencies and/or failure; and
    5. Consider and recommend upon all general policies bearing upon the quality of instruction in BSOM.
  2. Faculty Affairs. The Faculty of Medicine shall encourage, support, and engage in teaching, committee service, research, and other scholarly endeavors, including but not limited to grants procurement, publishing, updating content and pedagogies, life-long learning, and presenting at regional, national, and international meetings.
  3. Administrative Affairs. The Faculty of Medicine shall maintain an active interest in the process and future of BSOM. Therefore, within the directives and limitations set by the Board of Trustees of Wright State University (or the University administration, as applicable), the Faculty of Medicine shall:
    1. Advise the Dean regarding appropriate academic affairs of BSOM;
    2. Perform those tasks supportive of teaching and scholarship: e.g., serve upon faculty and administrative committees, attend to administrative and disciplinary duties, and promote intellectual excellence; and
    3. Participate based on the primary departmental appointment for the purposes of university-wide representation.
  4. Student Affairs. The teaching obligations, duties, and responsibilities of the Faculty of Medicine require that it shall have the authority and power to establish and maintain standards of ethical and professional conduct for students in BSOM. It shall be the responsibility of the Dean (or Dean’s designee), to enforce all rules governing student affairs and activities and to oversee admissions, student services activities, resident placement, and financial aid in accordance with applicable laws, policies and procedures.

2.6. Removal or Suspension.

Removal or suspension of a faculty member during a period of appointment shall occur in accordance with applicable policies and procedures.

2.7. Department Chairs; Appointment and Continuances.

Recommendation for the appointment of a department chair, or equivalent, shall be made by the Dean of Medicine, in consultation with the Provost. Department chair appointments shall be three (3) years in length, open to renewal.

No more than three (3) years shall elapse without review of the individual in the position of department chair. The process for the review of a department chair will comply with current BSOM policy and procedures. Such policy and procedures will be readily available for review by the faculty. Removal of a faculty member from the position of departmental chair in no way shall affect the individual's appointment or rank in the Faculty of Medicine.

2.8. Joint Appointments; Other Wright State Schools and Colleges.

Nothing in these Bylaws shall be construed as infringing upon the rank, title, or tenure status of a member holding a joint appointment in another Wright State University school or college.

Approved by the BSOM Faculty Assembly on December 19, 2024

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