Faculty Curriculum Committee

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Charge and Responsibilities

The FCC has primary responsibility for the oversight and management of the Boonshoft School of Medicine MD program curriculum. The FCC is responsible for the design, implementation, management, assessment, and enhancement of the MD program curriculum to ensure it meets the mission, vision, and values of BSOM, and the program complies with all applicable accreditation standards. The FCC is responsible for the review of all subcommittee reports and recommendations, policies, and adherence to accreditation standards. Any FCC decisions that significantly impact the BSOM budget or are not consistent with compliance or accreditation standards require collaboration with the Dean as further described below.

The FCC has the responsibility and authority for the following areas:

  • Establishment of the course schedule (e.g., duration and sequencing) within BSOM and academic calendar and financial aid terms;
  • Establishment of the technical standards for student admission and retention for BSOM;
  • Establishment of requirements for advancement, promotion and awarding of the MD degree, including but not limited to licensure exams, internal assessments, and professionalism;
  • Establishment and approval of program-level competencies and objectives;
  • Evaluation and approval of course and clerkship objectives;
  • Evaluation and approval of course syllabi;
  • Sequencing of curricular content;
  • Curriculum mapping;
  • Integration of courses, clerkships, the phases of the curriculum, and the curriculum as a whole;
  • Review of all courses, clerkships, phases, and the overall curriculum in meeting program competencies and objectives
  • Establishment of educational policies for BSOM; and
  • Monitoring of implementation and outcomes of quality improvement measures for the educational program.


The FCC shall be composed of twenty-two (22) members, the majority of which shall be members of the Faculty of Medicine.



Term ends June 30

4 members of the faculty of medicine elected from basic science departments

  1. Michael Schmidt, Ph.D.
  2. Lucile Wrenshall, M.D., Ph.D.
  3. Amanda Bell, M.D.
  4. Eric Bennett, Ph.D. (chair)
  1. 2025
  2. 2025
  3. 2026
  4. 2026

4 members of the faculty of medicine elected from clinical science departments

  1. Titus Chu, M.D.
  2. Jennifer Lee, D.O.
  3. Alison Bales, M.D.
  4. Zachary Madson, D.O.
  1. 2025
  2. 2025
  3. 2026
  4. 2026

1 student representative participating in the Foundations Phase

Aurelia Incristi


1 student representative participating in the Doctoring Phase

Kyle Hua


1 student representative participating in a dual-degree program

Kristen Waters


Medical Education librarian

Joanna Anderson, M.L.I.S.


IT representative

Michael Stankas, B.S.C.E.


Research representative

Jeannette Manger, Ph.D.


Associate Dean for Medical Education*

Laurie Bankston, M.D.


Chair of the Foundations subcommittee*

Michael Schmidt, Ph.D.


Chair of the Doctoring subcommittee*

Yee Wong, M.D.


Chair of the Assessment & Evaluation subcommittee*


Associate Dean for Accreditation & Quality Improvement*

Amber Todd, Ph.D.


Curriculum Manager*

Brianna Pennington, M.S.


Director of Student Services*

Chanel Winston, M.A.


WSU representative from the Office of the Provost*

Bruce Mackh, Ph.D.


*non-voting member


  • Voting. All members of the Faculty Curriculum Committee shall be voting members of the committee, except for the Associate Dean for Medical Education (or designee), chairs of the FCC subcommittees, Associate Dean for Accreditation and Quality Improvement, curriculum manager, director of student services, WSU representative from the Office of the Provost, and IT representative who shall be non-voting members.
  • Quorum. A quorum shall be at least 50% of voting membership present, with the majority of the quorum being members of the Faculty of Medicine. A quorum is required for all decisions requiring a vote of the committee.
  • Term. Students shall serve a single term of one (1) year. Faculty of Medicine shall serve a term of two (2) years. Faculty of Medicine members may serve up to a total of two consecutive terms. After a one-year hiatus, members of the Faculty of Medicine are eligible for re-election to the FCC. Membership terms will be staggered so that no more than one-half of the non-student members will be replaced each year.
  • Chair. The FCC will elect a Chair from the Faculty of Medicine members serving on the Committee by a majority vote of the voting members. The Chair of the FCC will serve a one (1) year, annually renewable term. The Chair may appoint another voting member of the Faculty of Medicine as Vice Chair to lead the FCC meetings when the Chair is unable to attend.
  • Curriculum Changes and Approval. Changes to module or clerkship level objectives, program objectives and competencies, or major shifts in pedagogy require approval of the FCC. All subcommittee and course and clerkship recommendations must be reviewed and approved by the FCC.
  • Administrative Requirements. The Dean may decline FCC actions only if such recommendations or changes:
    • Are not consistent with accreditation standards;
    • Would have a materially adverse effect on the BSOM budget; or
    • ​​​​​​Are inconsistent with applicable laws, regulations, University policies, or Board of Trustee resolutions.

      If the Dean declines an FCC-approved change, the Dean shall notify the FCC chair in writing of the basis for declining the change. The Dean may suggest revisions to render a change to the curriculum appropriate and may request the FCC revise its recommendations.


The FCC will meet at least four times per year. Additional meetings may be called by the FCC chair as necessary to fulfill the charge and responsibilities of the committee.


Foundations Subcommittee

The Foundations Subcommittee is responsible for reviewing and providing recommendations to the FCC regarding all aspects of the Foundations phase of the curriculum for the Boonshoft School of Medicine.

  • Membership. The Foundations Subcommittee shall be composed of:
    • Module directors of Foundations phase modules;
    • One (1) student academic representative for each class in the Foundations phase; and
    • The Vice Chair of Foundations, Associate Dean for Medical Education, and director of students services, all of whom shall serve as ex officio members.
  • Voting. There shall be one vote per module (i.e., for modules with more than one director, such modules shall have one vote), and one vote per Foundations student class. The Vice Chair of Foundations, Associate Dean for Medical Education, and director of student services shall be non-voting members.
  • Quorum. A quorum shall be at least 50% of voting membership present, with the majority of the quorum being Faculty of Medicine members. A quorum is required for all decisions requiring a vote of the Subcommittee.
  • Term. Students and Faculty of Medicine members shall serve until their role as module director or academic representative expires; Administration representatives likewise shall serve until their role expires.
  • Chair. The Foundations Subcommittee will elect a Chair from the module directors serving on the Subcommittee by a majority vote of the voting members. The Chair of the Foundations Subcommittee will serve a one (1) year, annually renewable term. The Chair may appoint another voting Faculty of Medicine member as Vice Chair to lead the Foundations Subcommittee meetings when the Chair is unable to attend.
  • Meetings. The Foundations Subcommittee will meet at least four times per year. Additional meetings may be called by the Foundations Subcommittee chair as necessary to fulfill the charge and responsibilities of the committee.

Doctoring Subcommittee

The Doctoring Subcommittee is responsible for reviewing and providing recommendations to the FCC regarding all aspects of the Doctoring phase of the curriculum for the Boonshoft School of Medicine.

  • Membership. The Doctoring Subcommittee shall be composed of:
    • Clerkship/module directors and assistant/associate directors of Doctoring phase clerkships/modules;
    • One (1) student academic representative for each class in the Doctoring phase; and
    • The Vice Chair of Doctoring, Associate Dean for Medical Education, and director of student services, all of whom shall serve as ex officio members.
  • Voting. There shall be one vote per clerkship/module and one vote per Doctoring student class. The Vice Chair of Doctoring, Associate Dean for Medical Education, and director of student services shall be non-voting members.
  • Quorum. A quorum shall be at least 50% of voting membership present, with the majority of the quorum being Faculty of Medicine members. A quorum is required for all decisions requiring a vote of the Subcommittee.
  • Term. Students and Faculty of Medicine members shall serve until their role as clerkship/module director, assistant/associate director, or academic representative expires; Administration representatives shall likewise serve until their role expires.
  • Chair. The Doctoring Subcommittee will elect a Chair from the clerkship/module directors serving on the Subcommittee by a majority vote of the voting members. The Chair of the Doctoring Subcommittee will serve a one (1) year, annually renewable term. The Chair may appoint another voting member of the Faculty of Medicine as Vice Chair to lead the Doctoring Subcommittee meetings when the Chair is unable to attend.
  • Meetings. The Doctoring Subcommittee will meet at least four times per year. Additional meetings may be called by the Doctoring Subcommittee chair as necessary to fulfill the charge and responsibilities of the committee.

Assessment and Evaluation Subcommittee

The A&E Subcommittee is responsible for reviewing and recommending to the FCC effective assessment and evaluation practices, protocols, methods, and tools to ensure the fair, accurate, and effective assessment of student knowledge, skills, and progression throughout each phase of the curriculum of the Boonshoft School of Medicine.

  • Membership. The A&E Subcommittee shall be composed of:
    • Three (3) Foundations faculty module directors;
    • Three (3) Doctoring faculty clerkship or assistant/associate clerkship directors;
    • One (1) student from the Foundations phase;
    • One (1) student from the Doctoring phase; and
    • Director of Assessment & Evaluation, the Assessment & Evaluation coordinator, and Director of Research Statistics, all of whom shall serve as ex officio members.
  • Voting. All members of the A&E Subcommittee shall be voting members of the committee, except for the Assessment & Evaluation coordinator who shall be non-voting.
  • Quorum. A quorum shall be at least 50% of voting membership present, with the majority of the quorum being Faculty of Medicine members. A quorum is required for all decisions requiring a vote of the Subcommittee.
  • Term. Students shall serve a single term of one (1) year. Faculty of Medicine members shall serve a term of two (2) years. Faculty members may serve up to a total of two consecutive terms. After a one-year hiatus, members of the Faculty of Medicine are eligible for re-election to the A&E Subcommittee. Membership terms will be staggered so that no more than one-half of the non-student members will be replaced each year.
  • Chair. The A&E Subcommittee will elect a Chair from the Faculty of Medicine serving on the Subcommittee by a majority vote of the voting members. The Chair of the A&E Subcommittee will serve a one (1) year, annually renewable term. The Chair may appoint another voting member of the Faculty of Medicine as Vice Chair to lead the A&E Subcommittee meetings when the Chair is unable to attend.
  • Meetings. The A&E Subcommittee will meet at least four times per year. Additional meetings may be called by the A&E Subcommittee chair as necessary to fulfill the charge and responsibilities of the committee.