Faculty Appointment and Promotion Processes

The Office of Faculty and Professional Development is highly committed to help our faculty throughout the appointment and promotion process. Read below to learn more!

Faculty Types

Full Time Faculty: Full Time Faculty Members are all persons appointed to the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, instructor, or professor emeritus and who have an active appointment in a department of BSOM. Categories of full time faculty membership are defined in current BSOM faculty policies.

Part Time Faculty: Part Time Faculty Members are all persons appointed with the prefix adjunct. Categories of part time faculty membership are defined in current BSOM faculty policies.

Community Faculty: Community Faculty Members are all other voluntary persons who have been duly appointed to the Faculty of Medicine. Categories of community faculty membership are defined in current BSOM faculty policies.

Why Obtain a Faculty Appointment?

There are many benefits to obtaining a faculty appointment at BSOM! They include: 

  • A Wright State University email address
  • Committee membership
  • Voting rights
  • Access to university library
  • Opportunities for promotion
  • Access to Watermark
  • Access to software licenses such as Adobe, datasets (SPSS, etc.)
  • Announcements for upcoming CME and other educational programs
  • Included in news and announcements
  • Opportunity to work with medical students and residents
  • Actively contributing to the mission of BSOM through committee work, being a research mentor, and teaching
  • Access to the finest network of health care leaders in the region

How Do I Obtain a Faculty Appointment?

Contact the Department! Talk to the chair. Send them your CV! See if there are opportunities. If the Chair says "yes", let our office know through an email at: som_fca@wright.edu. We will send you a form from IT to get you a W# and Wright State email address. Once you have a Wright State email address, we will send you the application via Watermark Faculty Success to your Wright State email address. Complete your application and it will get routed through the approval process. Check your email for updates on your appointment and to receive your final approval letter. Welcome to BSOM!

Promotion Processes for Those Paid by Partner Institution

See criteria in Policy 211.  The first step is to talk to the Chair. Would the Chair support promotion? If so, let our office know and we will send you a link in your Wright State email to start your application. This link will request information such as CV and relevant scholarship, information about teaching effectiveness, and other relevant information to be uploaded to Watermark. Your application will be routed to the Chair and the BSOM Appointment, Promotion, and Advancement Committee through Watermark for consideration. Members of Appointment, Promotion, and Advancement Committee will review the documents and typically vote on the disposition at their next regularly scheduled meeting (monthly). Our office will record the disposition of the committee and let you know the decision through your Watermark account. Lastly, celebrate your promotion!

Promotion Processes for Those Paid by WSU

See criteria in Policy 210

Promotion Timeline for 2024-2025 cycle

The provost's office sets the submission dates at the university level. Our office works within these deadlines to establish a timeline for faculty to prepare their promotion files.

Due Date


March 11, 2024 (Mon)

Deadline for candidate to initiate promotion and tenure process via a written request to the Department Chair, with a copy to the Department Promotion & Tenure Committee, and to submit suggested names of external reviewers to the chair of the Department Promotion & Tenure Committee
April 8, 2024 (Mon) Deadline for candidate to submit materials to be sent to the outside reviewers
August 14, 2024 (Mon) Deadline for Department Promotion & Tenure Committee to send out request letters soliciting external review
September 3, 2024 (Tue) Deadline for candidate to submit to the Department Chair the complete Promotion & Tenure document and all materials described in Terms and Conditions
October 11, 2024 (Fri) Deadline for Department Promotion & Tenure Committee and Department Chair to complete review of promotion and tenure document for all candidates, for the Department Promotion & Tenure Committee’s recommendation and the Department Chair’s letter to be added to each candidate’s file, and for the Department Chair to notify each candidate of these additions
October 30, 2024 (Wed) Deadline for candidate to submit a rebuttal 
November 12, 2024 (Tue) Deadline for Department Chair to submit promotion and tenure files to the Dean 
January 17, 2025 (Fri) Deadline for College Promotion and Tenure Committee and Dean to complete review of all promotion and tenure files, for the College Committee’s recommendation and the Dean’s letter to be added to each file, and for the Dean to notify each candidate of these additions 
January 17, 2025 (Fri)

Deadline for candidate to submit a rebuttal 

February 7, 2025 (Fri) Deadline for Dean to submit promotion and tenure files to the Provost 
February 7, 2025 (Fri) Meeting of the University Promotion and Tenure Committee
February 24, 2025 (Mon) Deadline for the Provost to provide written notification to candidates of the decision and vote of the University Promotion and Tenure Committee 
March 7, 2025 (Fri) Deadline for candidate to notify the Provost and the AAUP-WSU of intent to file an appeal 

March 21, 2025 (Fri)

Deadline for candidate to submit an appeal and supporting documentation 


President presents candidates to Board of Trustees for approval


Promotion Timeline for 2025-2026 cycle

The provost's office sets the submission dates at the university level. Our office works within these deadlines to establish a timeline for faculty to prepare their promotion files.

Due Date


March 10, 2025 (Mon)

Deadline for candidate to initiate promotion and tenure process via a written request to the Department Chair, with a copy to the Department Promotion & Tenure Committee, and to submit suggested names of external reviewers to the chair of the Department Promotion & Tenure Committee
April 7, 2025 (Mon) Deadline for candidate to submit materials to be sent to the outside reviewers
August 11, 2025 (Mon) Deadline for Department Promotion & Tenure Committee to send out request letters soliciting external review
September 2, 2025 (Tue) Deadline for candidate to submit to the Department Chair the complete Promotion & Tenure document and all materials described in Terms and Conditions
October 10, 2025 (Fri) Deadline for Department Promotion & Tenure Committee and Department Chair to complete review of promotion and tenure document for all candidates, for the Department Promotion & Tenure Committee’s recommendation and the Department Chair’s letter to be added to each candidate’s file, and for the Department Chair to notify each candidate of these additions
October 29, 2025 (Wed) Deadline for candidate to submit a rebuttal 
November 11, 2025 (Tue) Deadline for Department Chair to submit promotion and tenure files to the Dean 
January 16, 2026 (Fri) Deadline for College Promotion and Tenure Committee and Dean to complete review of all promotion and tenure files, for the College Committee’s recommendation and the Dean’s letter to be added to each file, and for the Dean to notify each candidate of these additions 
February 2, 2026 (Fri)

Deadline for candidate to submit a rebuttal 

February 6, 2026 (Fri) Deadline for Dean to submit promotion and tenure files to the Provost 
February 17, 2026 (Fri) Meeting of the University Promotion and Tenure Committee
February 23, 2026 (Mon) Deadline for the Provost to provide written notification to candidates of the decision and vote of the University Promotion and Tenure Committee 
March 6, 2026 (Fri) Deadline for candidate to notify the Provost and the AAUP-WSU of intent to file an appeal 

March 20, 2026 (Fri)

Deadline for candidate to submit an appeal and supporting documentation 


President presents candidates to Board of Trustees for approval

Promotion Materials Preparation

Need help putting together a promotion document? Then you're in the right location for models and forms of required items for the document. If you don't see what you need, please contact the Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development at som_fca@wright.edu. PLEASE NOTE that we expect the candidate to MAKE THE CASE for promotion. The committees who review want you to tell them why you have earned the promotion. This is your time to tell them about the merit of your work! Be sure to include all relevant documents (teaching evaluations, letters from external reviewers, narratives, copies of scholarship) prior to submitting your package.

We recently held a Promotion Workshop to prepare our faculty for the 2025-2026 cycle! Please reach out to our office at som_fca@wright.edu to obtain the slides and recording of the event. 

Helpful Forms

Using Watermark 

Steps to access Watermark for appointment and promotion

To use Watermark, log onto Watermark Faculty Success, and select "Workflow" in the black banner bar. Select the hyperlinked title to access the relevant submission (i.e., BSOM Promotion, etc.) in the "Inbox" and you are on your way.  For specific instruction on using Watermark, please contact our team. For annual promotion, you may also request a training  here:  Register for Tenure and/or Promotion Candidates—System Overview

For any further questions, contact the Faculty Affairs team:

Email our office at: som_fca@wright.edu

Katherine Hertlein, Ph.D. 
Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs and Professional Development 

Theresa Cory
Coordinator, Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development 