Article V. Committees of the Faculty
Bylaws of the Faculty of Medicine
Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine
Section 1. General
- The Faculty of Medicine shall be governed by a representative form of government.
- Unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws, the term of members elected to a standing committee shall be for two years, commencing on July 1 following election. No person may be elected to more than two consecutive terms to any one standing committee.
- Unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws, the membership terms of a standing committee shall be staggered; half of the elected constituency shall be elected annually.
- No member of the faculty may serve concurrently on more than three standing committees.
- The dean of medicine or designee shall appoint all committees except those which are elected by the Faculty of Medicine or are constituted in a particular manner as described by these Bylaws.
- An official report of a committee shall be adopted by a majority vote of the committee.
- At regular intervals, each standing committee shall report to the Faculty of Medicine. Each standing committee may seek faculty advice throughout the deliberations of the committee. Minutes of standing committee meetings will be made available to any faculty member on request.
- The first meeting of a newly elected committee shall be called by the member whose last name is first in alphabetical order, except that if the previous year's chair remains on a committee, that member shall call the first meeting. The first order of business shall be the election of a chair, and each committee shall elect its chair annually, unless otherwise provided for in these Bylaws.
- Vacancy in any elected position on any standing committee must be brought to the attention of the Nominating Committee. In consultation with that committee chair, the dean will appoint a replacement to serve until the next regularly scheduled election. The elected person shall serve the unexpired term created by the original vacancy.
- The Faculty of Medicine empowers the chair of a standing committee, in consultation with other members of the committee, to recommend the removal of any member of that committee who fails to participate in the committee's activities. The dean of medicine so informed, may act on the recommendation and will inform the Nominating Committee of actions resulting in a vacancy.
- Committee chairs will be responsible for monitoring potential conflicts of interest and assuring mitigation. Committee members must report potential conflicts of interest to the committee chair. Committee members must recuse themselves if conflicts of interest as defined by the BSOM COI Policy exist that could affect objectivity of decision making.
- A Committee quorum is met with the participation of a minimum of half of a committee’s voting members.
Section 2. Executive Committee
- Committee Purpose
The Executive Committee shall:- Act in an advisory capacity to the dean of medicine.
- Review and approve recommendations of the standing committees, including all policies and policy changes.
- Act on all matters not specifically delegated to other committees.
- Recommend an interim policy until such time when the appropriate standing committee shall recommend a permanent policy.
- Recommend special meetings of the faculty as deemed advisable.
- Committee Membership
The Executive Committee is composed of the dean of medicine, those assistant and associate deans designated by the dean of medicine, each departmental chair, and two at-large elected members of the faculty. The Dean of Medicine shall be chair of the Executive Committee.
- Committee Meeting Schedule
The committee will meet regularly, at least nine times yearly.
Section 3. Nominating Committee
- Committee Purpose
The Nominating Committee annually prepares and presents a slate of candidates for standing committees. The committee receives nominations for all elected positions on standing committees. Each nomination shall be approved by the nominee, by the departmental chair, and by the dean of medicine before the Nominating Committee presents the names to the fauclty in January.
All recommended committee nominations should seek broad and balanced representation of faculty diversity in gender, race and ethnicity, academic rank, discipline (both basic sciences and clinical expertise), and years of service.
- Committee Membership
The Nominating Committee shall be composed of eight members elected by faculty.
Section 4. Student Promotion Committee
- Committee Purpose
The Student Promotion Committee shall (1) evaluate medical student performance and (2) nominate medical students for certification of graduation.- Evaluate the overall performance of each medical student at the termination of each academic year and recommend to the associate dean for student affairs, the promotion, or other appropriate action, of the student.
a. During the course of an academic year, the associate dean and the committee chair shall have major responsibility for keeping the Student Promotion Committee informed as to the performance of each class, paying particular attention to those students experiencing academic difficulty.
b. When appropriate, the committee chair may call the committee into session for formal review and/or action related to a student's academic performance.
- Nominate medical students for certification of graduation in the instance of the final grading sequence. The nominations must be ratified by the Faculty of Medicine before presentation to the president for final action by the Board of Trustees.
- Evaluate the overall performance of each medical student at the termination of each academic year and recommend to the associate dean for student affairs, the promotion, or other appropriate action, of the student.
- Committee Membership
The Student Promotion Committee shall be composed of six elected faculty members and three faculty members appointed by the Dean, representing a balance of faculty representation from basic science and clinical departments. The Committee shall also include the following non-voting members: The Associate Dean of Student Affairs (SPC administrative ex officio); The Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, The Associate Dean for Medical Education; and two students.
Recognizing that the School of Medicine desires a diverse student body and serves a total community, the committee should, include representation from this broad constituency.
- Committee Meetings
The committee shall meet upon the call of the chair at least once at the termination of each academic year. It can be called for specific business during the academic year by the dean, its chair, or by written petition to its chair by any two members of the committee. The committee shall meet no less than six times in an academic year.
Section 5. Admissions Committee
- Committee Purpose
The Admissions Committee shall select and admit medical students for the Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine. The associate dean for student affairs/admissions shall be responsible for review of admissions to ensure conformity with criteria of admissions specified by the Faculty of Medicine.
- Committee Membership
The Admissions Committee shall be composed of the associate dean for student affairs/admissions; at least four (4) members elected by the faculty; no fewer than one person representing the lay public; one student elected by the student body from the second-year class and to serve only one year; and, such other members as necessary to fulfill the mission of the school.- An elected faculty member shall serve as the Admissions Committee Chairperson.
- All non-elected members shall be appointed by the dean of medicine.
- The Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions and the Director of Admissions serve as ex-officio non-voting members.
- Term of Service
The Admissions Committee shall select and admit medical students for the Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine. The associate dean for student affairs/admissions shall be responsible for review of admissions to ensure conformity with criteria of admissions specified by the Faculty of Medicine.
The Faculty of Medicine, recognizing the amount of time utilized by members of the Admissions Committee, absolves its members from participation on all other standing committees.
Section 6. Faculty Curriculum Committee
- Committee Purpose
The Faculty Curriculum Committee shall have jurisdiction on all matters directly pertinent to the curriculum of the School of Medicine including, but not limited to, program objectives, process, implementation integration, coordination and evaluation.
- Committee Membership
- The Faculty Curriculum Committee shall be composed of:
a. Four members elected by the faculty, two of which should be from a basic science department.
b. Three department chairs elected by the Executive Committee, one of which should be a chair of a basic science department.
c. The FCC sub-committee chairs
d. One student academic representative, elected from each class with one vote per class (total of four student votes).
e. An additional student who is participating in a dual degree program.
f. The following will serve as ex-officio nonvoting members: the Associate Dean for Medical Education, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, and the Associate Dean for Accreditation and Quality Improvement. - The dean of medicine shall designate one member of the Faculty Curriculum Committee to become the chair of the committee.
- Elected positions to the Faculty Curriculum Committee shall have a term of three years, except that the student representatives shall have one-year terms. One-third of the elective positions shall be filled annually.
- Appointed positions shall have a term of one year.
- The Faculty Curriculum Committee shall be composed of:
- Quorum
A quorum at any regular or special meeting of the Faculty Curriculum Committee shall be at least nine members. The majority of the quorum must be faculty.
- Subcommittees
Ad hoc correlative or special interest subcommittees shall be created by the Faculty Curriculum Committee as the need arises. The recommendations of these ad hoc subcommittees shall be directed to the Faculty Curriculum Committee for review and action.
- Proposals for Curriculum Changes
Proposals for major changes in curriculum policy and design as defined by the Faculty Curriculum Committee must be ratified by a majority of faculty members present at a regularly scheduled faculty meeting.
Section 7. Faculty Promotion and Advancement Committee
- Committee Purpose
The Faculty Promotion and Advancement Committee shall receive and evaluate applications for faculty promotion, development leave, and faculty awards related to excellence in teaching and/or research. The recommendation and evaluations of the Faculty Promotion and Advancement Committee will be submitted to the dean of medicine for further action and/or implementation.
- Committee Membership
The Faculty Promotion and Advancement Committee shall be composed of a minimum of eight elected members and a maximum of twelve. Election to the committee will be limited to members of the faculty with the rank of associate professor or above and not limited to multiples of four. At least half of the committee membership will be at the rank of professor.
Section 8. Research Committee
- Committee Purpose
The Research Committee shall set overall policy, provide guidance, plan development, and encourage excellence of research by the faculty of the School of Medicine. The committee may appoint such subcommittees as are required or deemed appropriate; e.g. subcommittees on human research, on safety, on isotopes, on resource utilization and planning, etc.
- Committee Membership
The committee shall consist of the associate dean for research, the director of the Laboratory Animal Resources, and eight elected representatives of the faculty. The committee shall be chaired by the associate dean for research.
Section 9. Bylaws Committee
- Committee Purpose
The Bylaws Committee shall have jurisdiction on all matters directly pertinent to the Bylaws of the School of Medicine including, but not limited to, recommendation and review of needed modifications or amendments as deemed necessary for the proper internal governance of the faculty. The Bylaws Committee shall meet as needed to respond to concerns regarding the School of Medicine Bylaws. These Bylaws shall be comprehensively reviewed by the Bylaws Committee every three years.
- Committee Membership
The Bylaws Committee shall be composed of eight members elected by the faculty. Membership will be for a four-year period and staggered so that one-fourth of the membership shall be elected annually.
Section 10. Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Committee Purpose
The Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion shall provide guidance to the Dean and executive committee of BSOM to advance the strategic goals around diversity, equity and inclusion in the SOM, including recommending DEI strategy, objectives, and milestones, identifying barriers to a diverse and inclusive environment, and identifying opportunities to advance training and awareness, retention and recruitment and, outreach and pipeline programs.
- Committee membership
The committee shall be chaired by the Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. A Vice Chair may be appointed at the discretion of the chair. Committee membership will include eight faculty members, four elected and four appointed by the dean. In addition, five student members, to be appointed by the Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, will serve, representing BSOM’s diverse student body.
The following are ex-officio non-voting members: Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Development, Associate Dean for Medical Education, and Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education. Additional members of dean’s office staff may attend at the discretion of the Chair, serving as non-voting ex-officio members.