Faculty Bylaws Committee

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Charge and Responsibilities

The Faculty Bylaws Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and recommending to the Faculty of Medicine revisions and updates on all matters directly pertinent to these Faculty Bylaws of the Boonshoft School of Medicine. This responsibility includes, but is not limited to, recommendation and review of needed modifications or amendments as deemed necessary for the proper internal governance of the Faculty of Medicine. Furthermore, in accordance with Article VII, it shall be the responsibility of the Faculty Bylaws Committee to comprehensively review these Bylaws in their entirety at least once every three (3) years and provide recommendations to the Faculty Assembly regarding any proposed revisions or updates.


The Faculty Bylaws Committee shall be composed of eight (8) members of the Faculty of Medicine elected by the Faculty Assembly, with a maximum of one member per department. A representative from the WSU Office of General Counsel and the Dean, or their designee, shall serve as ex officio members.



Term ends June 30

8 members of the faculty of medicine (maximum of one per department)
  1. Dean Bricker, M.D. (Internal Medicine)
  2. Tim Crawford, Ph.D. (PPHS) (committee chair)
  3. John Donnelly, M.D. (Family Medicine)
  4. Michael Johnson, M.D. (Orthopaedics)
  5. Lindsay Benedik, Pharm.D. (Medical Education)
  6. Khalid Elased, Pharm.D., Ph.D. (Pharm/Tox)
  7. Kwang-Jin Cho, Ph.D. (BMB)
  8. Matthew Dawson, M.D. (Pediatrics)**
  1. 2025
  2. 2025
  3. 2026
  4. 2026
  5. 2027
  6. 2027
  7. 2028
  8. 2028
Representative from WSU Office of General Counsel* Sean Culley, J.D. -
Dean (or their designee)* Gregory Toussaint, M.D. -

*non-voting member

**replacement member


  • Voting. All members of the Bylaws Committee shall be eligible to vote except for the representative from the WSU Office of General Counsel and the Dean, or their designee.
  • Quorum. A quorum shall be at least 50% of voting membership present, with the majority of the quorum being members of the Faculty of Medicine. A quorum is required for all decisions requiring a vote of the committee.
  • Term. Faculty of Medicine members shall serve a term of four (4) years and may serve up to one (1) term. After a one-year hiatus, members of the Faculty of Medicine are eligible for re-election. Membership will be staggered so that no more than one-fourth of the members will be replaced each year.
  • Chair. The Faculty Bylaws Committee will elect a Chair from the Faculty of Medicine serving on the Committee by a majority vote of the voting members. The Chair of the Faculty Bylaws Committee will serve a one (1) year, annually renewable term. The Chair may appoint another voting member of the Faculty of Medicine as Vice Chair to lead the Faculty Bylaws Committee meetings when the Chair is unable to attend.
  • Reporting. At least 30 days prior to the annual May meeting of the Faculty Assembly, it shall be the responsibility of the Faculty Bylaws Committee to provide a report to the members of the Faculty Assembly regarding on the status of the committee’s work, findings, and recommendations, including all recommended revisions, updates, and voting resolutions to be decided upon by a vote of the Faculty Assembly.


Regular meetings of the Faculty Bylaws Committee shall be held at least twice annually at least 30 days in advance of any regular meeting of the Faculty Assembly. Additional meetings may be called by the Faculty Bylaws Committee chair. Upon the receipt of a written request to the chair of the Faculty Bylaws Committee from the President of the Faculty Assembly, the chair of the Faculty Bylaws Committee shall promptly convene a special meeting to address any such special matters identified to the chair by the President of the Faculty Assembly.

Reports to Faculty