Student Promotion Committee

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Charge and Responsibilities

The SPC is responsible for reviewing and determining the academic standing of all enrolled BSOM MD program students, including promotion and graduation. The SPC will also address reported deficits in academic performance and allegations of student breaches in professional behavior in accordance with the Student Honor Code and BSOM and University Policies and procedures. The SPC will review all matters related to or involving academic difficulty or allegations of misconduct and will ensure the due process rights of all individuals in question. The SPC will make recommendations to the appropriate leadership for action and improvement.

The SPC refers students to either the Associate Dean for Medical Education for academic difficulty or the Associate Dean for Student Affairs & Admissions for professionalism or behavioral concerns, who in turn shall recommend to the SPC a course of action for students who do not meet expectations in any aspect of the curriculum, including allegations of student breaches in professional behavior. The SPC shall vote to adopt, modify, or otherwise implement any such recommended actions. Students have an opportunity to appeal decisions of the SPC, in accordance with applicable policies.

The SPC shall conduct all deliberations in accordance with BSOM and University policies and procedures regarding academic promotion, advancement, and graduation, and, as applicable, codes of conduct governing student performance, professionalism, and behavior.


The SPC shall be composed of twelve (12 members), the majority of which shall be members of the Faculty of Medicine.



Term ends June 30

9 members of the Faculty of Medicine, elected by the faculty assembly (maximum of one member per department)
  1. Lindsay Benedik, Pharm.D. (Medical Education)
  2. Tim Crawford, Ph.D. M.P.H. (PPHS) (committee chair)
  3. Kelly Liker, M.D. (Pediatrics)
  4. Nicole Turkson, M.D., M.P.H. (Family Medicine)
  5. Simranjit Gill (Emergency Medicine)
  6. Hongmei Ren (BMB)
  7. Ravi Sahu (Pharm/Tox)
  8. Mbaga Walusimbi (Surgery)
  9. Dawn Wooley (NCBP)
  1. 2025
  2. 2025
  3. 2025
  4. 2025
  5. 2026
  6. 2026
  7. 2026
  8. 2026
  9. 2026
Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions (or their designee)* Miri Lader, M.D. -
Associate Dean for Medical Education (or their designee)* Laurie Bankston, M.D. -

Representative from the WSU Office of General Counsel*

Sean Culley, J.D. -

* non-voting member


  • Voting. All members of the Faculty of Medicine elected to the SPC shall be voting members of the SPC. The Associate Dean for Student Affairs & Admissions and the Associate Dean for Medical Education, or their respective designees, and the representative from WSU Office of General Counsel shall be non-voting members.
  • Quorum. A quorum shall be at least 50% of voting membership present, with the majority of the quorum being members of the Faculty of Medicine. A quorum is required for all decisions requiring a vote of the committee.
  • Term. Faculty of Medicine members shall serve a term of two (2) years and may serve up to two (2) consecutive terms. After a one-year hiatus, members of the Faculty of Medicine are eligible for re-election to the SPC.
  • Chair. The SPC will elect a chair from the Faculty of Medicine members serving on the Committee by a majority vote of the voting members. The Chair of the SPC will serve a one (1) year, annually renewable term. The Chair may appoint another voting faculty member of the Faculty of Medicine as Vice Chair to lead the SPC meetings when the Chair is unable to attend.
  • Recusal. A member of the Faculty of Medicine teaching in one or more modules/clerkships/electives may serve on the SPC but must recuse themselves from any recommendations and votes regarding any student(s) for which the vote is directly related to one or more modules/clerkships/electives for which they have instructed, supervised, or evaluated the student directly. Additionally, a member of SPC who has provided health services, including psychiatric/psychological counseling, to a medical student must recuse themselves from any recommendations and votes regarding that student.


Meetings will be convened by the chair at least quarterly, or may be called to hold a special meeting at the request of the chair, the Dean, or Associate Dean for Student Affairs & Admissions.

Reports to Faculty