Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development

Welcome to the Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development at the Boonshoft School of Medicine at Wright State University! The primary mission of this office is to support the dedicated and talented individuals and institutions who ARE the Boonshoft School of Medicine. We do this through offering information on contemporary services, top-notch programs and high-quality publications related to our faculty and departmental staff.

Are you new to the Boonshoft School of Medicine and in need of information? Or have you been with the school and find it difficult to find what you need? Help is on the way! Check our Benefits, Useful Information and Other Tidbits for Faculty page for answers to common questions.


The Boonshoft School of Medicine's (School) governance documents describe the structure and process for managing faculty-related issues. Wright State University policies apply to the School's faculty who are employed by the university.


Bylaws of the Faculty of Medicine of Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine


For faculty appointments, promotions and other special issues related to the school faculty


For faculty appointments, promotions and continuances

Standing Committees 

Members, functions, and reports of all committees designated by the School Bylaws