Faculty and Clinical Affairs


Article II. Functions

Bylaws of the Faculty of Medicine
Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine

Section 1. Academic Affairs

The Faculty of Medicine shall conduct and supervise instruction in the science and art of medicine. To satisfy this obligation, both to the individual student and to the people of the state of Ohio, it shall be the responsibility and the prerogative of the Faculty of Medicine, within the limitations set by the rules and regulations of the Board of Trustees of Wright State University to:

  1. Establish, evaluate and regulate the curriculum and the standards of acceptable academic performance within the School of Medicine;
  2. Establish standards for admission of students to the School of Medicine;
  3. Establish standards for student promotion and approve candidates from the School of Medicine for certification of graduation by the Board of Trustees of Wright State University;
  4. Prescribe measures to be taken in cases of academic deficiencies and/or failure;
  5. Consider and recommend upon all general policies bearing upon the quality of instruction in the School of Medicine.

Section 2. Faculty Affairs

The Faculty of Medicine shall encourage, support and engage in teaching, research and other scholarly endeavors, including but not limited to grants procurement, publishing, updating content and pedagogies, life-long learning, and presenting at regional, national, and international meetings. Faculty are also expected to serve on committees necessary to the mission and governance of the School of Medicine and Wright State University.

Section 3. Administrative Affairs

The Faculty of Medicine shall maintain an active interest in the process and future of the School of Medicine. Therefore, within the rules and regulations of the Board of Trustees of Wright State University, the Faculty of Medicine shall:

  1. Be consulted upon general administrative affairs of the School of Medicine;
  2. Perform those tasks supportive of teaching and scholarship: e.g. serve upon faculty and administrative committees, attend to administrative and disciplinary duties, and promote intellectual excellence;
  3. Be organized into administrative discipline-oriented units designated as departments. The responsible administrative officer for each department shall be designated as chair.

The primary departmental appointment of the individual faculty member will be used to determine the constituency for purposes of university-wide representation.

Section 4. Student Affairs

The teaching obligations, duties, and responsibilities of the Faculty of Medicine require that it shall have the authority and power to establish and maintain standards of ethical and professional conduct for students in the School of Medicine. It shall be the responsibility of the dean, or delegated agent or agents, to enforce all rules governing student affairs and activities and to oversee admissions, student services, activities, resident placement, and financial aid.


Last edited on 10/06/2015.