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Charge and Responsibilities
The Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Committee is charged to monitor compliance with the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) accreditation standards and elements. In an ongoing effort to improve the MD program and the learning environment, the CQI Committee will also ascertain both long- and short-term goals, implement a systematic process to collect and review data, and disseminate outcomes to appropriate leadership and administration, including, but not limited to the Faculty Curriculum Committee (FCC), the Admissions Committee, the Executive Committee, various associate deans, and department chairpersons. The CQI Committee will also collaborate with leadership and administration to identify action plans to achieve goals, as evidenced by measurable outcomes.
Category | Name(s) | Term ends June 30 |
Associate Dean for Accreditation & Quality Improvement | Amber Todd, Ph.D. | - |
Dean of Medicine | Gregory Toussaint, M.D. | - |
WSU Vice Provost for Assessment and Chief Accreditation Officer | Bruce Mackh, Ph.D. | - |
Chief Administrative Officer | Kimberly Rex, M.H.A. | - |
Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | Erica Taylor, M.D. | - |
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development | Katherine Hertlein, Ph.D. | - |
Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education | Randy Woods, M.D. | - |
Associate Dean for Medical Education | Laurie Bankston, M.D. (interim) | - |
Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions | Miri Lader, M.D. | - |
Two department chairs, one each from an academic (foundational science) and clinical department, appointed by Dean |
2025 |
Chair of the Faculty Curriculum Committee | Eric Bennett, Ph.D. | 2025 |
Senior Director of Quality Innovation & Compliance Officer | Kelly Rabah, Ed.D., FACHE | - |
Two student representatives, appointed by the Dean |
2025 |
- Voting. All members of the CQI Committee shall be voting members.
- Quorum. A quorum shall be at least 50% of voting membership present. A quorum is required for all decisions requiring a vote of the committee.
- Term. Those with administrative appointments shall serve until their administrative role expires. Appointed chairs shall serve a two-year, renewable term; students shall serve a one-year, renewable term.
- Chair. The CQI Committee shall be chaired by the Associate Dean for Accreditation & Quality Improvement.
- Reporting. The CQI Committee reports to the Executive Committee and functions in an advisory and collaborative role with leadership and administration. While the CQI Committee makes recommendations to various committees, those committees have the final authority and responsibility for enacting the obligations of that committee and the CQI Committee will not infringe upon the autonomy and authority of other committees, including, but not limited to the FCC, Admissions Committee, and Executive Committee. The CQI Committee provides an annual report to the Executive Committee advising all stakeholders on the business, recommendations, and decisions of the committee. In order for the report to become an official report of the committee, it must be adopted by a majority vote of the members of the committee.
The CQI Committee shall meet at least four times per year. Additional meetings may be called by the chair as necessary to fulfill the charge and responsibilities of the committee.