Faculty and Clinical Affairs


Article III. Membership

Bylaws of the Faculty of Medicine
Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine

Section 1. Fully Affiliated Members

  1. All persons appointed to the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor and who have accepted such a position in a department of the School of Medicine, shall be fully affiliated members of the Faculty of Medicine; provided that the provisions of Section 4 of this article shall have been complied with.
  2. Categories of fully affiliated faculty membership are defined in current School of Medicine policies.
  3. Participants in School of Medicine residencies and postdoctoral programs will be eligible for appointments for the length of training.

Section 2. Partially Affiliated Members

All other persons who have been duly appointed to the Faculty of Medicine shall be partially affiliated members of the Faculty of Medicine, subject to continuance as provided in Section 4 of this article.

Section 3. Right of Members

Each member shall be entitled to participate in the deliberations of the Faculty of Medicine, vote upon all business brought before the Faculty of Medicine, and sit upon committees of the Faculty of Medicine. Members in residencies, postdoctoral programs, and research faculty are excluded from participation and vote.

Section 4. Academic Freedom, Tenure and Due Process

The Faculty of Medicine, insofar as is possible, supports and is guided by the intent of the 1940 Statement of Principles of Academic Freedom and Academic Tenure, Revised as published by The American Association of University Professors.

The Faculty of Medicine, in recognition of its unique diversity of composition, responsibilities, geographic distribution and standards within Wright State University, defines its criteria for membership (Article III, Sections 1 and 2) and its concept of continuance (A below).

These Bylaws supersede contracts with the University for employed faculty.

  1. New Appointments, Continuance, and Promotions

    New faculty appointments, continuances, and promotions will be administered by the Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs in accordance with the appropriate School of Medicine procedures.
  2. Removal or Suspension

    Removal or suspension of a faculty member during a period of appointment shall occur in the sole determination of the Dean in consultation with the direct supervisor of the faculty member because of (a) demonstrated incompetence or dishonesty in teaching or scholarship, or (b) substantial and manifest neglect of duty, or (c) personal conduct which substantially impairs the individual's fulfillment of the individual's institutional responsibilities, (d) malicious conduct which directly obstructs the performance of instructional or scholarly program authorized or permitted by the university, (e) violation of the faculty member’s employment contract, or (f) documented violation of Boonshoft School of Medicine policies.

  3. Appeal Mechanism

    Fully affiliated faculty employed by the university may initiate an appeal as defined in the appropriate current School of Medicine procedure.
  4. Departmental Chair Appointment and Continuances
    1. Recommendation for the appointment of a departmental chair, or equivalent, ordinarily shall be made by the Dean of Medicine upon advice of a special committee convened for this purpose.
    2. No more than five years shall elapse without review of the individual in the position of departmental chair. The process for the review of a departmental chair will be in compliance with current School of Medicine policy and procedures. Such policy and procedures will be readily available for review by the faculty. Removal of a faculty member from the position of departmental chair in no way shall affect the individual's appointment or rank in the Faculty of Medicine.
    3. The evaluation for continued appointment of the departmental chair as a member of the Faculty of Medicine shall be initiated by the Dean of Medicine in the manner prescribed in Article III, Section 4.A.
  5. Joint Appointments

Nothing in these Bylaws shall be construed as infringing upon the rank, title, or tenure status of a member holding a joint appointment in another school or college.

Last edited on 05/21/2018.